Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Chapter 222

The long and problematic Poisonous Alchemy class had come to an end.

Belya, who made the world's most elite students an ugly mess in her very first class, was stretching as she walked out of the Poisonous Alchemy Academy building with a satisfied smile on her face.


As she left, a long-haired woman came running after her, panting. She was the chief assistant teacher who had succeeded Francesca.

Belya smiled, flashing her jagged teeth.

"Oh, good work today."

"Professor. Uhm… It's just that…"

After a moment's hesitation, the chief assistant teacher cautiously asked,

"Are you going to do this for the other classes tomorrow?"

"Of course!"

"Th-Then, what about the classes second lesso—"

"Of course they'll have to take the new poisons! Didn't I tell you?"

The chief assistant teacher was sweating profusely.

'What on earth can I do to stop her?'

She was the one who took them in when they had nowhere else to go, so they couldn't go against her. But they would get a lot of backlash from the students if they forced them to take her crazy class.

These weren't ordinary students, but the children of the most influential people in the Alliance. There were the children of famous families, warlords, and merchant companies.

How would their parents react when they realized Kizen was poisoning their precious children?

After much deliberation, the assistant teacher made up her mind and decided to speak up.

"I understand your goal and intent, Professor, but these are first-year students who don't know anything yet! Also, some students won't be staying in Poisonous Alchemy anyway. Even if we're training these kids for war, this should be done when the students are a little more—"


Suddenly, thunderous laughter poured out of Belya's lips. Colorful grains of sand fell from her body with every heave of her shoulders, and the assistant teacher had to hurriedly take a step back.

"You said you understand my goal and intent, didn't you?"

"Ah, yes."

"Then that solves everything. I can see what you guys are worried about, but you can't do anything if you're walking on eggshells because of the higher-ups. I'll take all the responsibility, so just trust in me and follow my lead."

Belya smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Got it?"

"…Yes, Professor."

Giving the chief assistant a pat on the shoulder, Belya turned around and walked away.

Exactly thirty seconds after she disappeared, the other assistant teachers rushed in from where they were hiding.

"How did it go, sister?"

"Big sis! Did she say she'll cancel it?"

The chief assistant teacher shook her head. There were deep sighs all around.

"Is Poisonous Alchemy under some kind of ill-fated stars?"

Bemoaned one of the assistant teachers as he leaned against a wall with hollow eyes and pulled out a cigar.

"The first professor passed away, the second was a Saintess, and now the third is a wild savage."

"Brother, no smoking on campus."

"The situation calls for it. What did we ever do to serve these kinds of people?"

You could feel the assistant teachers' morale sinking. Then, the chief assistant ordered,

"Put it away."

The smoking assistant flinched, then mumbled, "Yes, ma'am," and put the cigar back in his pocket.

The chief assistant looked around at everyone before beginning,

"Well, if this is what the professor wants us to do, we have no choice but to go along with it. Instead, we need to be there for the students and help where we can."

"How will we do that?"

The chief assistant teachers stiffened at the junior's question.

"We need to suggest lowering the poison content, or at least making it two sets per class. So that the students can see that the professor is being considerate of them and adjusting the difficulty. I'll try going back to Professor Belya tomorrow."

The assistant teachers nodded.

* * *

All the classes were over for the day.

Simon wasn't feeling very well, but he stopped by the Mutant club room. He and Toto had promised to meet the seniors, so he had to keep his word.

'This place is as shabby as ever.'

On the club room door was a piece of paper with the word 'Mutant' in messy handwriting.

It was tattered and about to fall off, so he held it steady as he knocked on the door.

"This is Simon Polentia."

But for some reason, there was no response. However, there was clearly noise inside.

Simon cracked open the door, assuming that something had happened again.

"It's running over there!"

"Grab it!"

Sure enough, something had happened. A black skeleton was running amok, and as Toto leaped to catch it, the skeleton turned and kicked him right in the face, sending him crashing into the wall as blood streamed from both nostrils.

"Ahh! Don't run away!"

Behind him, a girl with cream hair and face smeared with dark powders came running.

Benya Vanilla, a second-year student. The president of the Vanilla Group, a giant undead corporation, was her grandfather, and she was the president of the club 'Mutant'.

When she spotted Simon, she joyfully said,

"Hey, mister! Hurry up and stop that thing!"

The rampaging skeleton was wielding a double-headed axe in each hand, swinging it dangerously. A nearby fish tank was shattered with a single strike, a yellow liquid gushing out of it.

The liquid splashed into Toto's mouth, as he happened to be knocked out underneath.


Rattle! Rattle!

The rampaging skeleton lunged for the door Simon had left open. Seeing he was the last line of defence, Simon up took a fighting stance and said,

"Senior, do you mind if I destroy this thing?"

"Don't hurt a hair on its bony head! That skeleton is an important step toward world domination! Take it down as unscathed as possible!"


After standing up to avoid the falling liquid, Toto wore a dumbfounded expression on his face.

'Isn't that too strong to be handled without hurting it?'


Simon stretched out his arm, and six Overlord tentacles slithered out of its subspace.

Before the skeleton could swing its axes, two blades sliced cleanly between the arm bones, forcing them to separate.

