Necromancer rampaging through the Realms

Chapter 89 Lucy on the hunt

In the shady room, the ungroomed men all stared blankly at each other. *Gulp* "An elf? You aren't thinking about one from this current lot?" One of the guys questioned, to whom the fourth man laughed shrewishly. "Hehe.. you don't have to worry about that, now do you?" 

The second guy can feel his throat dry up and gushed down another swig from his wine gourd. "Don't be reckless. No one knows when the boss might return. If he finds out.. getting thrown out of this place will be the most compassionate result."

"Think about it. He never returns before sunset." The fourth man twisted his heavy mustache with a wide grin on his face. "I say we take this risk. And since I have the keys, I will be taking the most risk out of all. That's the reason for the compensation of 50 coppers." 

No matter what they thought, the others could not provide any argument against his claims. His words did make quite a lot of sense. In the unfortunate scenario that they are caught red-handed, he was the one who would be taking the most blame. 

"If you don't want to take me up. Hahah.. good luck finding yourself a pussy in this wilderness. I say you are better off rubbing one off with your hands.. you know... haha.." The man laughed out and got to his feet, brushing his pants. 

"I might as well enjoy her for myself." He turns around as if ready to leave the room. That's when one of the men left behind can't suppress his desires anymore. "Brother, tell us more about the elf. Which one are you going to fetch?" 

If they are going to take a risk, it better be worth it. It won't be justifiable in case he brings an old granny or even a young child, both of that were a bad deal. "Hehe... I see. Just know she is the best one out of this lot. Only this morning boss had his way with her. That's why I am sure he won't notice even if we have some fun ourselves.. hehehe.." The man laughed snobbishly, sorting everything out in his head. 

His words caused the men to feel a spark shoot up their backbones. Elves were one of the most glorious species in this world. Living for multiple centuries, each one possessed a body with pristine skin and similarly crafted facial features.

Despite the humans and elves finding themselves on the same side of most issues plaguing this world, they could never form a true alliance. Both male and female elves had great demand in the black market. And because of the extremely high revenues generated from the illegal slave trade, the kingdom simply turned a blind eye to it. For once they can afford to upset the elves, but they can't upset the revenue streams generated by their illegal trading.

Just thinking about the pulpy tall bodies of a female elf was enough for the deprived men to drool from their mouths. "Fuck.. it. Here.. take my money." After the first guy collapsed, others followed suit, each one throwing out a similar number of copper coins with a heavy heart.

"Nice. You won't regret it." The last guy jumped on the opportunity and collected the coins in an instant. "Wait for me here. I will bring her in." Seeing others nod he was about to turn back when he recalled something. "Hey.. one more thing. This is only valid for one time. Once you erupt, you will not have another go." 

No one debated him on his reservations, so the guy left the room and walked out. The mansion they were in right now acted as a depot for supplying new slaves to mostly the capital city. As such, the structure over the ground was just a facade, and a large portion of the building was underground. 

As the man traveled down the stairs, the lights kept getting dimmer until he was at the lowest levels. "Oi... Runt..!" He noticed a young boy cleaning the quarter he passed by, signaling him to come with him. 

"Yes, boss..!" The boy ran out of the cell, catching up to him. "Come with me, I got a task for you." The kid didn't question him, walking with the man as they kept navigating their way through the dense sets of narrow tunnels.

Eventually, reaching their destination, the guy fished out a set key chain from his pocket and opened the lock to a heavy metal door. "Clean the room. If you do a good job, I might let you touch her."

The boy in his late teen smiled lecherously and pecked his head. Through the doorway, he can clearly see an exceptionally tall girl sitting in one corner, covered in dirty rags. Even in the shoddy surroundings with low illumination, her snowy white skin glowed unblemished.

The breaded man went ahead and unlatched some of the shackles restraining the girl to the wall. There were a few more slaves, both men, and women, but none of them was in any shape to react to the situation. 

Throwing the keys over to the boy he brought along, the mustached man swept the hair sticking to the elf girl's face. His action revealed her stupendous green eyes, a feature trademark of the elves species, along with their sharp ears. 

"Let.. me go...!!" The elf struggled, trying to push the man's face away from her, alas.. she can't feel any strength in her body. "There.. there.. don't be impatient.. we will have our fun." He patted her cheeks, finding her to be in a thoroughly intoxicated state. 

Elves were generally stronger than humans physically, as a result, they had to keep her drugged up. Unable to stop himself, the guy ravenously kissed her lips before picking her up and placing her over his shoulders, and slapping her perky ass. "Here.. we go..!" 


