Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 173

Simon brushed the dirt off his new robe and looked back.

Methyn was getting up from the trash pile.


Divinity covered his face and his bloody, shattered nose quickly recovered.

"What dirty trick did you pull?"

Methyn stood up, having to support himself on the wall.

"The stench of jet-black is unmistakable, so how did you endure the exorcism?"

"Because I'm a priest."

Simon gestured to himself and the blessing cast on his body. He then gathered his hands together and insisted,

"There's been a misunderstanding. My name is—"

"I don't want to hear it!"

Once again, a subspace tore open, and the inquisitor took out various torture devices.

"I trust my nose more than a villain's tongue! You're undoubtedly—!"


A huge hammer made of divinity suddenly fell on Methyn's head.

Holding it was Rete, looking sullen.

"Look what kind of state you're in! It’s your first day in the Federation!"


As she dropped the hammer, it scattered into the air as wisps of divinity.

Meanwhile, Methyn was lying unconscious in the pile of trash, now one with the scenery.

"Just when I started trusting you… You're already causing a mess. What in the world did you do to get these leeches to catch on to you?"

"I really didn't do anything."

Simon scratched the side of his head in confusion.

"I was just buying some stuff at the market when this guy ran at me, saying something about the smell."

"Really? He's pretty sharp, huh?"

Rete turned to Methyn.

They may have beaten him up, but they couldn't kill an inquisitor. And not just because it'd leave evidence. Killing him would make their problems exponentially worse.

It was best to leave the place quietly for now.

"Let's return."


The two quickly left the scene.

When they saw a couple walking arm in arm down the alley Methyn was left in, they pulled down their hoods even further.

After a while, the couple could be heard screaming, and Simon and Rete blended in with the night market crowd as if nothing was wrong.

"By the way, what's with those clothes?"

"I just bought them. They're a disguise."

Her gaze scanned up and down Simon's robe and she said,

"Your clothes are quite pretty. Your clothes, not you."

"You don't have to emphasize it. Since you like them, would you like me to buy you a set?"

Surprise entered her face, but it quickly turned to coldness.

"I'd rather hang myself than match looks with you."

At that, Simon burst into laughter.

* * *

The next morning.

Simon and Rete had safely arrived at the station after resting at the inn.


Waiting for the divine train, Simon was filled with anticipation. This was his first train ride.

Trains weren't a universal means of transportation in the Dark Territory. Simon thought he'd never ride a train in his life.

'And my first time is in foreign land.'

In the Holy Federation, trains were the most important means of transportation. Despite the exorbitant prices, it was rare for even a single seat to be left unoccupied.

'I really don’t know if it'll be alright.'

Rete was nervously glancing at Simon. She didn't originally intend to take the train to get to her destination, the Tree of Life.

However, Simon blended in better than she expected, and his understanding of the culture was strong, perhaps because of Anna's influence. Since he was no slouch in playing an apprentice priest, she decided to take the divine train.

Riding this, they'd get to the tree in just five days, bypassing all the hardships and adversity they otherwise would have faced, like hiking, camping, navigating, fighting monsters, etc.

'Well, that nose bastard isn't on the train anyway.'

She had already confirmed the list of inquisitors on the train she was taking today by contacting her acquaintance with the communication crystal ball. That bastard 'Methyn', who had an insanely good nose, wasn't listed.

'It should be fine.'

"Ah, it's here!"

Exclaimed Simon.

Accompanied by a loud clattering, the train was approaching. A powerful horn pierced the air, and smokestacks spewed divinity-infused clouds of smoke.

Simon ran out with a big smile like a child.

"No matter how many times I see it, it still looks amazing!"

He turned back with a sparkle in his eyes.

"But isn't it going too fast? Is this one not stopping?"

"…You're embarrassing me. Lower your voice. And get back from there, it’s dangerous."

Rete tugged at the hem of the excited Simon's shirt. His eyes were glued to the train even as he stepped back.

