NBA World Mall

Chapter 774 - Raj the soul annihilation

Chapter 20

It seems that even if Li Tuan can turn the tide, he can only save the basketball player industry from being swallowed up by other universes, and cannot help other surviving industries.

But in fact, the situation is far from that simple. If Li Unity can firmly establish his foothold in the basketball player field, then he can extend his tentacles to other fields!

Many of the super rookies in the current rookie list have adopted this method. After reaching the level of invincibility in this field, they decisively search for other industries that they are most sure of, switch to the past, continue to dominate, and plunder the title value and plane. Resources!

The emergence of such a host of newcomers will definitely give devastating blows to other universes!

Judging from the current situation, Li Tuanjie has the potential to grow into such a host of newcomers, so Alpha Universe also attaches great importance to Li Tuanjie. He has sent a veteran-level host Sun Dahei to follow him all the time and is responsible for answering Li. Some questions about unity.

Of course, with substantive help, the Alpha Universe is also helpless. They naturally want to help Li Unity and let Li Unity grow as fast as possible, but now there is no elite host in the Universe Domain, even if you want to I can’t help it at all…

However, even if Li Jiejie knows this situation, there is no disappointment in his heart. Even if others can help, how much they can help, it is impossible for others to come up with all their net worth to help you, at most come up with a boutique-level junior suit, just It is already very kind and righteous, and the premium-level junior suits, in Li Tuan’s view, are not so unattainable, at least Li Tuan is confident that in the next period of time, get the boutique junior suit!

About a week has passed since the last 3V3 matchup against Raj.

Li Tuan finally got Raji’s new application for a fight!

Originally, Li Tuan also wanted to take advantage of Rajiji to stop, and then go to get Fendi’s superior host Deborah…

From Li Tuan’s perspective, every host of the Beta universe is a huge resource!

After winning the battle of Rajin, Li Tuanjie had a 29-point title value and 23 planes, and Huang Tianlong had a 24-point title value and 15 planes. As for the newly added Zhu Ting, the title value It’s 31 points and hasn’t gained any plane!

“Come on, brothers, Raj’s application for deathmatch is coming. Hey, there are only 13 bets worth of betting. It seems that this should be Raj’s last bargain chip?” Li Tuan said happily. .

Huang Tianlong nodded, Raj has lost to them so many times, these 13 titles are definitely Raj’s last bargaining chip!

“Unity, we have to be more careful this time. I feel Raj is so crazy. There must be some barriers in his hands!” Huang Tianlong said solemnly.

Even if Huang Tianlong didn’t say it, Li Tuan naturally knew that things must not be so simple, Raj was daring so crazy, 80% of his strength was improved again, and the extent of the improvement made Raj think he could use the death fight to turn the tide. , Make up for all the previous losses!

“I’m afraid, Brother Huang, the unity boss is so powerful. The last fight, the unity boss is still deliberately releasing water. This time I am afraid that Raj will definitely come and go!” Zhu Ting said with a smile!

The thought of being about to become the plane master, Zhu Ting was also excited for a while!

Another three days later, the three of Li Tuanjie met with the three of Raj in the battlefield. What surprised Li Tuan was that the opponent’s lineup did not change at all. It was the three people who confronted them last time!

There is no change in the lineup, but Raj can be so confident, I am afraid they must have got more powerful props or sets!

Thinking of this, Li Tuan also had to look squarely. Although the three of Li Tuan will not be wiped out by the system if this game is lost, this time can be said to be the best opportunity to kill Raj directly. Li Tuan naturally does not want to miss!

The deathmatch game begins!

At the beginning, Raj brought a straight back and beat Zhu Ting, easily hitting the ball, and then looked at Li Unity together provocatively!

“Boss, his attributes have been enhanced a lot compared to the last time, at least by more than one hundred and fifty points!” Zhu Ting could not help but remind Li Unity!

Li Tuanjie nodded. Last time Raj was wearing a junior suit, and then his all attributes reached about 600 points, but now it has reached 750 points. Then there is only one explanation. 80% of the goods are shotguns. A fine junior set, and also took some pills that can enhance the attributes!

