Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 14

Chapter 16


The two women enjoyed looking at Mark as he had to swallow all the white goo he had just squirted. Just as if the way he had achieved his orgasm wasn’t bad enough yet? This only added insult to injury.


It was Linda who suddenly broke the silence. “It is good you have come here to learn how to handle a sissy and it is my pleasure guiding you into giving Marcy here the best possible treatment for a sissy. After all Marcy is one of my most faithful customers here and it would be a shame if she didn’t get to be who she is at the core even though she has a very understanding girlfriend, just Cause that girlfriend wouldn’t know how to treat a sissy.” She said with a big smile.


It was more of a show really because Mark was listening. She wanted to give Lisa even more fire power when it came to keeping up her act of just being the understanding girlfriend who just wanted to help her closet boyfriend.


“I suspect guidance isn’t the only reason you have come here though. After all you could have just made contact with the store if it was for that reason only. Correct me if I am wrong but I guess you might have come here to buy something as well. It would be quite cruel to take a sissy to a sissy paradise like this and not let her buy or even try on clothes.” Linda said.


“Oh you’re absolutely right. Marcy would you please fetch the bag.” Lisa’s called out to her boyfriend who had moved to sit up on his knees instead now that he was done licking. In an instant he got up and started rushing away from the stage in nothing but his lingerie and with the taste of cum in his mouth. Sure he didn’t like his task, but it was a small relieve from being under these two women their gaze for just a little while.


“Stop!” Lisa shouted before he could disappear from view. Mark stopped right in his tracks looking worried at his girlfriend. Why had she called for him to stop? Had he done something wrong? “Aren’t you forgetting your manners Marcy?” Lisa finally said with a huge smirk on her face. She was clearly enjoying her new-found power.


Mark’s eyes went wide. He had indeed forgotten, so trying to salvage the situation he muttered out a quick. “Yes Miss Lisa, I will fetch the bag right away. I am sorry for not using my manners Miss Lisa.” He said terrified of getting punished. Mark really hoped this apology would be enough.


“Ah that’s much better, I’ll forgive you for this once, but I won’t be so mild in the future. If you keep being this rude, I foresee a lot of spankings in your future sissy. Now go fetch that bag sissy.” Lisa said sternly. Linda was loving it. She had always gotten great satisfaction out of putting sissies in their place yet witnessing it like she did now was something she had never considered yet loved all the same. Especially coming from a woman she got to teach.


He was just about to rush off again when he quickly Looked back at his girlfriend and said. “Yes Miss Lisa, right away Miss Lisa.” He didn’t really know if it was necessary to reply like that again, but he decided to do it anyway. Better that than risking a spanking. He would really need to pay more attention to using Miss Lisa with everything he said to his girlfriend. It was something he just wasn’t used to but growing a habit out of it might safe him from a lot of spankings.


“Good sissy, you are learning.” Lisa praised her boyfriend as he eventually rushed off to retrieve the big pink bag; when he returned a few moments later and handed it to his girlfriend she just turned it up side down making the panties they had carried along drop out at her feet.


“You are right Linda, we haven’t just come her for advice. When I found out about my boyfriend being a sissy, I dug through his closet on the next visit to his place. Needless to say, I was rather surprised when I found out not all his lingerie was in sets. I mean if he wants to play dress up this bad, I would expect him to wear everything in matching sets. Hell, I even demanded he wears full sets all the time from now on. So I thought it would be nice if he had some more choice than having to switch between the few sets he owns. Which is why I brought his unpaired panties to search for the full set here. Do you think that’s possible?” Lisa asked only to see the panic on Marks face rise.


He knew how expensive the lingerie here was and his bank account had already received some firm dents since he had been forced to go shopping here. He wasn’t even sure if he could afford to buy full sets for all these panties.


“Oh, that can most certainly be arranged. Stephanie, come over here and pick up those panties then go look for the matching set for each pair.” Linda said pointing down at Lisa’s feet. The girl looked down at her feet with a haughty smile in pure anticipation of having someone who looked as pretty as Stephanie grovel at her feet. For Lisa discovering her boyfriend as a sissy was one of the best things that had happened to her.


Stephanie replied with a dutiful “Yeth mommy” In her standard lisp before heading over to Lisa and sinking down on her knees. She dutifully started gathering up Marcy’s panties from around Lisa’s feet.


