Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 2 Sincere Affection

Aron returned to his dorm room late that night. He had to eat the leftovers from dinner. The gate to his room was open and getting in, he found the whole thing is a mess. Whatever little babbage both he and Caleb had was thrown around. On the bed, he found fatty groaning in pain. His wounds weren't bad but he was roughed up pretty badly. This was not new to Aron, so first, he checked his suitcase and only after finding the book in there, went to check in fatty.

"Was it Gavin, again?" He sat beside the big guy and checked on his swelled wounds. "Who else has two fathers? Ahaha.." Aron sighed. "How many times have I told you, let him take the money. We don't have any choice right now." Caleb nodded his head. "I know but I just hate his face. Once he is before, I just can't control my mouth and end up cursing the idiot haha.." 

Aron had no idea how he can make this guy stop butting head with the dorm bully. He was many years older than them and they stood no chance against the guy. Not to mention he has minions under him. "Wait here. I will bring some hot water." They can't afford to pay for any medicine so Aron had to bring some boiled water from the main kitchen and drenching a piece of cloth in it, placed it on Caleb's swelled arm. "Ahhhhh.." That night fatty's screams rang down throughout the corridor.


A week passed like this and Aron had not managed to make any progress. Two spells were available to him right now, but all he can read right now is their description. To understand the incantation he needed knowledge of the spell language. 

He was dusting another statue when someone called out to him from behind. "Hello Aron, how are you doing?" He turned around to find a lady in a completely black dress. He recognized her. She was one of the faculty in the necromancy department and probably the only one who cared to remember his name. 

"Hello, Mrs. Yana. I am fine. Hope you are well too." In truth, Aron had somewhat of a crush on Yana. In his eyes, she was the perfect lady. An hourglass figure, rosy cheeks, firm butt and to top it all she has a decent personality. He had been lying to Caleb last night when he said that he was refusing Kyla because she was older than him. Rather he liked the mature ladies and Kyla was just a kid like himself in his eyes.

"I am fine too. I didn't see you around for a while now. I was afraid they shifted you to some other department haha.." He can feel himself getting lost in her soft laugh. Shaking his head he responded. "No, they just assigned me to another location in this department itself for a few days. But now I think I will am back." 

"That's good then. So Aron, please come with me. Those students of mine really messed up the laboratory. I want you to help me get it cleaned up." Why would he decline her offer? They walked together towards the direction of the lab room when Aron decided to clear some of his doubts. "Mrs. Yana, if you don't mind me asking, can you tell me how long does it take for students to learn the language so that they can read the incantations?" 

"Hmm? Let me think. It heavily depends on the comprehension ability of the students.  A year should be enough for the bright ones while not so bright ones might take twice that period." Aron responded with a nod while carrying his mopping stick on his shoulders. "Are you planning on trying to get in as a student, little Aron?" Yana turned to look in his direction with an inquisitive face. 

"Ah.. not really. I was just curious, so thought of asking you." He hurriedly answered. "Ohh.. well I will suggest you should at least give it a try. If I remember correctly, they might pick a few students from the slaves. If you work hard you might just get in. Though the selected numbers are painfully abysmal, still you are so young right now so anything can happen." Yana tried to motivate him. 

'She is a good-hearted person.' Let alone the faculty members, even the students in this school are too proud to even talk to the slaves but here she was, trying to inspire him to get in as a student. 

"Thank you for your kind words, Mrs. Yana. I guess I will give it a try then." He beamed an innocent smile towards her. Yana was very happy that he took her advice. 

Reaching the laboratory, Yana bent down to open the lock, and Aron was put in a difficult situation. Her butt had been pushed into his view. Although there was no exposed skin his hormone-wrecked brain didn't take long to picture those fleshy buns without clothes. Unfortunately, the view didn't last long as Yana opened the door and invited him in.

"See? Those brats have messed this place up. I allow them access even during the off hours so they can improve but all I get in return is this." Aron looked around and saw the apocalyptic scene. It was really bad. Apart from heaps of torn paper, leaves of medicinal plants, different solutions spilled on the floor, and multiple broken glass bottles, there were even some dead bodies of small animals. But it was not something Aron had seen for the first time. He promptly got to work. 

Just as he was collecting the pieces of the paper from the floor, he saw Yana rolling her sleeves up and beginning to do the clean up too. He hurriedly called out to the lady of his dreams. "What are you doing Mrs. Yana? Please leave it to me." 

