Necromantic Myth

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 Paladin

Chapter 143 Paladin

After sending away the lizardman captain, Liu Zhi watched the Orangming Spider Girl put all the murloc eggs into the water-deficient lake, and listened to her chattering there.

“If you want me to say, we can just **** his boat directly. As long as we **** the boat off, what else can they say about us.”


“Right. That’s what I said, our… wait, you just responded to what I said, let me just say it, my opinion is still a bit useful.” After receiving Liu Zhi’s response, Fangming Spider Girl Quite happy.

“What I said is that we can’t go on like this anymore. We need to have our own navy unit guarding the passage here. We can’t let the smuggling ships come and leave as they want. This will undermine our defenses. Systematic.”

As Liu Zhi said, he walked to the water-deficient lake. Under the black water weeds, the corpses were still wiggling, but at this time, under the water, some murlocs were already swimming around. .

“When these murlocs are a little older, they are classified according to their physique. Ordinary direct free-range breeding is good. Those with better physiques will carry out the next step of training according to the training method of the murloc. After training for a month, start from the inside. For classification, all the power-types are arranged to work in the docks, acting as workers and guards of the docks, and quickly sent to the Bekaa Sword Hall, so that they can learn from the dark night swordsmanship.”

Speaking of this, Liu Zhi stopped, “If they have the existence of the law system, they must stay, even if they can’t be trained as a mage, and act as an alchemist, you don’t want to work in the alchemy hut all the time. ”

“Ah, are you talking to me, I thought you were talking to yourself, but I wrote it down, you can rest assured, I will definitely stare here, do you have any more requirements?”

“Only fish with good physique have the right to breed. Although we need a large number of murlocs, it is our fundamental goal to promote murlocs in each generation.”

Listening to Liu Zhi’s arrangement, Spinning Spider Girl said: “I said that family members like murlocs are still growing too slowly. It takes at least half a year to become adolescent. Do you want us to train some spiders? Spiders can live a lifetime. A large number of them grow extremely fast, and they can do a lot of things. When they are smaller, they can be thrown into the moat to guard the river. If they are larger, they can be used as camel beasts. It is even possible to use spiders for mining. Spiders can also be used to make poison, and some powerful spider forces can also be trained.”

“I have thought about it.” Liu Zhi interrupted Fangming Spider Girl, “But I don’t have a suitable training method, and there is no corresponding source of spiders.”

Speaking, Liu Zhi glanced at Fangming Spider Girl, “You should be something that cannot be copied.”

Spinning Spider Girl nodded definitely, “Yes, yes, I’m lucky, don’t you think that I live very easily now, but I have undergone various training before, you can’t imagine it, I am a Where’s the paladin.”

“I know you are a paladin.” Liu Zhi gave a white look at Spinning Spider Girl.

“Ah, this is all known to you. There are no secrets. It’s over. What should I do if there are no secrets.” The Spinning Spider Girl kept spinning, as if something serious had happened, “This is not right, I have been They are all playing me as a mage, an alchemist, how did you know that I am a paladin.”

Liu Zhi looked at the face of Spider-woman Fangming, and was a little unsure whether she wanted to tell her that she could see all her attributes, including occupations and the like.

After the Spinning Spider Girl confused for a while, Liu Zhi asked, “Are you a paladin, what’s the problem?”

When asked by Liu Zhi, the Spider Girl Spinning seemed to be stabbed with a needle and stood still in place. Finally, she said with some embarrassment: “That paladin has faith, I have my own faith, although I am willing to listen to your orders, but I will believe in my goddess, and most of the necromancers will require their subordinates to completely obey themselves, so they created the death knight, which corresponds to the Paladin.”

After being said by the Spinning Spider Girl, Liu Zhi thought for a while, and there really is something like this, but that’s what some necromancers do, like he doesn’t care what his subordinates believe in, etc. It’s not right, Liu Zhi suddenly understood the thoughts of those necromancers, and most of the necromancers would not like the undead who could not completely control it.

Looking at the spider girl Fangming, she said, “Well, I know, I will leave here, and at the same time, my goddess will give you a certain amount of compensation because of my mistakes, but to be honest. Yes, you are a relatively good master I have ever met.”

“Who is the goddess behind you?” Liu Zhi asked suddenly.

“Ah, oh, the goddess I believe in is the natural girl Edie.” Spinning Spiderwoman explained.

“I haven’t heard of it.” Liu Zhi took a look very seriously, and found that he didn’t even have any impression.

“The natural girl Edie is the master of the Forest of Nature, a regional god. Before I became like this, I was a believer of her, but for some reason, I was captured by people, and by people and poisonous spiders. After conducting a combination experiment, it finally became what it is now.”

“Get caught, wait, I always feel that there is something wrong in your story, is your goddess still alive?”

“Falled, the plane of the forest of nature was breached. Although the goddess is not the main god, but she is also united with the plane of the forest of nature, so she also fell. The goddess gave us everything before she died. These believers who are still alive protect us from living, and it is precisely for this reason that I can become like this and forcibly escape.”

Liu Zhi glanced at the Spider Girl Fangming, “You shouldn’t be called a paladin like this, you should be a druid.”

Then Liu Zhi said again: “Then what have you learned?”

“No, the original natural forest is rich in products, so we don’t need to learn anything at all. After I became like this, I became a combatant and had no chance to learn anything. The spider silk alchemy products I used were still It was inscribed in my memory from the beginning.”

“Then you have always been like this. When you are not discovered, you have been talking about your identity. If you are discovered, you plan to leave at will?”

“I did not leave at will. When I leave, the goddess will compensate you. Although I know that you can’t compensate for what you want, the goddess will never owe favors to others.”

“Why do I always have the feeling that your goddess has been pitted by you.” Liu Zhi put his hand on the top of his head, and he felt that Fangming Spider Girl was a little stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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