Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1435

Chapter 1432 Go to war

Chapter 1432

“What the **** is this?”

As soon as he found a suitable battlefield, Liu Zhi saw the troops sent by Huang Quanguo, and even the knowledgeable Liu Zhi couldn’t help but complain.

All of them were muscular men about two meters in height. They only had a broken tiger skin hung on their waists to block the vitals. They had one or a pair of sharp horns on their heads, and they had wolf teeth in their hands. Great, it looks like a thinner ogre.

“From the colors of these ghosts, they are blue ghosts.”

At this time, some players also began to enter Huangquan Country. Fu Jiang, who came in early, glanced at the ghosts of Huangquan Country and said directly.

Ryuzhi was a little curious: “How come you came in first.”

“Isn’t this normal? Only I will be the most suitable to deal with this kind of physical ghost.”

Tomie just explained this sentence, then looked at Liu Zhi and said, “Do you really want to kill me?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be your enemy.”

Yiu Zhi is very clear about Fu Jiang’s situation. He really doesn’t want to be an enemy of Fu Jiang, at least not at this time.

Fu Jiang blinked at Liu Zhi, “But I really want to die in your hands. I feel that if I die in your hands, my true level can be raised by one level. Maybe I will also have the opportunity to contact in a short time. Click on that level.”

Yagiji then understood that the true level that Tomoe did was the level that he showed when he was not dead.

Now she is only level 15. If she really dies in the hands of Liu Zhi, and can keep her level at level 16, then Tomoe really doesn’t mind dying several times.

But the problem is that Liu Zhi minds this.

He didn’t want to leave this world with an unkillable Fu Jiang clone.

After   , Fujiang’s clones became more and more in Ryuzhi’s plane, and the Ide plane against him became the Fujiang plane.

Seeing that Liu Zhi didn’t respond to his thoughts, Fu Jiang also sighed. She is also difficult. Someone always needs to kill her and resurrect her.

However, the strength accumulated every day is not inherited. This makes Tomoe, who was almost the same as Sadako and others, is now obviously weaker than Sadako.

So Tomie really hopes to have a chance to get a kill from a master like Ryuzhi.

But the more masters, the more they understand Fu Jiang’s situation, and they will not take any shots at Fu Jiang.

Like Ryuzhi now ignores Fujiang, but starts to shrink the troops, preparing to face the blue ghosts head-on.

Blue ghost and red ghost are two of the more common ghosts in Huangquan.

The source of their strength lies in the hides between their horns and waist.

As for their bodies, they were just formed to facilitate combat.

The deeper the Huangquan, the stronger the strength of the ghosts. At the moment these blue ghosts are weak, and the strength is about 7-8. It can be regarded as insufficient compared with the above, and there is more than the following.

At the same time, there were quite a lot of them. In just such a short while, Liu Zhi saw about 30,000 blue ghosts rushing out.

These blue ghosts, like the undead of Liu Zhi, have no fighting rules.

They only have the ability to rush out and smash the enemy with a shout.

Faced with such an enemy, of course it was impossible for Liu Zhi to throw all the main force of his legion out at once.

Ryuzhi just said to the following.

“Fifty thousand people were dispatched to fight with it.”

Under Ryuzhi’s order, fifty thousand undead quickly entered the battlefield.

Because of their relatively large numbers, relatively strong weapons and equipment, and the classification of occupations, they quickly separated out from the battlefield.

The undead holding the shield naturally walked in front, followed by the undead holding the spear.

Afterwards are the archer and the wizard.

The cavalry and flying troops stood at the back.

Five thousand people formed five lines of defense, encircling the 30,000 green ghosts from three directions.

The green ghost saw this situation, and all raised the weapons in their hands and rushed out loudly and yelled.

When the blue ghost rushed to the side of the undead troops and there were still three hundred meters, the long-range troops on the side of the undead began to attack.

There are only three long-range attack methods for the undead under Liu Zhi, the bow type, the spear type and the spell type.

The long range is naturally the bow and crossbow, then the spells, and finally the spear-throwing troops.

As for the firearms team, Liu Zhi doesn’t have many subordinates. Often once they are trained, there is a special organization waiting for them, and they will not be dragged here to become a skirmisher.

When the blue ghost rushed to three hundred meters, the first wave of arrow rain had already fallen.

Arrow rain is still very harmful to the blue ghost. Those arrows are specially made by Liu Zhi’s subordinates, and they have various effects such as armor breaking, implosion, and burning.

When    fell on the blue ghost, it blew up a large number of blue ghosts on the spot.

Then the next wave of magic blows fell.

There are only a few types of magic undead under Liu Zhi, and all the exclusive undeads have also been picked out. The rest are the kind of magic undead that are weaker or stronger but cannot be teamed up.

Of these magical undead, single attacks are the main ones, and they are not those that use fireballs and ice arrows.

The magical undead who used fireballs and ice arrows have all been transferred away.

A team of undead who can use fireball can use the magic of meteorite drop.

A team of undead who use Frostbolt can use the magic of Blizzard.

So these two types are the manpower that must be rushed by each legion.

As soon as these two types of undead came out, they were picked away directly.

The necromancers of the blood line, the necromancers who can use the poison cloud technique, and the necromancers who can use the lightning bolt are also picked out.

In this way, there are not many choices for the magic cast by the necromancers that can appear here.

Among these necromancers, some use bone magic, which can release fangs, skulls and other flying things, some use arcane magic, which can release arcane missiles, and some use wind blades and ground thorns.

Anyway, these magics were played out, it was a mess.

Although the blue ghosts have certain magic resistance, they still received some blows in the face of such a saturation attack.

Another blue ghost fell to the ground.

At this time, the blue ghosts have rushed to the position of the undead troops more than 100 meters.

At this time, the spear-throwing unit finally shot.

The spear-throwing troops in the Undead Forces of Liuzhi are all skeleton soldiers. I don’t know why there are no spear-throwers in other races. Anyway, all the spear-throwing troops are skeletons.

This also has an impact. They can only throw a few spears on their backs, and they can only throw up to three times in battle.

After    three times, they have no fighting power.

If it’s a zombie or something else, it’s better, at least you can fight without a weapon, but a skeleton can be killed by ordinary people without a weapon.

So unless it is specifically used to defend the city and can guarantee a steady stream of spears, no one will want a batch of skeleton spearmen.

(End of this chapter)

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