Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1565

Chapter 1561 Temple of Amun

Chapter 1561 Amon’s Temple

The mythical Karnak Temple of Amon, located in the center of Thebes.

In the beginning, Ryuzhi had only heard of this temple, and hadn’t seen it much, but after arriving here, Ryuzhi discovered that this temple is not simple. Although the temple in front of him was built of huge granite, it was full of Breath of mathematics and technology.

“The location of this temple of mine is calculated by me. The sun at noon on the first summer day can directly penetrate the corridor of the temple and shine on the statue. That day, between the temple and the real world The channel will be opened.

Ordinary people can walk in front of me on this day through the sunlight channel and get my blessing.

Other times, mortals would not be treated like this. Only the sun **** or the gods I invited can walk in front of me. ”

When    was speaking, Amon radiated a kind of sunlight, and a sunlight channel was paved in the temple.

entered the temple through the passage Ryuzhi.

After entering the temple, Liu Zhi noticed that although it was cleaned up, the traces of the years can still be seen in the temple.

It can be seen that when Amon died in the battle, there was no one to take care of it.

Now that Amon is back, the temple has been restored.

Although the temple was well repaired under the influence of Amon’s supernatural power, years of wind and rain still gave the temple a hint of twilight.

Looking at Liu Zhi’s gaze, Amon didn’t say this, but explained to Liu Zhi there.

“I built this temple by myself. After the temple was built, the designer and labor leader became my clone, representing the clone of wisdom and numbers.”

While speaking, the other two clones of Amon came out.

Ryuzhi is different from Amanite, he doesn’t know much about Amon’s story.

So when he sees Amon, he sees it more through essence.

The young pharaoh should be the identity of Amon when he was alive. After all, most of the Egyptian sun gods are some famous pharaohs.

Every high-ranking pharaoh will call himself the true body of the sun **** on earth.

It’s like when all the emperors in the East called themselves the emperor, the incarnation of a true dragon.

Middle-aged priest, Ryuzhi guessed that it should be the priest of the sun god, or even the role of Amon’s last priest, and he has a temperament that completely dedicated everything to Amon.

The existence of this clone is used to make black gloves.

This reminded Liu Zhi of his projection called the bishop. If he grows up, it should be the same.

The last old man, although he has become the incarnation of Amon, his body has been deified, but he can’t change the traces left on him before.

Liu Zhi saw at a glance that this old man was born at the bottom of society.

His status is like the skeleton soldier in the mass grave of Liu Zhi.

Normally, he shouldn’t be the incarnation of the sun god.

However, the situation in Egypt is always not clear to Ryuzhi.

What if the Egyptian sun **** himself likes such a clone, can Ryuzhi control him?

Ryuzhi nodded to the two avatars, and finally walked to the statue of Amon.

Standing in front of the idol, Liu Zhi looked up, and then he couldn’t help but scream.

He felt that this idol looked more like a main **** than the young pharaoh who led the way.

If it were not the last body I used before the fall, I had more than 100 clones at the time, and there were so many clones that I didn’t know which one was the main body. As a result, all those clones were taken away by Rashen, and only this was left. One.

Because of this, I was not erased by Rashen. ”

Seeing Liu Zhi’s eyes fall on the idol, the young pharaoh also sighed.

He was so strong at the beginning, but in the end he was defeated by Rashen.

Now although he has been killed again, his real body has not been snatched back. His current three clones are all previous projection transformations, and the only one who can have the opportunity to become the deity resurrected is actually this idol.

Yagiji didn’t know this.

In his opinion, the aura of the three Amons in front of him, except that the young Pharaoh was a little better, the others were not as good as the gods before him.

If the three people in front of him hadn’t shown enough strength, after standing here, Liu Zhi would even ignore them.

Now that the young pharaoh said this, Liu Zhi turned his attention away from the statue of Amon.

Sitting in front of the young pharaoh, Liu Zhi said his intentions.

“I’m here to form an alliance with you this time, and I want to participate in the battle of the sun **** this time.”

“I know that your clone is on my side. I know something about you. What do you want from me, do you need me to help you reactivate the sun’s divine power in your body?”

Yiu Zhi glanced down at his body. He knew very well that his body looked like a human, but it was not a human being.

His blood is composed of the rain divinity, and his flesh and blood is composed of the sun divinity.

If Amon helps Liu Zhi activate the sun’s divine power, then he can return to the original feathered snake situation.

Is it just necessary for Ryuuji to do that?

He has now clearly seen his way forward, which is the balance between life and death.

The balance of the four divine powers before, he can also play around now, but there is no need for that.

The balance of the four different divinities can make the entire power system more balanced, but the key to Liu Zhi is the Emperor of the Underworld. Life and death can be controlled by the Emperor of the Underworld.

Try to let a Pluto master the sun.

That’s not funny.

is also not right. It does not seem to be a funny thing to let a Pluto master the sun here in Egypt.

He has a strong connection between the sun and the underworld.

Such a thought suddenly flashed through Liu Zhi’s mind.

I feel that if the Egyptian method is feasible, it would not be unreasonable to reactivate the sun’s divine power.

Liu Zhi hesitated for a while.

Then Liu Zhi shook his head, “I don’t want this. If I need to activate the sun divinity, then I will follow my own path. I am willing to find His Majesty Amon, in fact, because His Majesty Amon has fallen. The strongest of the sun gods.

I have always wanted to know the final state of the gods after their fall. ”

Amon glanced at Liu Zhi, he already knew what Liu Zhi was referring to behind the question raised.

Yagiji This is to take a closer look at the things behind the underworld, and to know what the gods are like after they die.

Find a new path for his future growth in the underworld.

After all, the underworld is divided into levels. The underworld where the gods have died and the underworld where the gods have not died are definitely two different levels.

(End of this chapter)

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