“While you are down there, why don’t you offer to kiss Lisa’s feet Stephanie? I am sure she would love that.” Linda said calmly, forcing her sissy stepson to grovel for Lisa even more. Linda didn’t usually like sharing control, but somehow that felt different with Lisa. She liked showing this relatively new girl the ropes.


“Yeth mommy.” Stephanie said towards her stepmother, before looking up at Lisa. “Would you pleathe allow me to Kith your feet Mith Litha? It would be a huge honour for me.” Stephanie asked, grovelling as much as she could. For Stephanie it wasn’t even consideration anymore. She had learned to always try to be on her best behaviour towards her superiors.


“Since you asked so nicely you can go right ahead. I do want to see from your enthusiasm that it really is what you desperately want though.” Lisa said smirking down at the kneeling Stephanie who was holding an arms load of panties. Now that she had had a taste of the power that came with bossing around a sissy, she already knew she never wanted to go back. This was just so much better than having a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter.


With a small moan and utmost devotion Stephanie planted a long passionate kiss at the tip of both of Lisa’s sneaker covered feet. The moan was an exaggeration, yet it did reward her with a “Good girl” coming from Lisa. The girl was clearly pleased with the effort.


Despite how humiliating it was to have to kiss this girl who was about her age her shoes, Stephanie actually liked having Lisa around. She liked serving the girl and had especially loved when she got to eat the girl out on her first visit here. Serving Lisa was so much better than serving her wicked stepmother. Even long before she had become Stephanie, she had hated Linda. It made serving the woman that much more painful. Lisa on the other hand was her age, gorgeous and exactly her type. If she still had been a guy, she would have loved to date this girl.


“I see you really love kissing my feet Stephanie. I tell you what, why don’t you go pick out the lingerie sets for Marcy so she can model them for us and if you are quick about it, I promise you you can go right back to kissing my feet while Marcy is modelling for us.” Lisa said with a smirk.


“Yeth Mith Litha I will get right to it.” Stephanie said bowing her head slightly, still in a kneeling position. She would have gotten up and curtsied as expected, but then the panties she was holding would have dropped. Both women just laughed at the sissies improvised attempt of a curtesy while Stephanie got up and rushed off.


With Stephanie gone looking for the matching sets which would take a while regardless of whether she hurried or not, Linda turned her attention to Lisa. “I think it is very brave and nice of you to help support your pathetic excuse for a boyfriend at coming out of the closet. I do seem to remember how you confessed earlier how you were bi sexual. Don’t you think it would be a good time to work towards coming out of the closet yourself now?”


“Let me ask you this for example. What do you think about me? How I look, how I come across, do you find me an attractive woman?” Linda asked with a kind smile, resting one of her hands on Lisa’s nylon covered thigh.


“Well you come across as very confident and stunningly beautiful and yes, I do find you very attractive. Excuse me if it is a bad comparison, but you are like the more authorative version of Jessica Rabbit.” Lisa said, only a slight blush on her face as she sounded more flirty than embarrassed. It wasn’t that surprising cause despite what Mark thought this wasn’t their first encounter.


“Oh really? Well I don’t mind the comparison at all. In fact I quite like it.” Linda said, slowly moving her other hand up to the girl’s cheek and leaning in. She pressed her lips on those of Lisa and passionately started to make out. An action Lisa happily reciprocated. Just like that both women started making out, kissing each other fiercer and fiercer with each passing second.


Mark helplessly looked on not knowing what to think about it. The first time he had met Linda he would have wished to be in his girlfriend’s place. There was no denying that she was stunning even though she was considerably older than them. The more he got to know the woman though the more he wished to stay as far away from her as possible, something he just couldn’t do with the demands of his blackmailer and now his girlfriend’s demand to see this store;


Linda had been the centre of a lot of embarrassment for Mark up until now. She was the one behind the cage, his offensively girly lingerie and the corruption of his girlfriend. It didn’t look like she was just happy with corrupting Lisa anymore though and that she wanted to seduce her away from him. He wanted to stop it from happening, but at the same time he felt relieved that they were focusing on each other and left him alone, at least for now.