"What happened to me?" Aron found himself all alone in the Radiance Arena. Everyone was gone and the sun was shining directly over his head, telling him that a few hours must have passed. Instantly he felt dizzy once again.

"Easy there.." Someone held his arm, stopping him from a fall and holding him still. "Christina?" Aron felt a surge of pain in his head, probably originating from the lack of mana he felt in his system. 

"Here... Mrs. Yana asked us to pass it over. Eat it." She didn't bother to answer him, simply tossing the pill in his hand. Aron didn't complain and with a small nod, popped it in his mouth, swallowing at once. 

It only took a few minutes for the pill to take effect. A cold sensation rose from his abdomen, spreading to his entire body. Relieved, he once again turned to face the girl. "How badly did I mess up? I mean.. do I still got a chance?" 

This was not how things were supposed to be. He had especially learned one of the weakest summoning spells, just so nothing goes wrong in the screening test. Too bad.. man proposes god disposes. 

"I don't know. Mr. Simon didn't look too pleased but he held off declaring the final result for you." Christina and Chris had already passed the tests anyway, their lives didn't hang in balance like him. 

Aron sighed, holding his head in his hands. He can't fail here. He had come too far to fail. Although Christina was not the best fan of the boy, she can nevertheless feel his surging emotions. 

"Don't worry too much. I am sure they will make a wise decision." Aron was truly not expecting the Christina of all the people to be sympathetic towards him. He managed a smile and passed her a nod. "Well at worst they might have you keep your job as a slave while allowing you to attend the classes." 

Right when he has begun feeling good about it, Christina continued. Watching the girl say all this is the most serious face she had ever, Aron didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her clueless attitude. 

"Leaving that aside. Where is brother Chris?" "Went to bring us something to eat." Christina responded swiftly, pointing at the sun over their heads. "It's noon already." 

"Ohh.." Not requiring her support any further, Aron sat up on his own. "Thanks for looking after me. I am grateful." Christina was definitely not used to being thanked, because he saw her turn her face away as if the girl was unsure of the correct facial expressions to respond with. 

"No need. I just did what my brother told me." She fiddled with her hair, not out of embarrassment but rather of the pertaining awkward silence between them. "What was that thing? I have never seen a summon attack its spell caster." 

Christina asked half out of curiosity and half to get get out of the nervous atmosphere that had developed. Though her words were spoken with a tinge of innocence, Aron scratched the corner of his forehead. "Ahem.. well.." 

To have your own summon attack you. Can the situation go any worse than this? Now that Christina had put her thoughts like that, he can tell what must be going on in the minds of the instructors. The more he mulled over it, the more his chances of getting into the academy diminished. 

"You don't know?" Unaware of the tussle in his mind, the girl checked with him again. Not sure why he stopped midway. "That.. well to say the truth I have seen that guy earlier. Let's say, I messed up the first ever spell, and that had led him to crawl into our world."

"My friends helped me get rid of him last time. But he clearly has not left me alone." Aron concluded. Now that she was talking to him one on one for the very first time, Christina can tell the boy was probably not as degenerate as she made him out to be. At the very least his emotions were completely genuine. 

With some hesitance, she put her hand on his shoulder. "That's fine. If that's the single one, Mrs. Yana did capture it, didn't she? If it's like that, it won't haunt you ever again." Aron nodded. "You are right. That's the only good thing that came out of this test today, seriously." 

"Yo.. what are you two gossiping about?" Chris announced his arrival and Christina immediately pulled her hand back, her expression turning stiff once again. "Hahaha.. nice.. you are awake brother. Here I brought lunch for all of us." 


"Dang.. she is a gorgeous one..!!" The men exclaimed once the bearded person carried the elf on his shoulder into the room. "Shhh..!! Keep quiet, you will wake her up." He brought her over to a single dilapidated couch in one corner of the room and carefully nestled her on it.

Each of the previous guys can't help but relish the alluring face as well as the ravishing figure. "It was money well spent hahaha.." One by one each of them broke out in loud laughter.

"But seriously. Even for an elf she is extraordinarily exquisite. How much do you guys think she will sell for?" "Much more than I can ever make in a lifetime, I bet." The man with his wine gourd was the first to jump at the opportunity, tugging his pants down to reveal his prick. 

He was about to step closer with his hand around his weiner when the man from earlier stepped in. "I don't need to tell you. Still... There should be no marks.. not a single one on her. Also, don't ejaculate inside or over her. Otherwise, you will be the one in charge of cleaning." 

"Huh... I got it." He clicked his tongue and forced the guy off him. With a licentious chuckle, he took a seat on the edge of the couch and gradually raised the rag covering the sleeping elf, in order to reveal her bare thighs and eventually her private organs. 

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