Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 219

'I've got the hang of it now!'

After a few tries, Simon felt the need to cry 'eureka'.

He decided to try just one more time. The skeleton that had just dashed was returning to the track's starting point.

His solution wasn't that complicated. After repeating the dash a few times, the skeleton got used to the skill.

It also meant Simon was able to ingrain the Skeleton Dash skill into his head, as well.

When slashing an opponent that far away, you don't run with your feet and slash them. You fly in and then slash them.

With that notion implanted into his mind, Simon gave an absolute command.



To achieve the goal of slashing, the dash simply became a means to an end.

The skeleton leaped eleven meters and landed, slashing through the straw dummy. The leap and the sword's accuracy had improved dramatically, and Simon was finally satisfied with his success.

Rick and his friends, watching from the side, cheered enthusiastically.

'For crying out loud…'

The corner of Aaron's mouth twitched as he watched from a few feet away.

'I was worried that he'd lose his touch over the break, but his focus and growth only improved. Also…'

His gaze moved to Hector, who was glaring daggers at Simon from a distance.

'Hector. You're bound to be unhappy with a genius like that as a rival. You still have the upper hand in other subjects. Why are you so obsessed with Simon?'

Gritting his teeth, Hector took his turn to leap again.

After so many tries, Hector finally made it. Though he only dashed three meters and his aim was off, he cut through the dummy without damaging his skeleton.

Aaron stroked his prickly chin.

'Hector's overall skill level is high, but he's not a very good learner. It's unusual for him to improve so quickly. Is it because of the competitive spark from watching Simon?'

Aaron stared at the two boys.

'These two can improve by pushing each other. As long as they don't come into direct conflict, this rivalry is a positive thing from an educator's perspective.'


An assistant teacher called out to Aaron and gestured to his wrist. Aaron declared,

"Alright, that's enough! That'll be the end of practice for today."

The assistant teachers rounded up the students and brought them before Aaron.

Many students complained of headaches and dizziness from the mental strain of controlling undead again for the first time in a while.

"Everyone, take a seat."

Ordered Aaron before checking the time once more.

There were still ten minutes left before class ended. His eyes flicked through the checklist his assistant teacher had made.

"Students who are called, come forward. Simon Polentia. Hector Moore."

Accompanied by hushed whispers from the students, Simon and Hector rose to their feet and stepped forward.

"These two students have made the most progress in today's class. We'll end today's class with a quick duel. This is a friendly competition with no reflection on grades, so there's no need to feel pressured."

The class clapped and whistled in anticipation. Watching a duel was always fun.

Simon looked at Aaron with a bitter smile.

'Professor, why must you put me against Hector again?'

However, Hector was smirking at the great news.

'Professor Aaron, you're doing something I like for the first time in a long while!'

Aaron explained the rules.

Since they had just learned Skeleton Dash in today's class, they thought it'd be a contest to see who could dash the furthest. But it was a little different.

"It's a battle of summons."

Aaron explained,

"The only summon that each duelist can use is a single 'island ratman skeleton'. Aside from controlling the skeleton, the caster is forbidden to use any dark magic. The first skeleton to knock to the ground the skull of the other skeleton wins. Do you understand?"

The two boys nodded.

Soon, following instructions from the assistant teachers, they walked a decent distance apart before taking skeletons out of their subspaces. The assistant teacher raised his arm.


The two boys bent their knees and concentrated. The skeletons in front of them took fighting stances, as well.

"Simon's gonna win this one."

Muttered Meilyn as she moved to get a better look.

"Isn't it more favorable for someone who can use 'Skeleton Dash' better? Is Professor Aaron trying to boost Simon's morale?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Rick wagged his finger side to side, exuding smugness.

"Man~ As expected from Meilyn, your way of thinking is so simple."

Meilyn let out a low growl, genuinely freaking Rick out and he quickly hid his vulnerable, biteable fingers behind his back.

Camibarez, sitting next to him with her knees together, asked,

"Then what are your thoughts, Rick?"

As if he'd been waiting for that question, Rick quickly turned toward Camibarez.

"Actually, it's pretty easy to block the dash. This is just a battle of equipment."


As Camibarez was about to probe further, she heard the assistant teacher say,


* * *

* * *

Simon immediately gathered jet-black onto his skeleton's toes.

'One dash to the skull and we're done!'

In response, Hector opened his subspace, pulled out a large, long spear, and tossed it to his skeleton.

"There we go!"

"I knew it!"

You could hear Hector's faction cheering. Simon immediately stopped the Dash he was preparing.

'I see. I guess there was no restriction for weapons.'

