Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 64 A successor? 2

"What does it say?" At the question, Darlene had an uneasy face. "Can't tell. It's too difficult." "Even for you?" "Yes. I need time." Yana fell in her chair, exhausted. "Good, then I will give you time hehe.." Rolling the paper, she handed it over to her colleague. 

"Haha.. will do my best." Both ladies chuckled together. They had come to like each other in these weeks they had met each other. Now Yana can even call this masked woman a friend of hers. "So? Feeling hungry?" 

Yana nodded and extended her hand, which was grabbed by Darlene. *Thud* *Grrrr* They had just got to their feet when they heard the noise. Turning around, they found the skeleton throwing its weight around in agitation. Clearly something was wrong with it.

"What's happened to it?" "Don't know. It had never behaved in this way." It's been over a week and the undead had stood there in the same position from start to end. "It's trying to get out of its bindings." Darlene can see that the skelly was trying its best to break away from the binds that restrained its limbs. 

"Hmm.. should we try untying it?" Both the ladies in the room were powerhouses. A skeleton can't threaten them so it was not a bad idea. "Yeah, I will do it." Yana agreed with the suggestion and had only taken a single step towards the guy when a magic circle manifested under it. 

Under the surprised gazes of the women, the circle gradually swallowed the struggling undead. "What was that all about?" Darlene was not an expert in necromancy, and hence it was hard to make sense of anything that transpired within the last minute.

Yana took some time to register the phenomenon as well. "I am not sure either. But.. I guess I should check on the brat once." She was trying to act composed but Darlene can see the worry on her face. "Do you know his residence?" 

Yana clicked her tongue in annoyance. All this time she never bothered to check where the boy lived. "No. But I got a student who must be knowing that." "I will come with you." Naturally, Darlene herself had grown concerned. 

At the same time, Julia just had her dinner together with her friends. At these times, even Kyla comes to join them. The girls had just come out of the mess when the two ladies confronted them. It didn't even take them a minute to traverse the distance. 

*Knock* *Knock* Caleb was already in his bed when someone knocked on his door. "Screw you Aron.. is this the time to ret..??" He was not able to complete his sentence because there was no 'Aron' on the door. Instead, he found Julia together with two scary ladies whose glares made him shiver.

"Did Aron return here today?" Julia can tell the answer, regardless she asked anyway. Fatty can only reply negatively, causing the ladies to turn on their heels and leave the corridor. Once they left, fatty took a deep breath to calm his pounding heart. "Damn.. you Aron, aren't these women too scary to be involved with?"

"Why would he be with Mrs. Nancy?" Yana questioned the girl. She was worried about the kid since all the signs displayed by the skeleton before it was dragged back to its world suggest that Aron's life might be in danger. Nevertheless, she was a woman who had seen combat and hence remained calm even in the adverse situation.

Compared to her Darlene was panicking even more. Yet, this was not her place to question anyone. The best she can do was to hope for the best. "Things happened.." Julia began explaining their encounter with Lucy Crimson and how she bit Aron.

"So many things happened to the boy in such a small span of time." Yana sighed at the misfortune of the kid. "Let's go, we will check at Mrs. Nancy's place." She asked Julia to return but the girl was stubborn.

**Few minutes back**

"Shitt.. shit.. shit..!!" Rin was rushing through her drawers looking for a particular drug. Aron's heart had stopped and even after she forcefully tried to get it back into action, there was no response. 

Right then the door to her room opened and two ladies entered. "What happened to him?" Nancy was here to discuss the matters related to the relic, but finding the unconscious boy and panic-stricken Rin she knew something had gone wrong.

"Aunt Nancy.. he.. he.. is not breathing." Madelyn took over and reached the boy, sending her mana inside his body, trying to assess the damage. Meanwhile, Nancy consoled Rin in her arms. "It's okay, girl. We are here. Nothing will happen to the boy." 

Finally, Rin calmed down and stared at the principal, hoping that the lady can pull some miracle. "Hmm... it's certainly dark energy that's wrecking through his body. Hold him down for me, big sis." Contrary to others, Madelyn maintained an impassive face, unfazed by almost anything.

Placing both her hands on the unconscious boy's chest she sent an extraordinary amount of her mana into his body. A wave of blast originating from Aron, caused by the dark energy eating away at the newly introduced mana. The shock caused the boy to go into a seizure, vomiting even more blood. 

Nancy held his body down, realizing that he was not out of danger yet. *Crackle* *Crackle* Rin gasped as bolts of lightning traveled up her arms. Madelyn kept sending parcels of her mana, coercing the foreign energy into her body and neutralizing it. 

After continuous shocks for the next five minutes, Aron was breathing once again. "There might be some blood in his lungs, remove it and he will be fine." Madelyn addressed the spectacled doctor with a comforting smile. 

