Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1506 Full blow

Chapter 1506

When Reid came out of the core position of the spiritual world, he happened to meet the commander head-on.

The spiritual world is good. As long as the permission is opened on Yep, they can appear where they want to appear at any time.

Reid wanted to deal with this matter the first time, so when he thought about it, he appeared directly in front of the commander.

Looking at the commander who was completely different from the spiritual world, Reid understood what kind of situation he was encountering. He didn’t think much about it, and hit the commander with one punch.

Reid seems to have just hit a normal punch, but in fact, this blow brought his own ability.

The biggest feature of gene shear is naturally used to make a new body, but Reid’s body has actually been genetically modified how many times.

In addition to Bruce’s death in battle, the body he is currently using is the strongest model he has just transferred. Before his body was taken out, his body could be regarded as his strongest method.

After the punch was out, the surrounding air shook.

This is not ordinary. You must know that in the spiritual world, everything is manifested by the mind.

His punch can already affect reality through the mind.

The commander watched this punch hit him, and he quickly returned it with a knife.

And Beka in the underworld also saw his battle through the knife in the commander’s hand.

At this time, Beka was not in a hurry to make a move, but instead mobilized his troops to beat off the enemies who had rushed into the gate of the Yellow Spring.

After doing all this, Becca turned his attention to the spiritual world.

At this time, in his eyes, the spiritual world is already quite specific.

It is a yellow virtual world. Outside of this world, you can see many bubbles squeezed together.

Some of those bubbles have obviously turned dark yellow and are sinking continuously, while some are bright yellow and are flying upwards.

From this point, we can see how the yellow virtual world is.

This is exactly why Beka is confident to break everything.

After all, this spiritual world is not complete.

Thinking of this, Becca slowly pulled out Thor’s Destruction Teeth from his waist.

At the same time, his body became the elemental state of Death Thunder.

It’s just that this time he didn’t become a thunderball, but a human form formed by the thunder of death.

Beka moved like this, and the spirit who stood behind and guided the soul of the dead enemy into the underworld also saw it.

He put down his work and quickly walked to the Dalaran Light Flower area.

Ling also understands what Beka is doing, and he also knows that Beka has no time to manage the battlefield at this time.

So he must stand up to prevent Becca’s actions from causing the whole situation to collapse.

Beka also knows that there are comrades behind him, and the situation will not go wrong, so he can face the blow he prepared with a relaxed attitude.

The thunder of death in the form of humans danced in the sky with Thor’s destruction teeth.

Every movement of his is based on the action of Dark Night Stabbing Swordsmanship.

From the beginning of the dark night stabbing swordsmanship, to the Z-shaped secret sword at the back, and then to the sword curtain of the eternal night, all the way to the strike of eternal tranquility.

When all the power was concentrated on one point, Beka stopped suddenly.

He didn’t pierce the spiritual world with this blow.

but waiting for the gathering of the power of the death thunder.

Beka understands that if he just puts together his power at will, he can make a pretty powerful attack.

But that was not what he wanted. What he wanted was to open his way through this attack.

Even if he can’t reach the myth level at once, he will open the myth level route.

But eternal tranquility is already the strongest right now.

Even with the effects of Death Thunder, it cannot exceed the limit of eternal tranquility.

What should we do next?

Beca soon thought of what Liu Ji did.

Yagiji and Vidnina can work together to allow eternal tranquility to be superimposed.

In this way, the power of eternal tranquility can actually be improved.

But is Beka going to do this?

Although his speed is faster than Liu Zhi, he can’t exceed a limit.

Yagiji can release two eternal silences one after the other.

Beca’s speed can only release three eternal silences at most.

Three superimposed together, there is still no way to cause qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

So he couldn’t do the three eternal serenity superimposed together.

When Beka hesitated, the eternal and tranquil aura gathered at the tip of his sword was obviously dissipated.

Beca sighed, it seems that there is no hope this time.

He stabs Thor’s Destruction Fang forward, and he is about to stab it against the spiritual world.

At this moment, the commander in the spiritual world just swept across, blocking Reid’s blow.

Beka just saw this blow.

There was a sudden movement in his heart.

three times!

Beca suddenly thought of a way.

He shook his hand and changed his previous stabbing action to a horizontal stroke.

After   , another eternal peace appeared.


Beca used three eternal tranquility to draw a Z in front of herself.

The Z word is related to the swordsmanship Becca learned in the dark night.

It can be said that in a certain period, the Z-character is the representative and fundamental of dark night stabbing swordsmanship.

Then Becca blinked. He did not expect that as the Z word was written, the three eternal silences that should be dispersed did not disperse, but began to merge with each other, forming a huge aura.

Of course, this aura is temporary, and it dissipates at a fairly rapid rate after it is formed.

If you leave it alone, it may take only a few seconds, the aura will disappear, and the three eternal tranquil effects before will disappear.

Beca had no thoughts at this time, he just stabbed forward instinctively.

This stab happens to be in the center of the Z. This blow is not eternal tranquility, nor is it a further technique, it is just an ordinary stab.

But it was this ordinary thorn that caused the final qualitative change.

A huge Z-character flew to the distant spiritual world with the power of the thunder of death.

Under this blow, this powerful force entered the spiritual world like a meteor.

In the spiritual world, no matter whether it was a **** or a normal spiritual body, they all saw a thin thorn sword write a Z in front of them, and then a little bit to the center of their eyebrows.

Actually, Becca couldn’t do this with the previous blow, but who made this world a spiritual world?

Becca’s blow is considered to have hit their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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