Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1441

Chapter 1438 Legion formation

Chapter 1438 Legion Formation

Videnina pulled it casually, and Ryuuji saw the golden tachibana turned into nine hundred and ninety-nine samurai swords scattered on the ground.

These samurai swords are long and short, some are old and some have just been cast. There are famous knives and ordinary remnants, some with aura, and some are tarnished.

All the samurai swords were inserted on the ground, with Vidnina as the center, forming a domain, a sword domain.

This situation made Liu Zhi a little surprised.

It shouldn’t be, Vednina’s domain has long been formed, and she has become a mythical level, there is no reason to have another domain of the same kind.

Yagiji didn’t even think about this, Vidnina stretched out her hand, and all the samurai swords disappeared beside her.

However, Liu Zhi can see that this sword-like field has not disappeared, but is hidden by Vidnina.

All enemies who enter Vidnina will be hit directly by the sword formation.

At the same time, Ryuzhi noticed that the sword formation of Vednina might still grow on its own. As long as the swordsmen who die within the range of this sword formation, all the swordsmen will become the soul of this sword formation.

At this point, Ryuzhi was not surprised, nor did he have any thoughts.

He just glanced at Vidnina, and let Vidnina fight on her own.

However, Vidnina has been standing behind Liu Zhi afterwards, and it can be seen that she still focuses on protecting Liu Zhi, and she has blinded her such good talents in vain.

But Ryuji couldn’t say anything about Vidnina.

In Ryuzhi’s view, Widnina is willing to stand by his side to protect him, which is a kind of loyalty.

Yagiji is also happy to have a loyal subordinate.

Especially Vidnina grew up with herself almost from the beginning.

This point is worthy of Liu Zhi’s trust.

So in the future, except for meeting the powerful ghost king who can use swordsmanship again, Yanagi will not send Vidnina out.

Ragiji’s arrangement made Vidnina very happy.

Although Vidnina has not spoken, she put everything she wanted to say on her face.

Vednina’s attitude still makes Ryuzhi very happy.

Follow Liu Zhi all the way to the depths of Huangquan to kill.

The undead under Liu Zhi finally began to lose.

The loss started with those skeleton spearmen.

They can only throw three spears in each battle, and then they are exposed to the enemy’s attack range.

And they don’t have any melee ability. If they want to fight again, they can only wait for the spear to be picked up.

In this way, these skeleton spearmen often need to pick up their spears after the battle is over.

And these spears thrown out will always lose some.

In this way, they lost most of their weapons after several intense battles.

had to switch from a ranged unit to a close combat unit.

But they didn’t have any advantage in close combat, so these skeleton spearmen became the first batch of lost troops.

Of course, their losses are not as heavy as the real melee troops.

But there are not many problematic skeleton spearers.

The various swordsmen and shield guards over there are not dead yet, and there are only thirty or fifty skeleton spearmen on this side.

What can people say in this situation.

In the case of no way to supplement, the loss is also the loss.

A missed opportunity is a missed.

When Liu Zhi’s troops rushed to the core area of ​​Huangquan, his troops only had less than 200,000 people left.

However, such a severe battle is also good for Liu Zhi.

In this battle, Liu Zhi’s men finally came out with several new legions.

No, not a few, but dozens.

There are as many as 21 new legions.

Some legions have their own characteristics, while others are randomly grouped together, relying on their record to support them.

For those legions with their own characteristics, Liu Zhi will be happy to give them a nice name. If the characteristics of this legion are quite good and quite rare, Liu Zhi will also design a battle banner for them.

But the kind of corps that relies on their records to combine together at will, that’s embarrassing. Ryuzhi only treats them as cannon fodder. Just one number.

And there are hierarchical in this number.

The corps starting with   10 belong to the corps that still have salvation. Their corps is complete, with close combat and long-range troops, and some even have cavalry, flying troops, and French troops in it.

This kind of corps can be sent out to fight independently in normal times.

The corps starting with   20 don’t have such good treatment. They can be regarded as a corps of the same type of arms.

These corps are either purely long-range troops or purely melee troops. They need the cooperation of other corps to fight.

There are even some legions in which there is a unit of pure skeleton swordsman. It can be said that they are regarded as a legion, but they do not even have the opportunity to arrange to fight separately. Several legions must be united together.

The most tragic is the regiments beginning with the 30s. Those are the three-no-legions that rely solely on their performance. This regiment has no characteristics of its own, no reasonable organization, and even the heroes in it don’t even know how they formed the corps. Anyway, if they fight and fight, there will be a legion.

This kind of three-no army, if they hadn’t formed, Liu Zhi wouldn’t even look at them, let alone give him a number or something.

Even in the war, these are just legions that act as cannon fodder and are used to send them to death.

Of course, among the twenty-one legions, there was also a regiment that Liu Zhi didn’t know how to arrange. In the end, he organized this regiment into the 401 regiment, and later used this regiment as a cannon fodder regiment.

The reason why this legion is the most special is entirely because the soldiers in this legion are all Necromancers.

From the weakest necromancer who can only control three to five skeleton soldiers, to the most powerful necromancer who can control thirty skeleton shooters and skeleton mages at once.

The entire corps is not too large, but it just happens to reach the full level.

But with the skeleton soldiers under these Necromancers, the number of this legion is overwhelming.

and it’s super edited five times.

Ryuzhi himself didn’t know whether to use this army as the main army or as a cannon fodder army.

So in the end, we could only count this corps as a single piece and put it in the last position of the corps. When needed, directly push the corps to the forefront and let him become the front cannon fodder.

(End of this chapter)

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