NBA World Mall

Chapter 776 - 9 years host Oladipo

Chapter 22

Speaking of it, if Li Tuan doesn’t care about Huang Tianlong and Zhu Ting, then Li Tuan can rely on his own strength, at least Drummond must have no way to take Li Tuan!

But Li Tuan could not do this kind of thing. Not to mention that if Huang Tianlong and Zhu Ting fell in the future, Li Tuan would become a lonely man directly, that is, the relationship between him and Huang Tianlong, Li Tuan will never Disregard it!

Therefore, Li Tuan now had to take Huang Tianlong and two to take an adventure and go directly to the superior host of Fendi!

It is not clear how many newcomers host the entire Beta universe, but it is expected that the number will not be too large. In total, it will be a 10-year cycle. Even if the number of hosts entering the battlefield every year is as high as ten, it will not be ten years. Just a hundred!

Now, after Li Tuan entered the battlefield, it only took two months to kill the three new host of the other party, and several new host were involved in the death net!

It can be said that as long as Li Tuan and Li can breathe this time, then the newcomer host of Beta Universe will definitely usher in extremely rapid revenge!

“What?! Damn, this man is the host who killed Fendi?! He dare to take the initiative to propose a death fight? And the chip is still amazing 50 points!” Fendi’s superior host Oladipo, received Li Tuanjie After the application of the deathmatch, the whole person panicked!

This kind of host who puts on an endless posture as soon as he comes up is really too terrifying, Oladipo has an ominous hunch in his heart…

Oladipo’s strength is a lot stronger than Fendi, but he is very low-key, rarely intersects with the host circle of those newcomers. He is very clear that the network is sometimes not a good thing. He is in This cosmic domain battlefield has been alive for nine years and has never been involved in the web of death fights initiated by others!

The only source of the title value is the semi-annual forced deathmatch match. Relying on good strength and good luck, Oladipo is today!

After all, he has nine years of history, and his strength is naturally much stronger than those of Drummond, which is almost the full attribute of nearly 1,000 points!

If Li Tuan only challenged him alone, he wouldn’t have any feelings. After all, his 1000 points of all attributes are placed in the host of the newcomer, which is already a very good existence!

But the mode of death fighting proposed by Li Tuan now is 3V3, which makes him really embarrassed!

Because he rarely mixes the nets of other hosts with death fights, he is alive and safe, but he has no connections. Where can I find two other powerful teammates in these three days, even if I can find my teammates, the strength is also In general, just Fendi’s level!

“Ibaka and Brown, both of you are my good brothers, and now have a chance to make a fortune, but due to the 3V3 death fight proposed by the other party, my number is not enough, are you two willing to come?”

“Yes! Naturally! I want to thank Mr. Oladipo for having such a good thing and thinking about us!” Ibaka and Brown both thanked!

The two of them did not know at all, Oladipo actually just wanted to pull these two strong men!

If the number of people is not enough, it will not only solve the problem by abstaining, he Oladipo will directly lose the fifty-point title value! If you pull these two injustices, at least Oladipo still has the opportunity to earn fifty titles!

Just as Li Tuan knew nothing about Oladipo’s strength, Oladipo knew nothing of Li Tuanjie. Under the circumstances that both sides are blind, absolutely no one is willing to surrender without a fight!

When both men and women met at the 3V3 Deathmatch, what surprised both of them was that they both laughed!

“Haha, the other party is a host of newcomers for more than four years, a three-year host, and a host of newcomers for a few months. Such a ghost lineup is so horizontal?! It is really a food delivery!” Ola Although Di Bo can’t see the attributes of Li Tuanjie and others, he can see the soul age of Li Tuanjie and see that all three are so immature, and he can’t help laughing!

Ibaka and Brown are both hosts for five years, and now they are also laughing, and it seems that Oladipo boss said that the opportunity to make a fortune is indeed true!

“Unity, the other party has a nine-year host, and the other two are five-year-old. Haha, you have nothing to do with those nine-year-old ones. We must deal with those two five-year-old ones. The problem should not be too big. “Huang Tianlong chuckled softly in Li Tuan’s ear.

Li Tuanjie smiled, and he was in a good mood!

The situation he was most afraid of was that all three of the opponents played host for nine years. In that case, the situation would become extremely dangerous. After all, the host who survived for nine years on the battlefield would not look like it can. The soft persimmon that anyone kneads!

Now, in the opponent’s lineup, there is only a nine-year host, and the remaining two hosts are all five-year hosts, which is easy to handle!

The five-year host is still at the bottom of the newcomer’s host. Both Huang Tianlong and Zhu Ting are now people with suits. Even if the other party’s strength is slightly stronger, Li’s solidarity defense ability is enough to let them Occupy the upper hand in the counterpoint!

Under such circumstances, it is enough for Li Tuan to solve this nine-year host named Oladipo!

Both men and women grinned. Oladipo saw Li Tuanjie and others smiling so happy. He couldn’t help drumming. Are these three idiots of the other party still not checking the soul age of the other party? ! Or these three idiots have no idea what soul age means? !

If they know, why can they laugh so happy? ! Don’t they know that what will be waiting for them next is the situation where their souls are wiped out? !

Both sides did not clamor before the battle. This kind of clamor in the battlefield, unless those extremely brainless hosts would do so, is itself an endless situation. What is the point of clamoring before the battle? !

Deathmatch begins!

When Oladipo and Li Jiejie handed over their Suddenly thrilled!

“Impossible! How is it possible! This kid, who is only a few months old, has better physical fitness than me?!” Oladipo has a feeling of vomiting blood!

how is this possible? ! The host of a newcomer with a soul age of only a few months will be stronger than his nine-year host, which is simply a fantasy!

If let him know that Li Unity’s speed is not only stronger than him, but also more than three hundred points stronger, I’m afraid Oladipo will be shocked and chin off!

“Well, it must be a talent for speed attributes. Since the speed is not as good as you, then I will use my strength close to a thousand points to eat you!” Oladipo thought so.

But next, Oladipo defeated again. In front of Li’s power of more than 1,200, his more than 980 points of strength attributes are not enough to see!

Ibaka and Brown are even dumbfounded!

In their hearts, Oladipo is completely a god-like existence, close to a thousand points of all attributes, they can hang them both with only one hand…

But now the god-like Oladipo has completely lost to the host of a rookie whose soul is only a few months old? Why does this thing look so fantasy!

They originally wanted to follow Oladipo to fight the autumn wind, mix the title value, as for the harvest of plane resources or other prop sets, it is definitely not their turn!

But now it seems that playing the autumn wind? ! This seems to be the rhythm of being beaten by the wind!

The number of titles of the two of them is more than fifty points. If this game is lost, the direct soul will not be destroyed, but what about the next fight? It is impossible for the other party to leave them indifferent!

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