Having to just sit there and watch as Linda made out with his girlfriend without being shy to let her hands roam across Lisa’s body was just horrible. Linda didn’t even seem shy to coup Lisa’s breast or move her hand under his girlfriend’s skirt. Actions he could only dream of and Lisa didn’t protest either. She just let out a satisfied moan while kissing.


While watching the two women make out, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. With the way Lisa was clearly enjoying herself he wondered whether Linda was a better lover than him? She sure seemed a lot more confident and daring. He had never shared a kiss that passionate and sexually charged with Lisa before.


Maybe they were right, maybe he was nothing but a big sissy. After all he was just sitting there looking how a woman took away his girlfriend right in front of him. He didn’t even dare come up for his girlfriend, nor for himself for that matter. Instead he actually just sat there hoping the kissing would continue so they wouldn’t turn their attention to him. If he would interrupt them, he would certainly pay with a spanking or worse.


One thing he didn’t think about or notice however was the fact that his overtly tight cage didn’t seem to strain or hurt. Not even now that he was confronted with such a hot sight as these two stunningly beautiful women making out. It had been a long time ago since the cage had last hurt and even then that had been when he was fingering his butt and sniffing those dirty boxer shorts.


When Stephanie returned even she blushed seeing the two women make out. Stephanie would have loved to be the one making out with a pretty girl like Lisa instead of her hated stepmother. Standing there she didn’t really know what to do. She guessed the women would want to know that she had found everything they asked for, but she also knew how bad things could get if she interrupted her stepmother. In the end she decided to just stand there with all the frilly colourful lingerie packed in her arms until either of the women noticed her and interrupted their kiss.


It took nearly five minutes, but eventually Linda noticed her sissy stepson standing there. Slowly and with a last couple of seconds of tongue action she finally broke their long make out session. Her hand did stay firmly in place on Lisa’s thigh though, well up under her skirt just next to her crotch.


“I believe Stephanie has gathered everything we asked. We can always continue this later, but why don’t we take a look at Marcy’s new lingerie now? How did you like your first kiss with a woman?” Linda asked sweetly with a nice hum in her voice. The thumb of her hand resting underneath Lisa’s skirt was stroking the girl’s thigh lightly.


“Wow, that kiss was just wow, unbelievable. We’ll definitely will have to pick this back up at a later time. That was the best kiss I ever had, but you’re right. Let’s have a look at Marcy’s new lingerie first.” Lisa said in a very satisfied tone. Her own hand was resting on Linda’s stocking top and she had no intention of pulling it away either.


Lisa hadn’t cared about Mark being there when she made her comment. All he could do was listen and gasp as his girlfriend confirmed what he had feared. Linda was a better lover than him, it hurt him to the core of his manhood. What did he have left to offer? Even he found himself pathetic. If anything, it made him even more determined to be on his best behaviour towards his girlfriend though. He had to, he had to desperately hold onto her even if it meant acting as a big sissy. He didn’t think he could handle losing her.


“It was my pleasure, and I do agree. We’ll definitely have to continue this some other time. Now are you pleased with how fast Stephanie has delivered? Or in other word do you think she has earned the privilege of kissing your feet some more while Marcy shows of her new lingerie?” Linda asked with a smirk. She liked Lisa and she liked making her non sissy customers happy. She had seen how much Lisa had enjoyed having her sissy stepdaughter grovel at her feet and she planned on making it happen again. After all it was so much more delightful to see Stephanie grovel for her superiors instead of just standing by.


“What can I say? If you ask me, she returned too fast. It seems as she had just left. Well I guess it is true what they say, time really does fly when you are having fun. So yes I would definitely say she has earned the privilege of kissing my feet some more.” Lisa said to Linda with a love drunk look in her eyes. Not even bothering to aim her chat in Stephanie’s direction.


“Do you hear that Stephanie? Aren’t you just one lucky sissy? Now why don’t you hand Marcy her lingerie and get to your reward?” Linda asked Stephanie with a big smile.


The sissy just replied with a quick polite. “Yeth Mommy and thank you very much for the wonderful opportunity Mith Litha. It is an honour to be allowed to kith your feet.” It was followed by yet another quick bow of her head as her hands were full once again.


With her grovelling thanking words over Stephanie headed to the stage where Marcy was still sitting looking at both women with a shocked expression. He only got two predatory grins returned to him as both women firmly kept their hands on each other’s thighs.


