Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 58 Dark Lightning Spear

"Ahhhhh!!! Mhhhhh!!!" Low moans can be heard from Aron's quarters, amid the heavy snoring from fatty. Way past midnight, Aron can be found tossing and turning in his bed, his face furrowed in pain. The mark left on the right side of his neck was glowing red. 

He wasn't alone in the bed, the same demon-like woman lay beside him, her hands lovingly caressing his sweaty face. "It's okay, kid. You are much stronger than this." She pulled his face into her bosom, holding him tightly against it. 

His nails sunk in her skin while he winced in pain but the expression on the woman's face didn't change at all. She kept holding onto him for the rest of the night when the boy finally fell asleep in her arms. 

The next day Aron woke up when the rays of sunlight fell on his face. He was scared when he noticed the time, getting up in hurry. That's when a soft press of hand stopped him from jumping down his bunk bed. "It's okay, you don't need to go to work today. I checked with the authorities here. From today you should only focus on your cultivation." 

Aron's eyes adjusted to the bright light, finding Julia sitting right next to him. "Mhhh.. what are you saying?" He rubbed his eyes, still feeling muddleheaded. It took him some time to understand what the girl was trying to explain to him.

"Come, we need to see granny Nancy. You were bitten by a pureblood, it will certainly have some complications." "Damn.. don't tell me I will turn into a vampire as well?" In the lores, Aron had heard about this possibility of turning if you are bitten by a vampire. Julia chuckled, looking at his twitching face. 

"Nah.. It's not that easy. There is a greater possibility of you turning into a thrall than a vampire." "What's that?" "Hehe.. a mindless blood-sucking creature." Aron's skin crawled in terror, just imagining himself as one. "Stop messing with me girl. Tell me what all is going on?" 

"I thought these vampires existed hidden, in some far-off land. How come I was unlucky enough to meet one at a diner?" Julia laughed at his self-berating comments. "Huh.. serves you right. Anyhow, you should be proud. Not only, human women, now even the vampire ladies are crawling all over you Ahahahaha..!!" 

Julia seems to be having the time of her life, relishing in the boy's misfortune. "Yeah, very funny. Now can you tell me what's this deal with purebloods? Are they like.. really powerful?" He had heard the woman not even afraid of facing Julia's mother in combat. And with how those noble men and women from the dinner were fawning all over this blonde girl, even a fool can tell that her mother should be a big shot around here.

"You got no idea. Each pureblood is akin to an army in its own. Just know this, a high ranked pureblood can face a human General without losing ground." Aron gulped. Even with his limited knowledge, he knew that a General was a human personification of might. Didn't that mean he was in the hands of a General level powerhouse yesterday? All this sounded like a fairy tale.

"Hey.. hey.. wait a minute. If she was such a great fighter, how come she left us alone after exchanging just a few punches with that old bag of bones?" Aron exclaimed.

"Acchoo!!" *Snicker* "Which bastard is cursing me?" In the necromancy store, a man sneezed before going back to his erotic magazine and giggling vulgarly. 

"Hahah.. Yeah, I forgot to ask how exactly did you manage to antagonize Mr. Hans?" "Huh.. it's nothing, he just feels threatened that his wife would elope with me." Julia chuckled once again. This guy sure comes up with some crazy prospects. 

Aron went on to explain the reason for the bad blood between the two of them. "Haha.. do you even know who Mr. Hans is?" "Who cares?" "You idiot. He was the previous General of the southern command. The undead General Hans. He retired just a few years back when General Brooklyn took over his position." 

"Hmm." Now that he thinks about it, the woman from yesterday left behind some similar words. At that time he was disoriented by the loss of blood and missed it. Even now he found it difficult to attach an auspicious name like a General with that lewd old man. 'He must have been kicked out due to his pervy habits.' 

"So what? He is retired, isn't he? I bet he must have been pretty bad at his job." Julia can only relent. There was no way she can dismiss these preconceived notions in his mind. "You are funny. Let's go. We need to get you checked up." 

Putting aside the questions in his mind the boy jumped down. *Thump* *crack* Julia turned around to find that the idiot had cracked his floorboard. But as opposed to her, Aron was confused. This was his usual routine, this was not the first time he had jumped down like this. 

"What are you lost for? Get it repaired afterward." Despite her urgings, she saw the boy look down at his palms, repeatedly clenching and unclenching them. She can tell that something was wrong. "What happened?" Aron mulled over the matter for a few seconds before looking back at her. "I don't know. It suddenly feels like this is not my body." 

Julia's gaze sharpened. "Hold my hand... No wait.. hold this.." She pointed him to the metal leg of the bunk bed. Realizing what she required him to do, he slowly increased the pressure. *Crunch* *crack* The couple turned to stare at the astonishment in each other's eyes. 


It was early morning and an old lady was having her coffee in her room. She composedly sat in her chair, staring outside her window. *Sip* It was quite rare for her to have such free days and hence she was enjoying it to the fullest. Breathing in the fresh air brought in the slow gust of wind. 