"Haha.. what are you talking about. You can't possibly handle everything on your own, little kid." She insisted. Aron shook his head. "If I can't handle it then I will go and call my friend to give me a hand. But you are the teacher here how can you do all this?" 

"Haha.. you are funny Aron. I just want to help. Also, I feel like I am gaining some weight these days, if I don't do some regular workouts I will turn into a granny in a few years." Aron laughed lightly, not protesting against her involvement anymore. 'If I ever get married, I must find someone just like Mrs. Yana.' That day he made a promise to himself. It was the hardest 2 hours of his life. From time to time his gaze would land upon Mrs. Yana's tight bust or her firm butt. In contrast to his situation, Yana was calmly focused on the cleaning without being suspicious of the boy.


Aron walked through the corridors, all the images of Mrs. Yana in various postures, still fresh in his mind. He knew it wasn't completely his. Some of the blame lay on his hormones. While thinking about all this, he walked past the bulletin board. As a habit, he checked all the requests once again. He had been checking it for the past week, in hopes of finding a task that a slave like him can complete. As his payment, he wanted to borrow the magic incantation learning books, for a few days.

He was disappointed until he came across one particular request. "Hmm?" He was eligible for this one as the students who have put this up were particularly looking for a slave. But it was a risky request. These students wanted to test a potion on a willing subject. He checked the payment and it was listed to be 100 copper chips. That was equivalent to 10 proper copper coins. It was a high-risk, high reward task. Aron had never seen this much money in his life at once, considering the salary that he collected as a slave was a mere 5 copper chips, every month. 

They have listed down the place and time they can be contacted. Aron will have to take this chance. There will always be a risk of something going wrong with the potion and he might be crippled for life, but what options did he have? He was unwilling to live this mediocre life. He had dreams, he wanted to achieve. He had to find out what happened to his parents? Why they never returned? Were they even alive now?

There were so many questions that he desperately wanted to be answered. If he can't get away from this life of slavery, he will remain a restless soul all his remaining life. The older you get the harder it gets for you to find your way out of this profession. He took one last look at the time and place, before moving away.


Night has fallen and Aron just had his dinner. But instead of returning with Caleb, he went towards the dorms of the students. He looked at the massive sets of buildings all around him. The students in this school were all from prominent families, that meant school had to maintain a lavish lifestyle for them. 

"Can you please call, Ms. Julia? Her room number is 211. It's related to the test subject for her magic potion." He stated the reason for his visit to the attendant lady, who asked him to wait there as she sent a servant to inform the said person.

Aron's gaze roamed all around the massive hall. It was brightly lit with large glowing magic balls. The floor was covered with an expensive-looking carpet. They even had a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Each piece of decorations, from the curtains to the paintings, seems to be a mocking reminder of his status here. Naturally, Aron was a bit awkward sitting on the chair in one corner of this empty hall. 

A few minutes passed and he watched the servant return, followed by a young girl of an age similar to his. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like him. She was dressed in a simple nightgown, but even that looked lavish compared to his torn shirt and dirty pants. Julia seems to be the leader of those students as she had given her address and chose to be contacted by the interested party.

As he was looking at her, she seems to have noticed him too. Her face didn't have any particular expressions and that was the best Aron can expect. Just the fact that her face didn't scrunch up, after looking at a slave made her a benevolent person in his eyes.

"Come follow me!" Julia called out as she walked past him and Aron followed. She walked out of the building and only stopped once they reached the garden. The blonde lady turned around to take a good look at him. He didn't speak anything, waiting for the girl to open the conversation. 

"What is your name?" "Aron." He replied promptly. "Okay, Aron. Are you sure you want to accept this task? I hope you have properly read all the points we have mentioned." Julia crossed her hands across her small chest while talking. 

Aron nodded in response. "Yes, my lady." "Then we have nothing to talk about. Just know this we have no idea how the potion will react to a human body. Though, we have tested it multiple times on animals. There is always a possibility of something going wrong. If you want to follow through, then meet me at this location tomorrow night at ten." Julia didn't want to warn the guy too much and have him back off. 

Rarely they will find a slave that will be brave enough to take this risk. Potion testing had a bad reputation in school, anyway. So if this guy leaves she wasn't sure if they will be able to find a new one even in weeks. They had to test and get this potion verified, before the midterm that will start in just 3 weeks. Since he had agreed she walked past him to take her to leave, only to be stopped by the boy's question. "Ahem.. before you go, my lady. Can you please clear some of my doubts?" 

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