Necromantic Myth

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 trap

Chapter 26 Trap

[Toxicity knowledge level 3 (1049+0/5000): Toxic experts, who have a good understanding of poisonous insects and poisonous plants in the jungle, and can extract corresponding toxins from natural materials at any time. 】

[Note: Toxicity is very dangerous. Even with the corresponding knowledge, it is not guaranteed to be absolutely safe when extracting toxins. Please be careful. 】

Glancing at the corpse whose soul had been extracted, Liu Zhi keenly discovered that the corpse seemed to have undergone some subtle changes at the moment the soul was extracted.

Although there is nothing wrong on the surface, Liu Zhi always feels that the corpse has been dead for seven days from just dead.

For this kind of trivial matter, Liu Zhi just glanced at it.

Looking for York’s corpse, Liu Zhi uncovered a small bag hidden in York’s arms.

The bag was made of cowhide. It looked only the size of a palm, but it was divided into four or five grids. Liu Zhi opened it and found that each grid contained some powder or liquid.

Although it was the first contact, Liu Zhi recognized it in an instant. They were the venom of the poison dart frog, the spores of the reticulum boletus, the venom of the black widow, the roots of the ghost face vine, etc., and even Liu Zhi still had it. Ways to use these things.

Putting the small bag into his backpack, Ryuuji looked at York again, “It seems that you are also a person with a secret, but this has nothing to do with me, so you can stay here.”

After talking, Liu Zhi put away the nearby traps, took out the fork from the squirrel hole, looked at the direction, and walked toward Perkin and the others from the tree.

Perkin and their resting place was chosen by York. This is a clearing away from the river. Although there are big trees nearby, at least the sky can be seen.

When choosing this place, York gave many reasons, but the biggest reason was to prevent any wild beasts from attacking in the woods.

Liu Zhi lay on a nearby tree, her whole body shrunk into a ball, staring closely at the situation on their side.

At this time Perkin was sitting on a rock and eating something so dark that he didn’t know what it was. Several other people were burning and sleeping, waiting for York to return with food.

Only the swordsman barely lifted his spirits, scanning the surroundings from time to time, seeming to be on guard.

Liu Zhi just glanced at it and had a judgment in his heart. Without the jungle expert of York, this team would be useless even if they had a strong combat power.

smiled to himself, Liu Zhi slowly backed away and left the neighborhood. It was not time to attack, they were still waiting for York to return.

It won’t be long until they find out that York has an accident, then it’s the time for Liu Zhi to take action. Now Liu Zhi needs to find a place to eat and recover well.

As Liu Zhi retreated, the swordsman raised his head with some doubts and just scanned the location where Liu Zhi was lurking.

He deliberately pretended to move his body, and sat next to the female thrower, “Wait, be careful.”

The female flying swordsman was about to fall asleep, and hearing what the swordsman said, her eyes lit up involuntarily. Although their mercenary group is more impulsive, they have cooperated with each other so many times. As soon as the swordsman said, the female flying The swordsman knew that he was being spotted on this side.

So the female throwing knife didn’t even have the thought of sleeping. She silently grabbed a few throwing knives, and closed her eyes and watched carefully.

At this moment, the guide Lei suddenly cried out, “York has been there for a long time, why haven’t you come back.”

His voice was not loud, but he woke everyone up. Perkin carefully took the black food into his backpack, and then stood up with the bag.

“He said that it takes a while to find food. After all, this jungle is not our territory. Even if a jungle survival expert finds food, it depends on luck, not to mention that he is still looking for food for so many of us.”

Perkin’s words suppressed everyone’s agitated emotions.

However, everyone is sitting down on the surface now, but it is not necessarily what everyone thinks.

As Perkin sat down again, Lloyd came to Perkin’s side, “Uncle, this matter…”

“Don’t worry, York is the best jungle survival expert nearby. This jungle is just like his home, nothing will happen.”

Lloyd nodded, stopped saying anything, and ran to sleep again. He did not notice that a dignified emotion flashed in Perkin’s eyes.

After Lloyd fell, Perkin took out the pocket watch from his arms and looked at it seriously.

“It’s been almost an hour and a half, and I will be back within two hours as I said before. Did something happen?”

Perkin was talking to himself, pressing his hand on his chest, his hand holding the pocket watch became tighter, and the blue blood vessels on some of his dry arms burst out.

Compared with Perkin and the others, who can rest, Liu Zhi who has finished eating is not so free. At this time, he is looking for something in the woods.

After a while, he caught a bird that resembled a grouse. This bird was the dumbest kind of bird in this jungle. It would be easier to hit a tree if it didn’t fly high. Many birds give birth to ten to fifteen eggs in one breath. In addition, small birds can hatch in half a month and can fly by themselves in one and a half months. Maybe these birds are extinct.

Yagiji caught a bird like this, and looked around for something smelly, and carefully painted it on the bird’s back and under the wings.

It’s much harder to find those smelly things than catching such a bird. Ryuzhi only knows about the jungle, but he didn’t say how strong his nose became. As long as there is something wrong with the smell, the situation will be fine. It’s wrong, so Liu Zhi can be said to have tried and tried the things in it.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi found a nest of small snakes, otherwise, there is really no way to do all this in a short time.

Carefully return to the place where Perkin and the others rested. Before Liu Zhi made a move, he heard a quarrel over there.

Ly, the guide who has a good relationship with York, is strongly asking to find York, but because the sky is getting dark, they don’t know the situation in the jungle and are unwilling to go out.

Just when they were arguing that they were about to fight, the stupid bird that was released by Liu Zhi plunged into their side.

This frightened these people. The female flying knife who had been holding the flying knife raised her hand and shot the stupid bird down.

After   , they all looked at the bird and didn’t figure out what the situation was.

Fortunately, the guide Lai has also lived in this jungle for some time. Knowing what the bird is, he quickly explained to everyone, the atmosphere of rattling before has subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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