Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 16 On the trip

**Same time, back in the slaves quarters**

*Pahhh* *Pahh* "Do you remember his name now? Or should we continue?" The man from earlier had Kyla under him on the bed. He was pulling back on her hair and slapped her face ruthlessly. Kyla had her hands cuffed behind her back, while another man was fucking her throat. 

"She is a persistent one." The man in the front commented, jamming his cock in her mouth and pinching her nose to stop her from breathing in. "Everyone has a breaking point, we just need to fuck her to oblivion. Anyway, where will you find such nice pussy? She is the best of the girls here." The man in her pussy, slapped her already battered ass hard, making Kyla convulse in pain.

There were three other men in the room and one by one they all took turns inside her. Lastly, each one jerked his cock and left their cum all over her exhausted body. "We will be back, bitch haha.." 

Kyla laid on the bed, only after 15 minutes did some traces of tears leaked from her eyes. That was life for her. Though the country's law protected her life but no one can save her from this torture. Dragging her bruised body to the bath, she took a bath and left the room. 

*Knock* *Knock* At these times she had single refuse in this world. It took some time for the door to open but it was not the guy she was looking for.

"What happened, Kyla? Is everything alright?" Fatty had just gone to sleep when he heard the knock. The girl on the door looked very despondent. Most of the time she was all cheerful, joking with everyone but right now she looked as if she had lost all her previous spirit. 

"It's nothing, fatty. Where is Aron? He isn't back yet?" Fatty called her in and made her sit in the bed. "Nope. Our boy had found a new hobby of staying out. It's the second time in last week that he isn't back. Who knows where he is. So, do you have anything for him? I can pass on your message." 

Kyla shook her head. "I just wanted to meet him." She climbed into Aron's bed and settled in his blanket. "Since he is not here, I can claim his bed at least haha.." Caleb can tell from her gloomy face that the matter was not as simple as she was letting, but he chose not to dig in deeper. Aron will be the right guy to handle these things. 

Thinking till here he switched off the lights. "Good night, Kyla." "Good night, fatty. Sweet dreams!" Both of them fell into a deep sleep after greeting each other.


The next morning, Yana found something poking the entrance of her vagina. Lazily she shifted her hand to grab the object causing the discomfort. As soon as she grabbed the thick shaft, her eyes opened wide as realization struck her. Only now she can feel a hand grabbing her left boob, while she slept on her sides. 

Hearing the rhythmic sounds of Aron's breathing, her heart calmed down. It was just a coincidence. She shifted his cock in her ass crack and placed her hand on his, snuggling into his embrace and dozing off.


"Why does it feel like we are the one escorting the boy instead of otherwise?" Julia and her friends had been waiting for Aron for 10 minutes now and there was no significant sign of him. All 5 friends had assembled at the gates of their hostel. Julia didn't mind waiting for a few minutes but how can her friends be as accommodating as her.

Sophie was the one who voiced her opinion first. Ava seconded her opinion. "Yeah, why exactly are we wasting time for a slave boy. We can find anyone on our way out of the academy." 

"We are waiting because I want only that boy to accompany us. You got any problems?" Hestia was always ready to butt heads with the short-haired girl. "Huh.. what happened? Don't tell me you would your non-existent boyfriend in the boy." Ava huffed. 

"Hah.. whatever. He is still better than that jerk you call your boyfriend. Haha.. have you seen his face? Even our slave boy looks more attractive than him?" This had Ava seething. But before she can butt heads with the shorter girl, Hera attracted their attention. 

"You guys can stop, he is here." Everyone looked towards the direction Hera pointed. For a few seconds, Sophie and Ava had a hard time spotting the boy among the students. This was the first time they had seen him after Yana did a complete makeover for him.

"I am so sorry for the delay, my ladies. I hope I didn't waste too much of your time." Aron bowed his head in shame. He was the slave boy here, he should have been the one waiting for them. Kyla who had accompanied the boy too bowed her head. 

Julia waved them off. "No need. It's just 10 minutes. We can easily cover it up." Saying that she handed her bag to him. The other girls did the same, handing out their luggage to him. Aron had checked all their hands, apart from Julia no one owned a space ring. That must be the reason he had to carry these things.

Julia seemed to have noticed what he was thinking. She pointed at her ring. "This is the only space ring our group got and it's filled up already. That's why we will need you to carry out extra luggage." Aron smiled. "It's no big deal." He had worked hard as a slave for two years. He was not new to carrying loads. 

