Necromantic Myth

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 Yinguai

Chapter 147

Same as Liu Zhi’s placement of the Hades, the locations where the workers’ assembly wants to break through are all corresponding to the real-world location on the southern swamp plane, and it is not a place where he can make a choice.

According to calculations, Liu Zhi found the place directly below where the workers’ assembly wanted to break through, and started to arrange them with a large amount of alchemy potion.

Most of the alchemy potions brought by Liu Zhi are spider silk potions, so that when the opponent breaks through the space wall, they can be trapped for a period of time.

At the same time as a poisoner, Liu Zhi prepared a lot of poisons for those workers, and all these poisons were prepared for those workers.

Of course, this is all Liu Zhi’s own guess, plus the amount he got from the last time he fought with that machine monster, Liu Zhi is not sure whether it will have the effect he imagined in the end.

After setting up the venue, Liu Zhi began to arrange his men. The Skeleton Archer was the only long-range unit that could be used. Naturally, he couldn’t be placed in the front as cannon fodder, so Liu Zhi found a place to shoot directly to the center of the venue. Arrange them.

Even in order for the skeleton shooters to play their due role, Ryuzhi also asked the skeletons to pile up a low mound here, and let the skeleton shooters stand up.

The troops waiting to be confronted head-on are the Plague Walking Dead and the Golden Skeleton. They are both units with longer vitality. The Golden Skeleton is the main defense and is prepared to attract the attention of the enemy, while the Plague Walking Dead has only one goal. Poison, and the poison Liu Zhi gave them, just use all of them on the enemy.

The remaining skeletal units are arranged around. As long as the enemy comes, they will enter the battlefield under the command of Yuji. If not, they will run away under the command of Yuji, trying to draw the enemy there. Go elsewhere.

After confirming that all his troops were in place and ready for battle, Liu Zhi took out a few things.

These are the things that Ryuzhi asked Ralph to find these days, and only Ralph can find these things in such a short time.

These are not important items, but some personal items of the relatives of the dead workers. Liu Zhi put these items on the ground and put a lot of alchemy potions on the side.

After that, Liu Zhi held the death rod and read, “Dolly Fitch, can you hear me? You are the only boy in the family. Your mother and your sister are thinking of you. Come back, come to the underworld, so you still have opportunity.”

“Billy Ifli, do you still remember your wife and son? If you don’t return to the underworld like this, you will forget all of this.”

Every time Liu Zhi read a sentence, he would point to an item he took out. At first, he didn’t cause anything, but soon the face in the sky that wanted to break through the space wall was distorted, and the original face turned into Different looks, it seems that they are fighting for control of the body.

All of this Liu Zhi was in his eyes. He kept chanting. After reading all the names, Liu Zhi repeated it. As he said, the mouth suddenly roared in the sky.

The sound did not penetrate the space wall, but Liu Zhi could see a series of fluctuations in the space wall.

Under this fluctuation, an arm stretched out forcibly. That arm was more than four meters long and looked strong and strong. The surface of the arm was covered with green hair.

After extending his arm, Liu Zhi’s face was filled with joy. He knew that his plan was half-successful.

The next step is to see how capable the worker group is.

At this moment, Liu Zhi raised the death rod in his hand, and pressed the charged Thunder Coral on it. Liu Zhi didn’t wait for any movement of his arm at all, and a bolt of lightning hit it like this.

The lightning is nothing to the arm at all, but it is this that stimulates the assembly of the arm and the workers behind it.

The blackened arm waved in the air, and the face behind the space wall roared again, and another arm stretched out from behind.

Then the space wall was forcibly torn open, and Liu Zhi finally saw the monster he was about to face.

It was a fusion monster gathered, pieced together, melted, and glued together by more than two dozen worker corpses. The two green arms about four meters long were just his main arm. On the side of these two arms, they were Distorted but squeezing faces.

There are about eleven or twelve faces here, but there are only four heads. The remaining faces are all glued to the chest that looks like a meat ball, and the next part is made up of non-stained meat and bones. Body out.

This monster has no legs. Forty or so arms have grown into the lower part of the green Roshan, which looks like fleshy centipedes. When he squeezed out of the space wall, Liu Zhi also noticed that those arms had Some have become bones, and some have become gray.

Because the monster was not yet mature, after forcibly breaking through the space wall, Liu Zhi noticed that the opponent was obviously a little uncoordinated, and some strange liquid dripped on the meat mountain composed of melted flesh.

Climbing out of the space wall, the monster did not immediately rush down. This guy seemed to be only about 20 meters in length, and the position where he forcedly broke through the air was nearly 100 meters above the ground.

Liu Zhi suspects that the opponent has long been able to break through the walls of space. The reason why he has been dragging it until this time is not to make the integration stronger, but that he wants to put the fallen position on the ground.

After all, such a large group of things, if they were smashed from the sky, I believe it would be a harm to the monster itself.

However, the current situation is facing his own advantage. As soon as Liu Zhi raised the death rod, his troops quickly moved away from a position, and Liu Zhi released another lightning bolt at the monster in the sky.

To tell the truth, the power of Yanji Lightning is not strong, but for that monster, it is considered a provocation.

This time the lightning struck the monster’s face, and the monster roared, no matter how it was more than a hundred meters away from the ground, it rushed down heavily and rushed towards Liu Zhi.

Looking at the monster leaping towards him, Liu Zhi didn’t have any thoughts of backing up, and he yelled while holding the death staff.


The monster is so heavy that ordinary winds can’t blow the monster at all, but Liu Zhi’s strong wind is a bit different. This is related to his mental power. At the same time, this kind of wind was originally intended for sailing ships, so heavy. You can blow all kinds of things, but what can’t be blown by this monster.

Under the blow of the strong wind, the monster still shifted a little bit, and slammed heavily in front of Liu Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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