Necromantic Myth

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Z word secret sword

Chapter 16 Z Secret Sword

【Z-shaped secret sword level 1 (2+0/9000): learn a super secret sword technique, which can instantly pierce the effect of three swords, agility +0.3, physique +0.2]

[Explanation: The super secret swordsmanship from the royal family of Cisse, generally only members of the royal family or the governor level or above have the opportunity to learn. This swordsmanship is mainly fast, and the main feature is to shoot three swords instantly. The strong can The word’Z’ was written on the person in an instant, so it was named the Z-character secret sword, but there are rumors that the direct killer of this secret sword is the fourth sword after the three swords. 】

On Perkin’s boat, Yanagi practiced the Z-shaped secret sword he got from Perkin over and over again. The difficulty and level of this secret sword technique was far beyond that of other sword techniques. It took Ryuzhi 3000 experience. Only to forcefully learn to succeed, and the sailor’s basic swordsmanship, which only requires 30 experience to learn, is simply a far cry.

At the same time, his practice is not as good as before. Liu Zhi has tried it. He must complete the three swords a thousand times before he can gain 1 point of relevant experience.

So on Perkin’s boat, Liu Zhi would practice there whenever he had time. Perkin didn’t ask him about the map, and he would sound like a sword piercing by his side.

“You are very talented.”

When Liu Zhi received his sword, Lloyd’s voice came from around him. After he got on the boat, he idled down, spinning around on the deck, no longer following Perkin as nervously as before.

Liu Zhi already knows his identity, he is Perkin’s nephew plus a student, this trip is responsible for following long experience.

In addition to him, Perkin also invited a guide, a jungle survival expert, a small group of five mercenaries, and the boss of the ship who was in charge of sailing the ship with a family of four.

In Perkin’s words, if it were not that the cabins were too small, he planned to hire a chef and a fisherman so that they would have delicious food on the way.

Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi really didn’t want to say anything, and at the same time Perkin’s actions had nothing to do with him. He had already talked to Perkin. He only sent it to the top of the hill where he could see Perkin’s trip. go away.

It happened to be a turning point for Liu Zhi to go to the Golden City, and Liu Zhi did not make a trip in vain.

But he did not expect that the fact that he learned the Z sword secret sword instantly was discovered by Lloyd. During the past few days when Ryuzhi was practicing, Lloyd had been staring at him, and he seemed to have the idea of ​​going forward and challenging.

“Fortunately, this swordsmanship is easy to learn but difficult to master. I feel that there must be a fourth sword to pierce it, but I have not been able to find the angle of the last sword, so there has been no way to improve it.” Liu Zhi closed. He took up the stabbing sword, and pretended to blow his skin.

This stabbing sword was given to him by Perkin when he sent the Z-shaped secret sword, because the Z-shaped secret sword requires that only this sharp pointed sword can be used.

But Lloyd listened to this and thought about it seriously, “You are really talented. This Z-shaped secret sword has a fourth sword, but few people have noticed this, let alone learning from the beginning. At the time, I practiced according to the fourth sword. For a dedicated practitioner like you, I believe that there will be a new improvement in this set of swordsmanship soon.”

For Lloyd’s compliment, Liu Zhi didn’t take it seriously. If it’s not precious experience, he can now point the Z word secret sword to level 2.

But what’s the use? It’s not a critical moment for level 4 breakthrough transcendence. His experience is quite precious. It was all mixed by those murlocs. At the highest peak, it was only 14372. After learning Z There is even less left after the word secret sword, and he is not sure if there are other experience requirements on the road.

Now it must be a little bit more if you can save it.

At this moment, the mercenary leader Perkin invited came over.

This team of mercenaries is made up of four men and one woman. The leader is one meter tall, has a big beard, wears a leather armor, carries a shield, carries a spear in his hand, and hangs from his waist. With a long sword and hand axe, it can be said to be fully armed.

Among the remaining four, there is a black man who is two meters tall and has muscles all over his body. Except for a wooden stick that is as high as him, he holds a rope in his hand. It can be seen that he is in the team. controller.

A musketeer, not very tall, has a lot of weapons on his body. In addition to a long musket on his back, there are six short pistols with muskets hanging around his waist. I heard that he changed his guns at a similar speed. Quick, you can empty all the muskets in one minute.

The female throwing knife is also a scout in the team. I don’t know how many throwing knives are hidden in her body. I heard that even mosquitoes can’t escape her knife within ten meters.

In the end, there was a swordsman. He usually watched Liu Zhi practicing swords from a distance. He didn’t know how the mercenary leader would come over today.

After seeing Liu Zhi, the mercenary leader was very polite, “Mr. Sandro, we have entered the primitive jungle basin. The following is a dangerous area. We need your map.”

Ryuzhi also knew that it was all here, and the map must be taken out.

He nodded, found a place to sit down, and then took out the map he had drawn from the backpack on the side.

At the same time, he took out a stack of parchment paper, on which he copied some content from the book of the Governor’s Mansion.

Unfolding the map, Liu Zhi first asked, “Where are we now?”

“We just entered the Amazon River from the mouth of the sea countercurrently, and we entered close to the north bank.”

“If you enter next to the north bank, let me take a look. By the way, have you seen this stone.” Liu Zhi quickly flipped through his handwritten documents and found a stone that clearly looked like a huge snake head.

“not yet.”

“This is a giant landmark that can be seen about thirty miles after the countercurrent on the north shore entered. If we don’t see it, we have gone the wrong way. After seeing it, we must pay attention to the left side. The rainforest river branch will suddenly appear. , We can’t follow the first few forks, we must look for the corresponding landmarks that are not easily washed away.

The next landmark is not very obvious. I only found some information in a few travel notes. Look at this, it says that after a certain distance, you will see a whale, and this, turn after seeing a whale, There is this again… so I judged it must be something like a whale. At this time, turn left and go north.

This distance is a voyage that we cannot fully judge whether the direction is correct or not. The distance is about forty miles, and then we will find a sacred tree. I am not sure if it is a rock or what, but there are many records here, and it is the most obvious. After finding the sign, it means that we are on the right track. If not, we will retreat to the position of the whale and start over again. ”

(End of this chapter)

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