Stephanie made quick work of arranging the lingerie sets on hangers on the back wall of the stage, making them easier to overlook. Underneath the hangers there was a small chair to help ease the changing process. After arranging the lingerie Stephanie went back off the stage and got on her knees in front of Lisa to get her “reward”.


“Alright Marcy, you are all set. Why don’t you thank Stephanie for searching out all that gorgeous lingerie for you? Give her a big thank you and blow her an air kiss. Then you can go dress in the first set. Now I expect you to model it like I taught you remember?” Linda said in a commanding tone making it clear that this was no simple request, but an order.


Mortified Mark got up on his feet. He disliked Stephanie, yet he did as Linda had asked of him and said. “Thank you so much for gathering all this pretty lingerie for me Stephanie. You’re the best.” His thank you was finished by throwing an elaborate air kiss to Stephanie who was kneeling at his girlfriend’s feet. Both women instantly awed before starting to giggle.


Mark cringed over going through yet another humiliation, but right now his only aim was to get out of here as quick as he could. He was too drained to fight these women who would force their will on him either way.


As he walked to the back of the stage, a bright pink curtain suddenly lowered out of the ceiling right in the middle of the stage. The lights around the stage dimmed apart from a bright spot shinning from the back wall to the curtain, providing Mark with enough light to change while simultaneously casting his shadow and every move in a bright circle of light on the curtain. It hid his outfit while still allowing the spectators to see what he was doing.


Linda had spared cost nor effort when she built this store. Her goal had been to provide the best experience possible for whoever accompanied her sissy customers while creating a situation as humiliating as possible for the sissies.


She didn’t have to wait long for a reaction as Lisa instantly gasped. “Oh my god this is so awesome, who would have thought that Marcy would be staring in her own sissy fashion show? Damn, where is my phone so I can film this?” Lisa said while taking her purse form the side of the chair and putting it in her lap to look for the thing.


“Don’t worry about that, we have you covered. The entire thing will be filmed and sent to you over mail if you desire. Along with our CC’s newsletter to keep you up to date of all our events and collections.” Linda said proudly as Lisa giggled with joy putting her purse down again.


“Unbelievable, you really have thought of everything, this is just great, now I don’t even have to worry about filming the whole thing.” Lisa said gleefully. With only a curtain separating them Mark overheard everything and he didn’t like it one bit. Sure he was filmed nearly constantly yet knowing he was filmed even here at the store was terrifying. If this show was being filmed then what else was? He shuddered thinking back to all the embarrassing things he had done on this stage.


“Oh and before the real show gets started Stephanie, why don’t you take off my sneakers and get to know my real feet. I think you earned it. You get to kiss and grind that pretty nose of yours into my soles while the show goes on. It would sure relieve some of the tension of this stressful shopping day. Don’t be shy to apply enough pressure. I really want to feel that nose digging in my soles.” Lisa spoke down to Stephanie sitting at her feet.


Inwardly Stephanie groaned, Lisa had quickly become very demanding and it only made her task that much harder. As if any of this had been stressful for the girl. It didn’t really matter, she knew she better do what was expected of her. Besides it wasn’t anything her stepmother hadn’t made her do yet and she much rather did it for this pretty girl than her hated stepmother. Despite disliking her extra task Stephanie did say a quick. “Yeth Mith Litha, with pleathure.”


Dutifully Stephanie untied Lisa’s shoelaces and carefully slipped off her sneakers placing them neatly side by side. Smiling at Stephanie’s actions Linda made Lisa aware of the buttons on the armrest of the comfortable recliner. With a smirk Lisa experimented with them until the backrest of the chair had reclined and a footboard had come up, supporting her claves and making it so that her soles were facing right to Stephanie’s face.


Lisa sighed in relief letting out a low moan of pleasure as Stephanie proceeded to press her nose into the girl’s soft nylon covered soles. The material of the pantyhose felt warm and slightly damp from coming fresh out of their sneakers. They had a faint sour sweat aroma which was rather unpleasant for Stephanie but wanting to make a good impression she continued just like she had started, firmly pressing her nose into Lisa’s sole and tracing them all over while her lips showered the girl’s feet with kisses.


Satisfied with Stephanie’s efforts Lisa further ignored the sissy at her feet and focused her attention back to the stage. In the shadow cast on the curtain she saw that Marcy was just laying the last hands on putting on her outfit by fastening her stockings to the garter taps.