“Huh, it’s really enough to make a **** start. I don’t know what the origin of this Raj is. It can even attract the elite host of the Beta universe to spend such a big price to improve his strength!” Li Tuan also secretly stunned, a boutique The junior set is not cheap, the value is up to at least five hundred titles, and can enhance the full attribute fifty-point attribute pills, at least one hundred titles!

This means that the elite host spent more than six hundred titles on Raj’s body!

Apart from the improvement of Raj’s strength, Drummond’s strength has not changed much. At the moment, his attributes are also about 750. As for the last host on their side, they have been pulled. After Ji’s original junior suit, the attributes also reached about 700 points!

Hard to do! Li Tuan has some pain!

This death fight is definitely the most difficult battle that Li Tuan has experienced after entering the battlefield in the universe. All three opponents’ physical qualities have reached more than 700 points!

On Li Tuan’s side, although Zhu Ting’s attribute reached 600 points, his real combat power was even worse than Huang Tianlong, who had a full attribute of 550 points.

Huang Tianlong glanced at Li Unity, the meaning is obvious. In this game, Li Unity can’t release water, or it can’t be so unscrupulously drained, at least it has to show some strength!

Li Tuanjie nodded at Huang Tianlong!

Next, Li Tuan didn’t say anything, using the assist defense ability directly, helping Huang Tianlong and Zhu Ting to greatly improve their defensive strength, this is to stabilize the situation!

The cooperative defense ability is incredible and has strong growth. The stronger the defensive strength of Li Tuan itself, the stronger the effect that the cooperative defense ability can exert!

At present, Li Tuan’s three major power attributes have all exceeded 1100 points, even if there is no junior suit, Li Tuan’s attributes are more than 900 points! One can imagine how terrifying he can be to the defensive strength of two teammates!

Huang Tianlong has been able to effectively limit the host with a full attribute of 700, thanks to the powerful assist defense ability.

As for Zhu Ting, even though Raj cannot be completely restricted, Raj can no longer easily score!

As for Drummond who is against Li Unity, the strength has not been improved at all. Naturally, it is better to be protected by Li Unity than to die!

“Damn it! Impossible! You, the host of the career change, has only 600 points in the whole attribute, why can you prevent me! Impossible!” Raj was completely panicked this time, and originally thought he was coming from Drummond Containing Li Unity, you can easily beat Zhu Ting!

But now it seems that the situation is far less simple than Raj thought!

It seems that no matter how Raj improves his strength, when he feels confident that he can defeat Li Tuanjie, the result is that he can immediately pour a large pot of cold water on him!

“You! What is your strength?! Why do you always disguise!” Raj is It can’t be attacked for a long time, but Li Jiefang’s advantage is steady, which makes Raj a head for a while. dizziness!

“Hey, if you want to know, after the fall, ask your Buddha, he must know how far our strength has reached!” Huang Tianlong laughed.

“Impossible! There is no Buddha, all gods and Buddhas are our plane masters!” Raj yelled wildly!

This roar caused interest in Li Tuanjie. According to Raj’s words, it seems that there is really such a possibility. There is no God and Buddha in the world at all. All Gods and Buddhas are probably planes. The pranks made by the master!

For example, Li Tuan, if he wants to spoof now, he can completely create a miracle of the **** and Buddha manifesting in the plane under his control, a miracle that can not be explained by science at all. In this case, I am afraid that those atheists also I will firmly believe that there are gods and Buddhas in the world!

But I thought about it again. This idea is really boring. I am afraid that only those hosts who have been in the universe battlefield for countless years will think of such a pastime method when they are bored…

Other hosts have to face the threat of death every day, who has the mind to engage those moths…

Although Li Tuan did not show his full combat power in this game, it could not be regarded as a drain. The three-point predictive ability, Xeon breakthrough and strongest defense, these three skills, Li Tuan used all of them, and finally it was regarded as Killed the team formed by Raj.

“Raj, the host of the Beta universe, the title value is reduced to zero, and the soul is destroyed!”

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