Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 131

[Looks like something happened in the mansion.]

Said Manus, looking at the confused zombies. Javier, next to him, was stroking his beard with satisfaction.

"Hoho, isn't this an easy win! Looks like all our efforts were for waste."


Manus, staring at Javier in silence, turned his head again. Javier connected to the meat golem's thoughts and commanded,

"Now's your chance! Push them down!"

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The meat golems led the attack with their massive bodies and crashed into the zombies like chariots.

The tight formation of zombies collapsed as if they were breaking through a soft tofu, and Manus’ skeletons following close behind finished off the fallen zombies.

"March! Mar—! Huh?"

Javier, frantically giving orders, turned his gaze toward the mansion.

Someone was walking out onto its main balcony.

He put on a skull with flames for eyes and half of his body was covered with a formless cape. He held a white greatsword in his right hand and Prince's crown in his left.

[…I see. So zombies are neutralized because of him.]

Muttered Manus, also having found him. But Javier, who was standing next to Manus, couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

"Wh-Why is that bastard here…?!"

[Do you know that person?]

Then the man on the balcony took Pier's skull off and put it somewhere on the back of his neck.

Soon, his hair was swaying in the wind. The ‘man’ had revealed his boyish face.

'He's that young?'

Javier was shocked and even felt a pang of jealousy that the man who had bested him in a single blow was such a young boy.

Who in the world was he?

Javier's eyes, frantically scanning the boy, widened again. The boy laid down his greatsword and was about to place the crown on his head.

'Don't tell me… he's planning to use it?'

Javier’s mouth tore open with the grin that formed.

Prince's crown is the power to become the king of zombies. If a human uses it recklessly, their mind will be shattered and they will enter a vegetative state.

Even Prince, the owner of the crown and an ancient undead, couldn't stand the pressure of the thoughts, having to operate the main body and his clones separately. And if a human wore that crown, it was bound to destroy them.

What an amazing windfall without having to do anything!

Javier’s nose twitched as he looked at the boy with expectant eyes.

'Wear it! Wear it! Wear it! Quickly!!'

The boy raised the crown high.

Then, without hesitation, he really placed it on his head.


Violent jet-black began to stir from his body.

[You crazy bastard!]

Prince crawled on his knees—still under the absolute order to kneel—and came over to the terrace.

[What the hell are you thinking?! I'm already conscripted! If you die, I'll die too!]

Prince's gaze moved to Pier’s skull hanging behind Simon.

[You're also crazy, Pier! You're a contractor! Why aren't you stopping him?]

[Kuhehe! If you don't know anything, just shut up and watch.]

Pier's skull, hanging upside down, grinned.

[He's a guy who succeessfully wore me first try.]



The jet-black that overflowed as though it were about to explode had stabilized.

Simon staggered to his feet, then steadied himself by putting hand on the wall. His other hand went to his forehead.


His eyes were the same brilliant gold as the crown. A strange pattern was drawn in his pupils.

He breathed in a deep breath. And...


A cry unlike any a human should be able to make erupted from his throat, and the battlefield froze.

A complete silence flowed in this space where thousands met. All the zombies, like puppets who had just grown strings, raised their heads and looked at Simon.

Simon's eyes glowed with a madness, and his smile only confirmed that insanity.


Pier felt a thrill rise from the depths of his heart.

The vicious king who had disappeared, masking his identity after shaking the continent…

Features of Richard began to overlap on Simon's face.


Simon looked down at the zombies and commanded,

[Follow me.]



Manus and Javier flinched and backed away.

The zombies started to change. Their unfocused eyes turned golden, and their teeth and claws turned dark blue. Soon, dark-blue smoke emanated from their bodies.



The undead roared.

The smoke was so thick one could mistake it for a forest fire.



Every last zombie in this place began to echo Simon's jet-black in their own bodies. It basically meant they all came under his control.

* * *

* * *


Prince had to lean on a wall to stop his legs from giving out underneath him after witnessing such a shocking scene.

[Ha… Haha!]

He couldn't help but laugh.

'A human is doing what even I—an Ancient Undead—couldn't do, and with such ease?'


Simon stepped on the balcony railing and jumped down. Zombies rushed in and climbed ontop of each other, creating hills and mountains for Simon to walk across.

It was like trying to keep a higher being from stepping on a dirty floor.



The black wave that Simon rode began to move.

They rocked back for a moment, like a living wave, then began surge forward while bending at the top where Simon stood.

The zombies around Simon joined the wave while screaming. The number of zombies grew bigger and bigger, and soon the wave grew as tall as the mansion behind them.