Once it looked like Marcy was done dressing Linda tapped a button on her phone. In an instant the song “you can leave your hat on” blasted through the speakers, filling the room with it’s seductive beats as the curtains flew open exposing Mark in a lime green set of lingerie with soft pink lace detailing and pink back seams to his lime green stockings.


While the set was overtly frilly and colourful it was one of the more normal sets of lingerie. After all it had full panties and a full bra unlike the set with its strategic cut-outs for his cage and nipples he had worn when he entered the store.


The moment the music started Lisa started laughing. It really was a show and she was loving every minute of it. She would have never expected it a few days back when she passed by this store with its exaggerated lingerie and clothing selection, but she had quickly become to love this place.


At the same time however Marcy just stood there, completely mortified like a deer frozen in the headlights of a car. Only he was a sissy frozen in a spotlight on a stage in front of his girlfriend and a cruel shop owner.


Having to model lingerie for his girlfriend had been an embarrassing enough task. Having to do it on a stage was worse but doing it with this music and a spot light definitely was the worse. He felt his whole-body quiver in embarrassment.


When Marcy remained frozen in place Linda eventually had enough. She stopped the music and spoke up sternly. “We are going to start over and you are going to do it good this time or I swear you will be sorry. If you think modelling here on stage is too embarrassing, then just wait and see. If your next performance is lacklustre you will model your lingerie in the storefront window! Is that understood?”


Shaking on her legs Marcy nodded her head. She was terrified there was no way she could risk having to model in the storefront window. What if someone she knew passed by, or anyone passed by for that matter. “Yes Miss Linda, I will make sure to do it right this time.” She whimpered near crying.


“Good, then before we start over, let me give you some more pointers about what exactly we want to see. Your starting pose to signal you are ready to go and fully dressed up should be you standing there with one hand on your hip, your leg extended to the side and your back straight and head held high.” Linda instructed.


“Then when the music starts, I want you to walk to the front of the stage heel to toe, do your best to get those hips swaying. Your back should remain straight and your elbows should be neatly tucked to your sides with your underarms held out and your wrists hanging limp. Once at the front you will first blow us a kiss bending over at the waist, then you will proceed on with your poses you have learned before. If you want to you can even improvise. Just make sure it is either sexy or swishy. Once the song ends you can give us a limp writsted wave, turn around and walk back behind the curtain, remember to keep those hips swaying. Once the curtain closes you can change into the next set until we have gone through all of them.” Linda continued her instructions.


Marcy just stood there in stunned horror, still shaking as a leave as Linda went into more detail of what was expected of him. If he did as she had described he would literally look like the biggest fruit walking the planet. He didn’t even know if he could pull it off well enough.


The new more detailed instructions were that much worse than the initial ones. she got rubbed in the fact that hesitations or protests cost her dearly. she just hadn’t been able to handle it. This time she had no choice however cause doing it in the storefront window would be at least 10 times as bad. She was screwed and she knew it.


Seeing the worries on Marcy’s face Linda just light heartedly replied. “Don’t worry your sissy little head about doing everything perfect. You haven’t had a chance to work on walking properly, so I don’t expect you to be a master at it at once. The only thing that is important right now is that you do your utmost best, otherwise I’ll let Stephanie make room in the store front window.”


“Yes Miss Linda, thank you for giving me another chance. I will do my very best, I promise Miss Linda.” Marcy said trying to convince the shop owner that it wouldn’t be needed to make room in the storefront window.


From his stage Marcy could see his two headed audience and Stephanie rubbing her face in his girlfriend’s soles. Despite how gross of an act it looked Marcy was actually jealous of Stephanie. She would have preferred doing just that above what was expected of her now.


Just like that the curtains closed again. Marcy sighed deeply as she took the required starting position. She was still shaking on her legs, but she kept telling herself that she needed to do this, or the cost would be enormous.


As soon as Linda was happy with the position, he took she restarted the music from the beginning and made the curtains open. Marcy was a nerve wreck as she tried her very best to walk heel to toe. It made her cringe just thinking about what she was doing. She had never been so embarrassed in her life and yet she did her best to keep going, limp wrists and all.