Ava had turned to look at the green-haired girl and found her grinning. She was aware that the shorty was mocking her. Taking one more look at the handsome boy she found her unable to refute Hestia's earlier claims. This guy was already quite handsome but after switching to these clean clothes, the boy looked like he came straight out of a children's fable book. 

"Ohh... I forgot to introduce my friend here. This is Kyla. She can cook really well, that's why I brought her with me." Kyla greeted all the ladies one by one. "Then we will depend on you, Ms. Kyla." Julia addressed the girl before announcing their departure. 


"Sorry for my lack of knowledge Ms. Julia, but are we going to the northern forests in this carriage?" The group had settled in a horse-drawn cart. Aron had no idea how they were going to reach the forested lands since what he had heard about it, that place should be quite a car away from the capital. 

He had directed his question to the blonde but Hestia took the opportunity to chime in. "No, you dummy. It will take us a whole week just to reach there. When will we get the time to search for the herbs? So we will be hiring griffons and fly to the nearest town of the forest and from there, we will continue on foot." 

Her words left Aron excited. Till now he had only seen the majestic beasts from a distance. He had never got even close to one but today he might get to ride one. 

Julia took out a booklet from her ring. "Aron and Kyla, we will be short on time once we reach the forests. So I want both of you to go through this book, it has the diagrams and pictures of the herbs we are looking for. I have marked the specific ones." 

He took the booklet from her hands, turning the pages he found the marked pictures. Kyla too took a look trying to remember the figures. "I know, looking for herbs was not in the contract. But we will need all the hands we can use. As one week will be the upper limit of our stay there. If we can't find all of them, we will have to return without them." 

Julia explained some more but Kyla was not fully convinced as of yet. "Sure, Ms. Julia but I got one doubt if you don't mind." Getting permission from the blonde Kyla continued. "From your words, you guys seem to be short on time. Then why don't you just buy these herbs? I am sure if you pay sufficiently, it shouldn't be difficult to acquire them from the shops in the city." 

Sophie was the one to answer her. "Of course we can do that. Preferably, these herbs are not even rare. But the problem is, for all the projects undertaken by the students at the Greenville Academy, it is expected of students to acquire all the required resources on their own. Sure, you can choose to buy them off the shelves but that would cost us our marks." 

Aron was oblivious to all this. From the starting, he had thought that they were on a journey to look for some rare herbs in the forest. Now he got aware that all they will be searching for wad common herbs available in every alchemist shop in the capital. It was quite an underwhelming development.

"Ahem.. then can't you guys just buy it from some shops and pretend as you got it from the forest?" Aron knew it was a stupid question but he can't think of any way the teachers can differentiate between the two herbs. 

As expected all 5 friends, laughed out loud at his ingenious suggestion. "Hahaha... What makes you think our teachers never thought of this matter? Take this advice, never underestimate any teacher of the Greenville Academy. Otherwise, you are in for a lot of pain and suffering." This time Ava was the one who jumped in. Aron was sure he saw the girl shivering for just a second there. Was she speaking from experience?

The group talked for a while when Hestia brought his relationship with Kyla under questioning. "You guys look close to each other? Are you just friends or.. hehe.." 

Aron wasn't flustered at all. "We are just fri..??" But how can Kyla let him continue? She hugged his arm tightly between her bountiful breasts. "Of course we are a couple." Aron looked at her smiling face and didn't have the heart to refute her. He sighed and let her continue with the facade. 

Hestia was excited to see Kyla so open about it. "Ohh.. but what about the deed, did you guys try it yet?" Her words made everyone blush including Aron himself. This girl was enthusiastic about it, cutting no corners. Nevertheless, Kyla wasn't abashed like her 'boyfriend'. "Well, not yet. But we are planning to do it very soon hehe.." She made sure to snuggle Aron's arms even closer to herself, leaving the boy a bit flustered. 

"Enough discussion about your personal lives. Remember, we have a task on our hands." Hestia seemed to have many more questions ready for the slave-girl but had to shut up when Julia restricted any further conversation. She can only pout, thinking of an opportunity to meet with the girl alone and continue with her questions, some other time.

Everyone was happy that Julia stepped in to stop the discourse to move into obscene territory. Considering it was Hestia, the discussion was bound to go in that direction. Of course, the most relieved out of all was Hera who took a secret glance at the handsome visage of the boy, before hurriedly dropping her head in shame. 

Their journey in the horse carriage continued for the next hour when they arrived at the local station. Aron was tasked with carrying the luggage, as the girls made their way to the inside of the griffon station. 

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