"Ahh.." Sipping in the hot coffee from her mug the woman groaned softly, letting her waterfall-like blue hair cascade down to her lap. "GRANNY!!!" The serene atmosphere was instantly destroyed by a loud shout from outside her office, followed by her door being blasted open. 

For once Nancy was disoriented, causing her to spill some of her drink over her clothes. She can only turn around to find a ragged Julia on her door with a similarly exasperated boy behind her. "Huff.. huff.. granny.. you... need to see.. this..!!" 

Nancy can only smile bitterly at her spoilt dress before turning her head towards the girl. "Can you calm down first?" Julia massaged her chest, pushing the boy forward. "Cough.. There is something wrong with him, you need to take a look." 

Nancy got to her feet, holding the boy in her arms and twirling him around like an object. "Hmm.. I see nothing wrong with him." Julia shook her head, tilting Aron's head to show the bite mark to the lady. "This. He was bitten." 

Nancy's eyes stagnated at the two canine marks. Her fingers gently rubbed over them. "A vampire?" Julia bobbed her head. "Lucy Crimson. That's her name." Hearing the name the older woman's eyes got wider. "Someone from Crimson family? When did this happen." 

Julia fell back on the couch, explaining the matters in detail, while Nancy checked the boy thoroughly. "Hans saved you two?" "Yeah. Thanks to him we escaped ali.. no, he escaped alive." "I can't see anything wrong with him? Also, you need not worry about it. Purebloods are not allowed to turn anyone into vampires. There is strict control over who they can turn. No one will dare break this rule, no matter which clan." 

"I know that. Hey.. show her." Aron nodded and gently took hold of Nancy's arms. "How do we explain this?" At first, the older woman was confused as to what these two kids were planning. But as time passed she observed the boy's hold getting tighter. In the next second her brows furrowed. 

The force Aron was exerting was nowhere near what a brat like him should possess at this age. Every mage goes through a physical refinement, meaning that their bodies possess much more strength than a mortal human. Still, this boy wasn't even a proper mage just yet. 

"How did this happen?" Nancy placed her hands on his back, this time using her mana to probe his body even more deeply. She can tell that while the boy's body had gone through some changes, it was inherently human. "Have you seen something like this?" 

Nancy shook her befuddled head. "I don't know. These changes should only occur once a human goes through the process of turning. But he is still as human as anyone else in this room. Huuu...!!" 

"What a headache!" "What should we do?" Nancy puffed her chest with fresh air before pinching the nose of the concerned girl. "As far as this concerns you.. nothing. Returnto your dorm. I will take this from here." "But I.." "You have done enough, kid. Retire back." Julia's words were cut off by a stern-faced Nancy, forcing her to drag her feet on the ground. 

Nancy chuckled, watching the girl make faces at her to show her displeasure. The blonde left the room after taking one final look at Aron. "This girl.." 

Aron was smiling at the kid-like behavior from the girl when the woman turned to face him. "Hmm? Punching above your weight, boy?" It took him some time to realize that she was talking about his recently budding relationship with Julia. 

"Haha.. it's not that serious. Ms. Julia is just too kind." "Well, that is true. She is a sweetheart. Now then.. what should we do about you?" Aron knew the question was not meant for him to answer, so he gave her privacy to think about it. 

"Let's go. I can only bring you to a professional." Not able to come up with anything else, she can only refer him to a doctor. "Huh.. there goes my free day." At her subtle remark, Aron can only scratch his head in embarrassment. 

After 10 minutes, the boy and the lady walked out of the Central Library together. On the way, Nancy put him through a questionnaire to check if was feeling something bad about his body. However, apart from a minor body ache, he can't feel anything wrong.

The lady recalled her first time meeting the boy. 'No matter what, it should be the anomaly that is causing this issue. No pureblood will dare to create a brethren without the proper permission of the councils.' 

The corridors of this part of the academy layered around a massive field. Aron had never seen this part of the academy since he was under the necromancy department. A single stone pillar stood in the middle of the large ground. Hundreds of meters away, his eyes focused on a spear stuck half inside the pillar. 

"That's the Dark Lightning Spear, placed there by the first principal of the Greenville Academy." Nancy saw the boy continuously staring in the direction, hence taking the time to explain. Aron can only nod lightly while his gaze remained stuck to the inky black spear.

This was the first time he had ever seen this weapon, regardless he felt a strange connection to it. Like that thing was alive and calling out to him. "Why is it stuck there? Is no one interested in it?" From what she told him, a weapon used by the first principal of the school should have a massive appeal to the students and teachers alike. 

"Haha.. on the contrary, there is no one in the whole academy who doesn't want to get that spear for themselves. It's just that no one can free it from the pillar." "No one?" This fact blew his mind away. It was to be noted that Greenville Academy is where most of the powerful individuals congregated, can none of them pull the spear out?

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