Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 101 A sexy intruder

Aron didn't know how long he remained knocked out. Once he regained his alertness, the boy found himself suckling on a chewy object. Lacking the energy to move, he could only keep sucking on the little knob without much thought.

Firstly, it tasted good. Secondly, for some reason, he liked doing it. Only after complete five minutes lapsed did he open his eyes and found himself gazing at a mountain peak. 

A bulging gland hid the person's face whose lap he was utilizing. Aron was no stranger to this position. But.. there was definitely a difference from last time when he woke in Mrs. Nancy's thighs. 

A fair white skin welcomed him. He can make out a set of blurry veins right under the white skin. He glanced downwards to chance upon the darker shade areolas that eventually ended up in his mouth. 

It was a dreamy sensation. However, if his memory was serving him right, this was not a good position to be in. "Ahhh.." Trying to act like he just woke up, he pretended to be muddle-headed. His goal was to allow the lady to cover herself up, just in case this was all a big misunderstanding.

Alas, she had no intention to do so. "Up already?" He was met with a ravishing face, greeting him. Lucy backed up her chest, nevertheless, kept the boy in her lap. "Stay there.. you must be weak." 

Even before Aron could wonder about this apparent change of heart from the woman, he had bigger problems to deal with. Lucy had not bothered to wrap her breasts back, leaving them on full display.

Vampires, especially the purebloods, were known for their unmatched beauty. Lucy was no different, possessing a face and figure that can easily entrance the males of any species and not only humankind. There was an inherent charm to her that can render all defenses useless.

"Ahem.. yes. Also, sorry about sucking.. on them, Ms. Lucy. I didn't realize.. it.." Even if it was an accident, Aron was genuinely ashamed for latching onto a woman's tits with such shamelessness. 

"Huh?" Lucy was fascinated by the adorable face on her lap. "You didn't do it. I was the one who made you suckle on them. Here.. keep going.." Saying that she picked her other nipple and shoved it in the boy's mouth without asking for his consent. 

"Uggh??" Aron was awestruck, staring at the vampire lady with wide eyes. His lips instinctively wrapped tightly around her areola. "Hehe.. that's more like it. From now on I am your mother." Lucy declared with an artificially inflated chest. 

Was this a dream? Aron mused. But this nipple in his mouth was as real as it could get. 'Did the gunshot disturb her sanity?' Lucy was going against everything her kind stood for. 

If it was only about suckling a stunning woman, Aron would have acted accordingly. But his issues were not only that. He raised his head and glanced at the tent forming in his pants. 

To make matter worse, Lucy actually followed his gaze to discover the development as well. "This.." It was clear from her face, she didn't expect it at all. 

Suddenly, Aron felt the gland over his face lose heat rapidly. Along with that a heavy atmosphere developed in the room, causing his blood to run cold. 

Lucy, who had kept looking at the rising tower in his pants, now shifted her head back to him.. a large smile plastered on her face. She was smiling so widely that Aron can't even see her eyes. 

His heart chilled. He would be a fool not to realize her state of mind. For sure, Lucy hated this. "Please get rid of that." A short sentence, spoken with all the coldness of the world terrified the boy in her lap.

Stationed practically in her lap, Aron can feel her wrath from her piercing gaze. *Gulp* This was not fair. What else did she expect would happen if a grown-ass woman shoves her bosom in a teenager's mouth? Is there even a possibility of another outcome? Unless.. 

'Is she seriously considering herself to be my mum just because she bit me?' Aron quickly rationalized. Nevertheless, he smiled back, trying his best to act all innocent. "I am sorry, Mrs. Lucy. I didn't realize.." 

Closing his eyes, the horny boy could only try to think of the pervy old man from the Necromancy Store. As far as he can tell, the old bastard was the best way to get rid of his boner. 

"Who calls their mother by the name, stupid?" Lucy somehow believed his words, her face relaxing quite a lot and a less ominous smile surfaced. "Still.. this might be a little overwhelming for you.." She pondered to herself.

"Hm.. let's keep Lucy for a while.. but try to make it a habit." Laying in the pureblooded vampire's lap with two oversized melons dangling on his face, Aron could only nod his head in agreement.

Julia had familiarised him with the so-called feminine mood swings he had heard about. But this.. it was on a whole another level. 

Suddenly, Lucy thought something and once again without Aron's approval, pushed her hand in his mouth. From her curious gaze, he can tell she was inspecting his teeth. 

"It's not there. I am still a human." Letting her confirm it, he reiterated the fact. "Yes.. I can see. How peculiar.." While the lady mused, Aron slipped away from under her. Not finding the position very comfortable. 

There was no doubt Lucy was an extremely gorgeous woman. So much so he wasn't sure if any human females could even match half of her beauty, even so, her announcing herself as his 'mother' didn't sit well with him. 

"Mrs. Lucy, I appreciate your.. your.. goodwill. But please note that I am not an orphan." His voice had regained some composure, staring strained into the vampire's blood-red eyes without faltering. 

This change of behavior didn't skip Lucy's attention. "Ohh.. aren't you a nameless slave?" Aron knew the woman had listened to all his conversations with Julia. This must be how she reached the conclusion.

