Necromantic Myth

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Wall of Hades

Chapter 98 Wall of Hades

Nazmir, Hades Palace, Ryuzhi is standing on the wall that has just been built, looking at the tower that has taken nearly four months to build.

Due to various reasons such as labor, raw materials, and design, Liu Zhi exhausted all his thoughts and only built a wall that cuts the palace and the gray fog on the south side of the palace.

The wall is 13 meters high and 6 meters wide. On the top of the wall, three people can stand side by side. The bottom of the wall is quite wide. The whole wall is hollow. Inside it is a cave for soldiers, weapons depot, medical room, and commander. Functional rooms such as rooms.

In the middle of the city wall, there is a wide city gate nearly ten meters wide. The stone drum that Liu Zhi placed in the palace has been moved to the center of the city gate, dividing the city gate into two left and right. Walking trails.

On the city gate are the skulls of six giant snakes. They are all white bones with fangs and flesh and blood removed. The skulls of these six giant snakes opened their mouths wide, and a rope made of spider silk spit out from the snake’s mouth. , Stuck tightly on both sides of a 15-meter-long suspension bridge.

When necessary, the spider silk will put away the 15-meter-long suspension bridge and use it as the first door panel of the city gate.

Below this suspension bridge is the ‘moat’ which is nearly ten meters wide.

Unlike ordinary moats, this so-called moat continues from the wall to the gray fog.

The whole ‘river’ is full of layers of spider silk and spider webs, including all the outer walls of the city wall.

This kind of spider webs are all powerful spider silks produced by the Spinning Spider Girl during this time. Because they have gathered too much, these webs have mutated at this time. If they are accidentally glued, they will even be the Spinning Spiders. There is no way for women to deal with it.

No matter who you are, there is only one result when you come into contact with this kind of spider web, and you keep trying to tear yourself off the spider web. As a result, the more you struggle, the more spider webs you stick to, and finally you are dragged into the river of spider webs. , I can’t move it.

It is for this reason that Liu Zhi agreed to the moat plan of the Spider Girl Spinning, and asked her to pour a large amount of spider silk medicine into the river every day.

Now if you want to go out of the city of Hades and enter the gray mist, you can only walk through the suspension bridge at the gate of the city. If you want to leave the moat, even a ghost can’t do it.

At the same time on both sides of the city wall are two arrow towers nearly 20 meters high, but the arrow towers have not been completely built, let alone the east and west walls with arrow towers as the connection point.

The southern city wall can be built. It has already spent all the time and resources invested by Liu Zhi during this period. The ground of his palace has been dug down for nearly one meter before he has enough stone.

If the other walls are to be built, it really takes more time and resources.

“But this is already pretty good.”

Standing on the city wall, Liu Zhi said with satisfaction, “I didn’t plan to build all the city walls in one go. It is enough for me to build an entrance. Now you all come up. ”

Under the order of Ryuzhi, the guards that had been selected a long time ago swiftly moved from the steps of the city wall to the designated position.

These guards were selected by Liu Zhi from the newly produced troops in the mass graves in the past few months.

In the past few months, because Liu Zhi has been sneaking and chasing giant snakes, there is no new flesh and blood in the mass graves, and the mass graves have not yet had a chance to rise to level 2.

However, the establishment of other buildings still improved the troops produced by mass graves.

Like the Golden Skull, there is no longer any need for the goldsmith to beat the gold leaf bit by bit. Liu Zhi and the Orphan Spider Girl have developed an alchemy formula that can turn the yellow into a kind of gold paint and apply it to the skeleton. After the surface, there will be an effect like a golden skull.

Now the skeleton goldsmiths under Liuzhi have all changed their careers to make jewelry. After all, the current city of Liuzhi needs a lot of gold jewelry.

It’s just that the city wall does not need too many golden skeletons at this time. Liu Zhi only arranged about 12 golden skeletons to patrol the top of the city wall. Instead, he used the archer troops with snake-bone bows. 40 people are staring here.

As long as an enemy runs into the cobweb moat, the skeleton shooter can take the initiative to attack and kill all those who are entangled.

Two mutated walking corpses were also standing at the gate of the city.

The two walking corpses were affected by the masks that were previously integrated into the palace, and some mutations occurred.

Compared with the normal-looking walking zombies, these two walking zombies who are more than 2.5 meters tall and look like the gray Hulk are more deterrent.

Liu Zhi simply prepared them a full set of leather armor made of snakeskin and gold, dressed up shiningly, and then gave a long wooden stick to them. As long as the enemy rushed to the suspension bridge from the gray fog, let him They swept directly into the moat.

However, after staying in the palace for so long, Liu Zhi hadn’t seen anything rushing out of the gray fog. These two walking corpses, which looked so strong and mutated, were still displayed in front of the city gate.

Following behind Liu Zhi, the Spider Girl Spinning, who was still swaying there, listened to Liu Zhi’s words, and started to be there again.

“I told you a long time ago. In fact, we can raise a group of spiders in the moat. They should not be too big, as long as they can move freely on the web. They can help clean up the enemies that have fallen into the moat without us. What to feed, as long as…”

Listening to the suggestion made by Spider Girl Fangming, Liu Zhi didn’t even think about it. Although the ability of Spider Girl Fangming was useful, it was his palace.

In the past few months of study, Liu Zhi has already understood what kind of benefits a realm of his own will have as a necromancer.

Similarly, he also understands that in the score of his novice task, there must be a degree of control over Hades.

He absolutely must not have any problems at the last minute, even if it is his undead servant to make such an opinion.

The Spinning Spider Girl was still talking there, and she didn’t see that Liu Zhi didn’t want to pay attention to this. At this moment, Vidnina walked up to Liu Zhi and blocked the spinning that wanted to keep up with Liu Zhi. Life Spider Girl.

While she was puzzled, Vidnina raised her head and gave her a white look.

Although Vidnina doesn’t speak much, the provocative look in her eyes is self-evident.

Spinning Spider Girl screamed, “Vidnina, what do you mean, look down on me, I can tell you, I…”

But Vednina did not listen to the spider girl being forced there, her four arms pressed the long sword on her waist, and she followed Liu Zhi behind, and walked under the city wall.

(End of this chapter)

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