Zombies ran with the ‘king’, and an angry wave was coming.

'No way!'

Javier shivered at the sight he had never before witnessed.

'That's already beyond the level of undead control!'

Countless blue eyes were staring at Javier in the black wave carrying Simon.

A feeling of insurmountable dread. Javier felt his whole body get drenched in a cold sweat within moments.

Simon, riding the wave, let out a long breath.



He raised the greatsword of destruction.

First, they had to get rid of the meat golems. A black wave of zombies crashed into the first meat golem in front.


Meat golem and wave collided. Like sea foam scattering off a wave, zombies were flung up.

The golem's large body was buried in the wave, leaving only its head visible. Simon, passing by with the wave, swung his greatsword and cut it.


The wave of zombies changed direction and headed toward the meat golem on the side.

Skeletons swung their weapons and tried to resist, but they couldn't do anything against the huge wave and were buried beneath.

The black wave covered everything around them in darkness, and only the meat golem's head remained visible amongst the wave.

Simon reaped them like harvesting ripe grain.

Two down.

Three, four, five.

The heads of the powerful meat golems, of which only had died so far, were slashed off one after another. Every time the wave stretched out, the skeletons’ formation was destroyed, and another golem collapsed.

"Th-This is… ridiculous!"

Screaming Javier, tearing at his hair.

Twelve down.

Thirteen, fourteen.

Fifteen. The last one fell.

There were no exceptions.

In less than a minute, Simon had led the wave to let him destroy all the meat golems. Javier's legs gave up, and he fell to the ground.



The zombies let out a huge roar as if celebrating their victory. Simon, on the top, rested his greatsword on his shoulder.

"…Kill him."

Javier, on the floor, trembled and looked to his side.

"What are you doing, Manus?!! Kill th—"


Javier couldn't continue his words.

A black slash was drawn across his throat, and Javier's head rose high into the sky.

[I knew it from the beginning.]


Said Manus as he placed his sword back into his scabbard.

[That you were using me.]

Javier's head fell to the dirt floor, rolling across the ground for a moment.

Manus slowly walked toward Simon. The skeletons around him parted immediately.

[Young king, what is your name?]

Simon raised his chin.

"Simon Polentia."

[I'm a knight of the Talheren Empire, Manus.]

He straightened his sword and raised it.

[My purpose and fate is to complete my revenge against Kizen. Hand over that crown.]


Simon grinned, his golden eyes gliscening.

"I'm sorry, but that's none of my business."


"Former Swordmaster of the Empire, I somewhat heard of your story. You wish to lead the undead of Death Land and take revenge on Kizen? Do you really think that's possible?"

At the word ‘possible’, Manus firmly shut his mouth.

"You can't beat Nefthis. The essence of what you're trying to do is just make a dirty mess. How many people do you think you'll kill while your army is heading toward Kizen?"

The Empire was already gone.

If Manus' rebellion had any chance of success, Simon wouldn't have ridiculed him. Because it could've been a revolution.

However, the power of Death Land and Manus combined could never defeat Kizen.

Ultimately, Manus was only threatening the lives of the Empire's descendants and the people of the next generation who were doing their utmost to survive and didn’t even know the name of the Empire.

"You're an existence that has already disappeared from history. It's hypocritical for such an existence to use the past as an excuse to destroy the lives and livelihoods of descendants who're living prosperously today. You have no strong will, no justice, no reason. I’ll say it again. You’re just…"

Simon grinned.

"…making a dirty mess."


Manus swung his sword.

A thin line was drawn on the waves of zombies that Simon was standing on, splitting in half.

Simon was lifted off the wave’s surface, but from the other side of the black wave, zombies rushed in to support him once more.

[Then how am I supposed to comfort the souls of the people of the empire who were unjustly sacrificed by Kizen?!]

"Then who'll comfort the souls of the people who could be sacrificed by your mess? Whether it's loyalty or comfort, it only sounds like your stubbornness. Let’s put it this way…"

Simon readied his greatsword in his right hand.

"I'll fight so I won't have to comfort the souls of those who'll be victimized by your old, meaningless ramblings."

[…Any further conversion seems pointless.]

Manus widened his stance and drew back his sword. Simon raised his empty left hand and balled it into a fist.



The zombies of Death Land roared and howled.

Upon confronting them, Manus felt a sense of horror.

How could he forget?

Amongst the ten necromancers who destroyed Talheren's elite army…

The most overwhelming three were called 'Commanders'.

'Comrades, did you feel this way, too?'

Ten thousand pairs of eyes forming black waves were glaring at Manus.


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