'To think a huge chunk of metal can move so fast. I wonder how many wheels it has… How many people can ride on it? What's it like on the inside?'

Soon, just as Rete said, the train started to slow and came to a complete stop. The door of the passenger car opened, and people poured out of the train.

It would stop for a generous 30 minutes. Behind the people loading and unloading their baggage, people traveling on the train also came out to stretch or buy something to eat.

After all the staff had boarded the train, the train crew came out and waited for passengers to board.

"Come on, let's go."

Simon and Rete approached the train crew with their tickets.

* * *

"…Just what in the world are you up to?"

1631 senior inquisitor Baccara, in charge of the divine train, was frowning from where he stood at the train station. In front of him, Methyn was standing at ease.

"You're asking to work in our district?"

"I mean it. I don't care about the salary. Please, just let me work here officially."

Methyn bowed his head. Baccara frowned and scratched his head.

"Young people these days are so stubborn… What about your district?"

"I took leave."

"…What a crazy bastard. You're taking leave just to work? Why?"

"There's someone I really want to catch."

Sparks fired from his eyes.

"The bastard is on this train. I must punish him in the name of the great Goddess."

"What a crazy bastard, indeed."

Baccara let out a deep sigh.

Methyn was being rude, but his father was a high-ranking official and an ex-inquisitor. Baccara couldn't just ignore him.

In the end, Baccara included Methyn's name on the list of inquisitors.

"Since you're the one who asked, you better keep your word. I won't sit still if you whine about having a hard time and beg to get off the train."

Methyn politely bowed his head.

"That'll never happen."

* * *

* * *

'So this is what the inside of the train looks like.'

Simon frantically checked out every nook and cranny after boarding the train.

Inside, there were rows of seats packed close to each other. Rete explained that these seats were only for those who would be leaving the train the same day they boarded.

The place the two of them reserved wasn't a standard seat like this but a formal cabin equipped with a bed. They carefully crossed over to the next passenger car.

'…Oh my.'

As soon as he opened the door, Simon was surprised.

He was confronted with a very narrow hallway that was a squeeze for even one person. Beds lined the floor and even the walls. It was a 7-person cabin.

There was a triple-bunk bed so high one’s chest would touch the ceiling if they laid down on it. Simon wondered how people could get in there in the first place.

In addition, all the beds were visible from the hallway, so Simon had to face countless eyes with every step.

He could hear snoring, people grinding their teeth, chattering, and chewing everywhere. The smell of sweat and filth stung his nostrils.

"These are the third-class cabins."

Explained Rete. Then, when she saw a man lying on a bed scratching his crotch with his hand in his pants, she turned away in disgust.

"It's a bit cramped, but it looks cozier than I expected."

Simon looked back at Rete, his eyes shining.

"Are we sleeping here, too?"

"…Are you crazy? How could you even sleep in a place stinking with sweat like this?"

Following Rete, Simon passed through the third-class cabins and came over to the second-class ones.

He felt he could breathe easily here. They had spacious hallways and cabins for 4. The suffocating triple-bunk beds were replaced with doubles, and it felt like the space was revitalized.

Soft lighting was installed on the ceiling, and proper pillows and blankets lined the beds. The people here were also dressed remarkably differently.

"Second-class cabins are available to clerics, model believers, and their families."

"What, the cabins are divided based on social status?"

"What did you think it was?"

"I thought it was based on how much money you paid. You know, like second-class cabins are more expensive than third-class ones… Something like that."

"So typical of someone coming from the other side. Well, I guess that is a reasonable way of running things."

The two also passed through the second-class cabins.

Lastly, the first class.


The cabins weren't just luxurious, but extravagant. The car felt like a banquet hall rather than a train. It had red carpets, and the lighting was gentle on the eyes.

Looking at the cabins, they didn't even have double-bunk beds. It was a two-person room with two fluffy and spacious beds with wine-red curtains draped over the windows.

Various free refreshments, fruits, and wine were on a desk, and there were mirrors, clocks, storage spaces, and several books on the wall.