A counter to the Dash. Hector's skeleton raised a long spear.

As soon as Simon was to make his skeleton dash, all Hector's skeleton had to do was aim its spear to skewer Simon's, turning the breakneck speeds into a weakness.

Hector's control over summons was also top-notch. There was no way he couldn't react in time. Furthermore, none of the weapons Simon had at his disposal were longer enough to challenge Hector's spear.

"If you won't attack, then I'll go first!"

Hector smiled creepily and ordered his skeleton to attack. His skeleton rushed forward and thrust its spear, and Simon ordered his skeleton to raise its sword to block it.


The two weapons clashed, and sparks flew. Hector's skeleton unleashed a storm of attacks.

As if Hector himself was quite skilled with a spear, each strike was precise and unerring.

Simon's skeleton was busy blocking the attacks.

"Way to go!"

"Keep cornering him!"

The students, who were quickly immersed in the fight, began to shout in excitement. After a few spear strikes, Simon's skeleton turned around and ran.

"Bwahahaha! What are you doing?!"

Hector's skeleton stomped down on the ground and quickly shot forward.

Simon's eyes widened.

'Hector's three-meter dash!'

Simon hastily gave his skeleton the order to block. It barely turned its back in time and swung.


Sword and spear clashed, the weapons roaring furiously as the metal shook.

The spear was redirected to the point where it missed by a hair's breadth, and it grazed the side of the skeleton's skull.

"Close one!"

"Hector seems to be controlling the battle, right?"

The mood swung completely in Hector's favor. Simon's skeleton stumbled for half a second before managing to steady itself.

"What's wrong, Simon Polentia?!"

Triumphantly shouted Hector.

"Aren't you gonna use that new skill that you learned?!"


Just then, a sneaky smile formed on Simon's mouth.


Simon's skeleton dropped the sword in its hand. The students watched with bated breath, expecting Simon to pull out a spear or some other weapon, but he didn't even open a subspace.

'Bare hands?'

'Is he being serious?'

As the students' clamores got louder and louder, Simon's skeleton squatted in place and put its hands on the ground.


Simon's eyes flashed in concentration.

'Recreate the sensation of that moment.'

Click! Clack!

Bones fell from the skeleton's various parts and began to reassemble, swapping places with each other.

The condition for losing was for the skull to fall to the ground. So Simon kept the skull connected to the torso and quickly switched out the other bones.

Reassembling from scratch.

As Hector watched Simon's skeleton slowly transform, veins popped in his forehead and he became increasingly enraged.

"You bastard!!"

Hector quickly ordered his skeleton to attack, but Simon's skeleton broke apart around the spear and ran away while reassembling itself.

While Simon's skeleton slowly transformed, the other students cheered as they realized what was going on.

He had demonstrated this same skill in front of everyone during the first Summoning class of the first semester. Aaron's palms were sweaty as he watched.

'…Even as I see it for a second time, it's a sight to behold.'

Simon was recreating the bipedal monster island ratman into its pre-evolutionary form, the 'gray rat'.

An insight that seemed to transcend natural order. Simon's skeleton was now a quadrupedal animal, dodging the spear strikes with its deft movements.


The gray rat skeleton leaped back and increased the distance between them.

Standing on all fours, the gray rat crouched down, getting ready to pounce.

Hector's mouth went dry while alarm bells went off in his head.

He also made his skeleton stop and ordered it to get ready to defend, its spear ready to skewer any cocky attacks.

"You bastard…!"

"I'm sorry, but it's over, Hector."

The gray rat skeleton stood on all fours, gathering up the jet-black for its 'Dash'.

"N-Nonsense! The battle is the exact same as when it started!"

"Do you realize the difference in leaping power between…"

A shiver ran down Hector's spine.

"…humanoids and beasts?"

The gray rat shot forward, kicking off the ground with all four paws.

Hector's skeleton reacted, thrusting its spear to intercept. It was quite a simple and swift action, but…


The gray rat, flying through the air, struck the skull with its forepaws first. The spear, a step slower, only managed to pierce one of its legs.


The skull of Hector's skeleton, detached from its neck, rolled across the ground. Behind it, the gray rat landed on all fours.

Click! Clack!

The skeleton then raised its torso off the ground, going back to standing on two feet. Once again, its bones reassembled from head to toe, now transforming it from beast to humanoid.

The skeleton walked forward, grabbed the skull rolling on the ground, and lifted it above its head, mimicking Simon's movements.

The assistant teacher managing the fight shouted with excitement,

"Simon Polentia wins!"

Everyone was stunned into silence until, one by one, they all burst into cheer.



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