Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1449

Chapter 1446 Full shot

Chapter 1446

Vednina walked around behind Yuedu, without any hesitation, she just made a full blow.

Yuereading focused on Ryuzhi and Sadako, and did not pay attention to Vidnina.

In the eyes of Yuedu, Vidnina, like the mythical players below, is nothing remarkable.

Those mythical grades did not show any lethality.

It wasn’t until the moment when Vidnina took this sword that Yuedu discovered that the situation was not right.

But he was in no hurry to dodge, and Widnina’s eight long swords pierced Yuereadi’s body from all angles.

If it is an ordinary attack, even if it is cut to Yueren, Yueren will not care.

Mythical body can block most attacks.

The attacks of ordinary players fall on him, just like scraping.

Only the ultimate move of Ryuzhi and Sadako can cause Yuedu to be injured one or two times.

I thought that Vidnina’s attack was the same.

He never expected that Vidnina’s attack power was much stronger than that of Ryuuji.

All the eight swords went down in one position. Yuedu, who was already seriously injured, suffered even more damage.

Such an opportunity, Liu Zhi and Sadako naturally did not let it go.

They left and the other right, and at the same time they cut to the key of Yuedu.

Because Yuji had already been blinded by Liu Zhi before Yuereading, Liu Zhi shot from a position that Yuereading could not see.

And Sadako’s long-range shooting doesn’t need to consider the direction, this time Sadako’s goal is Yuedu’s remaining eye.

Sadako’s arrow came first, and Yuereading’s body reaction was affected because of the attack from Vidnina, and this arrow could not be flashed.

Under this arrow, Yuedu’s other eye was also shot blind.

After confirming that Yuereader’s eyes were completely blind, Sadako said decisively: “His mental illusion can’t be used anymore, so he will do his best.”

The players that    Sadako had invited did their best to make a move.

Only then did Ryuzhi react. Although Sadako was dangerous before, everything was still under control.

The situation is now under Sadako’s control.

What he thought before was just the idea that he didn’t understand the situation.

Now it seems that he is still no match for Sadako.

Wanting to understand this, Liu Zhi groaned in his heart.

But now Liu Zhi can’t just withdraw like this, because Liu Zhi understands that he ran away at this time, and monthly reading would not think he was a good person.

Instead, he will withdraw early because of Liu Zhi, thinking that Liu Zhi has no strength, and may put all his attention on Liu Zhi later.

Anyway, everyone had already beaten him, so Liu Zhi simply worked harder and killed Yuezhi directly.

With this thought, the power of Liu Zhi’s attack has increased a lot.

Monthly reading is already blind at this time, but at this level of strength, even if he is blind, he can feel the situation around him.

Yagiji wanted to perform soul extraction before, but he had to close his eyes or something.

Monthly reading is already level 19, and he can do that too.

Even without eyes, he can see the surroundings.

It’s just that at this time, Moon Read’s attention has partially shifted from Ryuzhi to Vidnina.

Yagizhi can clearly feel it, and the pressure he faces is much less.

At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that with every attack of Yuedu now, blood would drip from his body.

There is a clear difference between the blood of Yueyue and Liu Zhi’s blood.

After Liu Zhi and the others reached the myth level, their bodies became gods, and their blood contained powerful power.

When every drop of blood drops, it looks like mercury.

But the blood of monthly reading has undergone new changes.

Liu Zhi can feel that in the blood of Yuexue, he has already begun to have wisdom and a little soul.

At first, Liu Zhi thought this was because of the integration of Yuedu and Huang Quanguo.

later discovered that the situation seemed not to be the case, but because the monthly reading reached level 19, only the last step from level 20, he has begun to have some characteristics of level 20 gods.

For example, incarnate ten million.

And this incarnation is a true incarnation, with its own soul.

And the situation of the monthly reading in front of me seems to be even stranger, if I insist, it is that the monthly reading has really integrated Huang Quanguo into my body.

His body is Huang Quanguo.

The discovery Liu Zhi’s eyes lit up.

Is it possible that this is the route to breakthrough level 20?

Some thoughts flashed through Liu Zhi’s mind.

Otherwise, as for the star master in their fourth natural disaster homecoming group, did he follow this route, and did he control the planet for his own body?

There is also the colorful light of the Netherworld before. Is he also walking this way, using many planes as his body?

Yagiji thought about this, but his movements did not slow down much.

However, he was distracted after all. After reading it, he felt that there was a flaw in Liu Zhi’s side. He immediately seized the opportunity, and attacking Liu Zhi was a blow.

was hit to the chest by this blow, and this time Liu Zhi was directly beaten out and fell into the crowd of Fu Jiang.

Yagiji was about to get up again, but felt that the situation around him seemed a little bit wrong.

All Fu Jiang is staring at him.

Be aware that Fu Jiang was fighting each other before he fell.

Now all Fu Jiang’s eyes are on Liu Zhi, as if Liu Zhi is their hope.

According to Liu Zhi’s understanding of Fu Jiang along the way, Liu Zhi also saw what Fu Jiang had always wanted.

Now these Fujiang are crazy, they are not under Fujiang’s control at all.

They only have one idea now, to get rid of the other Fu Jiang and become a truly independent Fu Jiang.

When Liu Zhi fell, another thought flashed in the minds of Fu Jiang, asking Liu Zhi to kill themselves. When they were resurrected, their strength would be improved.

So all the Fujiang here looked at Ryuzhi with different gazes, as if they were about to eat people.

But they all approached Liu Zhi one by one, wanting Liu Zhi to kill them.

Looking at more and more Fujiang surrounding him, those Fujiang were big and small, some with clothes, some without clothes, and some with only half of the body, Liu Zhi could not bear it directly.

He said loudly, “Fu Jiang, come out and take these guys away.”

But Fu Jiang did not respond.

Ryuzhi said again: “Fujie, if you don’t come out, I can get rid of these guys.”

Tomie still did not respond.

Perhaps she thought that Liu Zhi could not deal with her own rules.

But Tomie never thought that Liu Zhi could not deal with the rules before, because he didn’t know that there was such a thing as a rule artifact.

And Fujiang’s situation is quite special.

Now Liu Zhi is pressed into a hurry, there is something he can’t do.

After calling Fu Jiang out for the third time and there was no response, Liu Zhi started.

(End of this chapter)

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