She slapped the boy's face lightly with her palms. "As expected, his body is proficient in dark energy as well. Had it been someone incompatible, their mana channels should have been degraded thoroughly." Nancy stroked his hair, carefully cleaning the blood off his face.

"I don't know why to buy I have an intuition that what we know about his parents might be total hogwash." Madelyn observed Rin as she punctured the boy's chest with skillful precision, draining contaminated blood from it. She turned to face her senior, nodding her head at the response.

"This level of talent in a slave. No one is going to believe that such trait appeared randomly." "No matter, let's keep this matter under wraps. Fortunately, no one seems to have been around when all this happened." Nancy responded, still occupied by her thoughts.

"Yeah, in any case, I will have Wendy double-check it, just in case." "That will be for the best." *Bang* The sisters were talking when suddenly the door to the office was slammed open. Both of them were left confused to see two of their teachers outside the room with a young maiden, who immediately ran inside.

Julia felt her heart stop when she saw Aron bare-chested with a pipe attached to his punctured chest. "Careful girly!!" She wanted to get closer but a stern shout from Rin stopped her in her tracks. Knowing that the lady was a doctor, probably only trying to help him, she can only stare at his pale face.

"Is he okay?" Yana was the next to walk in, directing her question to the principal. "Yes, but this is restricted property now little Yana. Why don't you take your ass out?" Her words didn't affect the woman a bit. "Hahaha.. you look so cute, commander. It's a marvel to watch the very personification of anarchy trying to maintain order."

"What did you say, girl? Want me to spank your rude ass for you?" Madelyn was ready to charge but anyone can see that the fake bravado was nothing but friendly banter. Nancy stepped between the two women, forcing them away from each other. "Let's keep that for some other day."

"Even Darlene is here.. why exactly did you guys come here?" Nancy's question was directed towards the redhead but Yana chimed in. "You see, my friend here has a special ability. Once she sleeps with someone, she can tell if their life is in danger."

Darlene blushed thoroughly while almost all the ladies in the room laughed out loud. Now that the brat was out of danger, they can have some relaxed time. The masked lady too would have brushed off the pun but truth was that she had really slept with the boy. Even though they didn't move any further than kissing, it was still embarrassing for her because of their age difference.

The only one who had no trace of a smile on her face was Julia. The girl was rather busy analyzing Darlene's blushing face. Her overly suspicious nature allowed her to see what the other ladies can't. Jealousy prevailed in her heart, despite knowing that it was all her conjecture at this point.

Moving her eyes away from the lady, she stared back at the unconscious boy. "How did he end up like this?" Her question put an end to their laughter, attracting their attention. "Hmm.. we plan to keep it a secret, so don't leak it outside this room for now." Madelyn glanced at Nancy before answering that question.

It was not going to be secret for too long anyway, added to that each one in this room was an important personality. While the two new ladies were their trusted teachers, Julia was the progeny of one of the most prominent houses in the country. 

"The boy.. he actually tried to pull out Dark Lighting Spear." That single sentence caused the color to drain from the newcomers' faces. "But everyone does that. There are dozens every day who try their luck with the relic. I have never seen someone get injured in doing that." 

Madelyn had a wide grin on her face in reply to Darlene's query. "You don't mean to say..??" Yana can make sense of the principal's excitement. "Hehe... It's not free yet. But the brat already cracked the pillar Ahahahaha...!!" 

There were no words that can communicate the level of ecstasy Madelyn felt. "Hahaha... Under the reign of Madelyn the great, Greenville Academy finally finds a successor to the first principal haha.." She can even visualize being showered with praises, called into all kinds of celebrations with unlimited food and wine.

"Heyy..!!" Alas.. a slap to the back of her head sent her dreams crashing. "You are still such a kid..!" Nancy admonished, only causing the woman to roll her eyes at her. "As expected of commander. Shamelessly leeching onto a kid's achievements to pull yourself through hahaha.." Yana left no chance to get under the skin of Madelyn, leaving her with gritting teeth.

"It's an amazing achievement indeed. He is not even a proper mage yet. One year in the academy and he can probably pull it all the way out." Madelyn bobbed her head in agreement with Darlene's comments. 

As the ladies discussed the matter, Julia came to sit beside the boy. "How long will it take him to wake up?" "Hmm.. not sure, a day or two probably." Rin saw the girl stroke the boy's face with great affection. "Are you his.. like a girlfriend?" 

"No.. just a friend." Only Julia knew how hard it was to say just a single line. All these years she had never been attracted towards boys, so much so that her friends assumed she was into girls. And here she was falling so hard for a slave boy. 'He is getting more and more impressive.. ehh!!'

She was extremely happy for this new feat of his. Nonetheless, it was nothing less than an alarm bell for her. Combining his doll face with his renewed prospects of freeing the relic, she can tell how much of a fatal attraction this guy can become for the females around. Surrounded all around by beautiful mature ladies with bountiful breasts, Julia was like a little kitten trying to safeguard what belonged to her. 

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