"Not really. My parents had been missing for quite a while, but I am not an orphan." The boy reiterated, this time with a little more rigidness. Lucy can tell this was certainly an important topic of discussion for the kid. 

Why? Because Aron no longer talked to her in a servile manner. "Hmph.." Lucy scoffed away. "Missing? Even a fledgling like yourself must know what happens when you go 'missing' in the outside world." 

Aron had not expected such an unsympathetic response from the woman. Her words definitely stepped over his sensitivities. Although very weak right now, he forced himself off the bed. 

"You had what you came for, Mrs. Lucy. Can you please leave me alone now?" Aron distanced himself from the woman, not looking at her. 

Lucy's expression stiffened up. Did the human brat just talk back to her? Or did she hear it wrongly? "I am not feeling well. I must rest." Aron continued, making sure the vampire got his message. 

"Haha.. did I step on your tail?" Lucy chuckled mockingly at the apparent display of sullenness. Not thinking much about it, she began dressing back her chest. 

Aron had stepped over to the window to stare outside. His eyes turned unfocused and he clenched his fist. If he put his bais to the side, Lucy said nothing wrong.

Getting lost in the world outside the borders of your country was not different than spelling your doom. Nonetheless, he can't believe that. So many years had passed.. his memories had turned blurry. Yet, the flame of hope kept burning inside of him. 

*BZZZZZTT* *BZZZZTT* As if in response to his remorseful heart, a loud noise started blaring outside of his room. This was some kind of alarm, going off inside this building parameters. 

"What's happening?" He mulled to himself, looking all over. "Hm.. these guys are not fooling around." Lucy got up from her seat. Aron saw her pick out a piece of glowing stone from her pocket and crush it into powder. 

Then she raised her head and approached him. Locking her finger around his neck, she brought her face right next to his. "Looks like our time is up, my boy. I must leave now."

Aron wasn't sure how to respond to this. Even after she was just informed of her departure, it seemed she had no intention to follow through. With her arms around his neck, she kept staring into his jet-black eyes with a trace of a smile. 

"Do you know what I see in you?" Lucy whispered, so close that he can feel her hot breath on his face. Though she put up a question, she didn't wait for his answer. 

"Last night, I found someone with a terribly murderous spirit. She was pure and unadulterated chaos. And I loved it.." Lucy went on a tangent, clicking her tongue at the end of her sentence like Aron will miss her excitement if she was not explicit enough.

"She is unique. It's not every day you come across such a strong-willed person, hell-bent on destroying their own lineage." Aron had a feeling that the alarm blaring outside was most probably Lucy's doing. 

But like she was flaunting her superiority over the human race, she showed no hurry to leave. Rather, she had the time to actually talk gibberish with him.

"Both of you are similar in that regard. No matter how much you try to hide it.. I can see it inside you." At this point, her nose was almost touching his. "Your desire to burn everything to ash.. I can see it all. You want to dominate.. dominate life itself.." 

Aron's lips twitched. Did this woman go crazy? Either she knew more about him than himself or she was making all this philosophical shit up. Either way, he was too uninterested to even bear her out. 

"Ah.. Mrs. Lucy, I think you should go. It will be bad if you are located here." He interrupted her marathon babbling with a hand between his face and her. Making it sound as though he was worried for her safety, he gave her no chance to retaliate. 

"Idiot.. I was having so much fun." Making a face like a kid who had been deprived of her favorite candy, Lucy stomped her feet. "Anyhow.. this is too much trouble. Make sure you come out of these academy grounds sometimes. Don't remain holed up in this place all the time." 

Aron will be foolish to take her on that, nonetheless, he nodded his head in agreement. "Certainly." Lucy rolled her eyes at the boy. "You think I can't hurt you here, boy? Believe me, if I want to get rid of you, even the king of your country can't save your puny ass from me." 

Aron nodded once again, too tired to argue with the lady. She might get bored if he kept dodging her questions. Alas.. how can his luck be this good?

Just when Lucy had enough of his unenthused expressions, the knob to the door behind them turned. "Big words for a pesky vampire.. don't you think." 

A honey-like voice prevailed in the room, even before the person outside had shown themselves. It was a voice Aron was quite familiar with. "Mrs. Yana.." 

Just when his lips uttered those words, the door to the room was pushed and an ethereal beauty wrapped in her signature black dress revealed herself. At the moment Mrs. Yana's lips were curled in scorn.

"Oh.. you think so?" Lucy looked like she had seen this woman coming, even before she entered the room. Yana didn't bother replying, her attention now spanning over to the young boy, standing not even a yard away from the vampire lady. 

"As soon as I heard someone broke into the Academy grounds, I knew it will have something to do with you." Yana shook her head in pretentious exasperation. "Come here." 

There was something about Mrs. Yana that will manage to charm Aron each and every time they meet. She was like an angelic being, standing atop this world. Even her action of shaking her head in disappointment held its own allure. 

Like a bewitched fool, he pecked his head and wanted to dive towards the woman as per the command, only for Lucy to squint her eyes and grab his shoulder. "My.. my.. aren't you being a little too condescending to the boy, Mrs..  whatever?" 


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