The remaining tentacles followed suit, slicing through the gaps in the legs, ribs, and spine. The skeleton's body was soon scattered in the air.

Clack, click, clatter!

Jumping into the bones as they fell, Simon landed with the most important bone, the skull, in his hands.

"Here you go."

"Oh, thank you!"

Taking the skull, Benya tapped the magic circle inside it. The skeleton's head, threatening to bite off her fingers, calmed down as if sedated.

"Phew. That was a close call. Thanks, thanks~"

Benya put the skull down on a table, the tension draining from her shoulders.

Watching Simon's performance from so close, Toto couldn't help but let his jaw drop.

'His control of the Overlord is much more precise than before. But above all that, how does he handle emergencies so calmly? He's the same age as me, but it's like he's had twice the years of experience!'

Feeling overwhelmed by Toto's admiring gaze, Simon busied himself picking up the skeleton bones that had fallen to the floor. When he finished and plopped them all down on the table the skull was on, Benya asked,

"Can you help me put the bones back together?"

* * *

* * *

Simon's head snapped up.

"Oh, really? I can touch them?"

"Of course! You can contribute to world domination!"

'…She still hasn't given up on that, huh?'

Benya, the club president, aimed to take over the world with undead.

The two quickly began to assemble the skeleton. Benya's ability to put the bones together without the blueprint was impressive, but Simon's skill in assisting her was just as impressive.

"No.8, No.14"

When she said the bone numbers, Simon quickly found them and picked them up from the pile. As he got the hang of it, he'd have the bones ready to go before she even said them. Later, as Benya finished the right leg, Simon looked at it and made the left leg.

"Don't you have 75 and 76 the wrong way around?"

"Oh! You're right! Sorry, sorry."

He even caught the Vanilla Family's granddaughter's mistake.

In complete unison, the two assembled the dark skeleton.

"It's done! My comrade-in-arms is even good at supporting, it seems."

"Thank you, Senior."

Toto, who was cleaning up the mess, joined in when he was done. Soon, the three of them managed to finish up and take a quick break.

As it turned out, she was having trouble with the new skeleton they were developing.

"This skeleton also isn't on the market, right?"

"Of course! It can't be mass-produced, so it's not for selling. I made it for my personal use, but… it's not easy because it has a bad temper. Still, I've made some progress."

Benya seemed to be in a good mood. She told Simon to say anything he wanted in return for his help.

"If you don't mind, I have a skeleton of my own, and I was wondering if you could take a look at its materials?"

"Oh, is that so? Take it out."

Simon blankly stared at the black skeleton for a moment before realizing he was zoned out and hurriedly pulled a skull out of his subspace.

"Wh-What is this?!!"

Benya jumped for joy as she lifted the skull up.

"I can feel it! This is an incredibly strong undead!"

Indeed it was.

It was the skull of 'Manus', the swordmaster he'd fought back in Death Land.

"But its core and thoughts are all gone."

Said Benya, looking inside the skull.

"As it is, it's a hollow shell. I'm not sure what kind of undead it was, but it's probably impossible for it to regain all its strength and memories. Still, I can see some use for it. Hmm."

She pondered for a moment, then set the skull down.

"If you don't mind, I could send this to Vanilla to be studied. If it works, you can have your own skeleton. If it doesn't, we'll compensate you with a small research grant. How does that sound?"

He couldn't turn down an offer from the best company in this field.

Besides, Simon had been carrying the skull all this time and hadn't touched it once. He figured that it had to be done by an expert.

"I'd love to. By the way, how long will it take?"

"Who knows~ This really is a great undead. It could even take a year or two."

Simon reeled back in surprise. It would almost be like a graduation gift.

Still, he knew firsthand the power of a swordmaster skeleton. If Vanilla couldn't do it, no one could.

"I'll do that, then. Please take care of it, Senior!"

"Leave it to me!"

* * *

The next morning.

Simon cracked open his eyes, groaning from a headache.

'…Ugh, my head.'

He was fine in the club room, but soon after he returned to his dorm and tried to sleep, the poison seemed to have come back. He was vomiting and dealing with diarrhea all over again. He was up all night and didn't get much sleep.

'Let's calm my senses down first.'

Settling into a comfortable position on the bed, he started mana breathing and focussed only on circulating jet-black through his body to cool it down. After half an hour, he felt a little better.

He looked at the clock and saw that it was still early in the morning. Rick and Kajann were still sleeping.

'I can't sleep.'

He was already wide awake. Eventually, he washed up in the bathroom, changed into his Kizen uniform, and headed out of the dorm as the sun peeked over the horizon.

His first stop was the library. Servants were cleaning up in preparation for it opening.

As he stood there, fidgeting, they told him the library was now cleaned and he could come in.

Simon didn't hesitate and headed straight for the study.

"Yona. Try looking for that name when you go back to Kizen."

After a quick greeting to the servants, Simon began flipping through the books.

First, none of the books had 'Yona' in the title.

Without much of a choice, he gathered up all the books he could find on Commanders and stacked them on an empty desk. He took the top one and flipped through it.

[The History of the Legion]

As soon as he opened it, he saw the name 'Yona' in the table of contents.

'Found it.'

Simon flicked to the chapter in excitement.


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