Throwing her obligated kiss to the public she hoped the stage would collapse and she would get buried underneath, but no such thing happened.  Instead she just had to witness how her girlfriend was laughing her ass off and kept on repeating the words, “Oh my god.”


Linda just smiled as she watched Marcy preform various poses. Her very first client was coming along great. Marcy really was blossoming into a full blown exaggeratedly swishy and girly sissy and she had had a big role in it. She certainly was way closer to that than to the nervous guy she had been when she entered the store to buy her first panties.


Another successfully project Linda thought as she got a good vision of what Marcy’s future would bring. She would make sure that he perfected acting like a sissy, more gracefully than his clumsy attempt now, and she would make sure that it wasn’t just for a show on stage, but that it was going to become his new way of living.


Marcy continued making a fool of herself on stage, or at least that is how she felt. She felt so stupid doing this, but Linda’s threat had provided a very good motivation for sure. The song also just seemed to keep on going for what felt like forever. Oh how she wished for this to be over. She knew it would take a very long time though. After this set she still had to change into seven more sets and go through this entire process again.


Finally the song ended and Marcy was allowed to give her limp wristed wave before walking back in the same heel to toe fashion. On his way back she picked up on a comment of his girlfriend, saying what a cuter fuckable ass she had.


The curtain closed right behind her and she instantly started stripping and changing into the next outfit, similarly styled but with yellow and white. Pretty much all the lingerie was similarly styled, being overtly frill with lots of lace accents and bows. It was all in bright colour combinations, but he knew that making an argument that if they had seen one set they would know the others were good as well, wouldn’t stand. It would only risk him being moved to the storefront window instead.


Modelling everything in the fashion like he had just done was a mind draining and long exercise. It took him nearly an hour and a half to rotate through all the lingerie sets in the way Linda had demanded. Finally he had done it though he thought with a sigh as he disappeared back behind the curtain to change back in the lingerie set he had come in.


Marcy hadn’t really noticed, and Lisa hadn’t either. She was just having too much of a blast to pay attention to detail. Linda had certainly noticed though. Over the course of her little modelling show Marcy’s swishy walk and posing had become smoother, it still looked somewhat clumsy for now, but it had definitely improved compared to when she showed off the first set of lingerie.


Back behind the curtain Marcy had taken a seat on the chair, she was shaking as this whole show had taken a lot out of her, but it was finally over. She knew this purchase would be an expensive one, but frankly she didn’t care. All she cared about now was going back home to the relative safety of his room. Learning to deepthroat his dildo while no one was physically present was way more preferable than this.


The lights turned back on and the curtain retreated back to the ceiling as Linda turned her attention to Lisa who was wearing a broad smile. “So what did you think about the full sets?” she asked already knowing she would receive a positive answer.


“It was perfect, absolutely perfect. We’ll have to buy them al, after all we can’t have him, excuse me her, running around in anything but a full matching set of lingerie. It would be a shame if she couldn’t wear certain pairs of panties anymore because they aren’t part of a set.” Lisa instantly praised.


“Oh, I definitely agree wearing matching lingerie all the time is an absolute must for sissies. Us girls do it when we want to impress a date or look our best, but a sissy should always look her best and try to impress her superior’s day in and day out. So I guess I should go to ring up the purchases?” Linda asked already moving up from her chair.


“Actually, the lingerie is only part of the reason we have come here. Marcy sure has a lot of pretty lingerie, but she doesn’t have a single outfit. I mean if we are serious about her starting to accept herself as a sissy, I think fully dressing the part is important for the process. Do you have a full outfit, shoes and all included for Marcy? I think it is vital that she can get fully dressed up from time to time.” Lisa said to Linda.


Upon overhearing the conversation Marcy’s jaw dropped in shock. Lisa was just kidding right? She didn’t mean this right? Oh god she sure hoped she was kidding. Marcy didn’t want to spend a minute longer in this centrum of embarrassment and she sure didn’t want a complete outfit.


The sinister sadistic smile Linda instantly threw him though told him that it was already too late. Lisa had asked for it and Linda would make sure she did at least try on a whole outfit. Marcy inwardly groaned the end of their trip wasn’t near after all.


“I am sure we could find something, something suiting for Marcy’s very first outfit. After all I only want the best for my very favourite sissy customer.” Linda said never breaking her sadistic stare away from Marcy who was looking back at her with panic in her eyes.


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