This first-class cabin was where the two would spend the next five days.

"A2. We're here."

The two entered the cabin.

While Simon was astonished by the soft bed he sat on, Rete frowned in disapproval at the empty door frame.

"What's wrong?"

"Originally, first-class cabins had doors attached for privacy, but they've been completely removed. Probably because of the inquisition."

Simon folded his arms.

"Are inquisitions that severe over here normally? What happened at the night market yesterday was a bit shocking."

"Of course, it wasn't always that severe."

She sighed.

"As I've said before, heretics—I think it was a religion called something like Heavenly Blood—are kidnapping and killing villagers, so the entire country is in a state of hypervigilance. After all, they look like any other person in the day."


After the two of them sat down, the train’s horn sounded. Looking out the window, Simon saw the people scattered outside the station pouring back in.

Passengers who had been out in the first-class cabins also came in boisterously. Some passengers, walking down the hallway, glanced toward Simon out of curiosity.


Then, the body of the train shook. Simon's eyes shone when he felt the vibrations in his feet.

"Rete! Looks like it's about to depart!"

"Ugh, lower your voice, you country bumpkin! You're embarrassing me."

Despite Rete's scolding, Simon attached himself to the window and watched the scenery outside.

Several people sitting at the station smiled at Simon and waved. Simon also got excited and waved back at them.

The divine train picked up speed little by little. It rattled, but that was soon overshadowed by the sound of the wheels rubbing against the tracks. Buildings and trees alike began whipping past the window.

Then, a broadcast was heard.

[The train will soon be floating. Please fasten your seatbelts.]


"It's going to enter the mid-air tracks. Fasten this belt."

The two of them sat on their beds and fastened the safety belts attached to the ends of the beds. After a while, the train creaked its way upward.


Simon looked out the window while feeling a strange sensation in his stomach. The tracks really were floating in the air…

The train rode on top of them, creating a road in the sky. Then, in an instant, the surroundings went dark.

The train had entered a tunnel in a tall mountain.


Rete felt a little calmer seeing Simon's excitement. As her mood improved, she explained while wagging her finger,

"Among the properties of divinity, there's something called 'floating force'. By maximizing it, it is possible to levitate even railroad tracks and fortresses."

"Is the famous Sky Island of Efnel also there because of that?"

"I think so."

Simon lightly bit his thumb.

"I'd like to pay it a visit someday."

"…You're crazy. You'd die if you went there."

After saying that, she added with a faint smile,

"Unless war broke loose~ I'm not sure you'd be able to go to Sky Island, but the day may come when I'll plant the flag of the Goddess on Roke Island."

She tried subtly provoking him, but Simon was too busy looking out the window. Seeing the hillbilly's repetitive admirations, Rete leaned back and smiled.

After a while, the divine train landed on the ground once more. You could hear the people in other cabins unbuckling their seatbelts and talking. Simon also unbuckled and said,

"I'm asking just in case, but is there a toilet on the tra—?"

"There is. Go straight out into the hallway and you'll see it."

Simon let out yet another admiration and went to the toilet. It was just when Rete giggled and went to open the wine on the table…

A howl of laughter could be heard from the hallway.

"Big sis, big sis! New kids came to our car!"

"How rude of them not to greet you first!"

'Oh? In your dreams.'

Rete poured wine into her glass with her legs crossed.

After a while, a girl in a white school uniform entered Rete's room as if being pushed in.

Around her, girls were giggling with their heads sticking out.

They were making faces like, "You're dead meat now."

"Ehem, hello, dear sister! Could you spare just a few minutes to talk?"

'So that's the person they called big sis, huh?'

Raising her head, Rete quickly scanned the other girl's outfit.

'An Efnel uniform? But…'

Rete slightly grinned.

'It's clearly a ripoff. They're being deceived by that?"

A female student in an Efnel uniform came into the cabin, elegantly flicking her hair behind her ear.

"Nice to meet you. I am Ellen Zile, a second-year student at Efnel, divine university."


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