Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 3

Chapter 3


Mark woke up to the sound of his alarm with a loud groan. Taking the bus down town would take a lot of time and he had pretty much made up his mind that he couldn’t afford to be late to the appointment, no matter how much he didn’t want to go. He hadn’t set an alarm clock since school had ended but seeing how he was required to be there at 10 am he didn’t have much of a choice today. Usually he slept that late.


For a moment Mark just wanted to stay in bed and just lay there. Somehow thinking that it would make all the trouble go away, but he knew that wasn’t happening so with a sigh he picked up the boxer shorts he had laid on his nightstand last night. Unlike the first few days he didn’t throw them away anymore. He had grown tired of having to get up to look for them so for convenience sake he just kept them close by. It made it easier to grab them to masturbate first thing in the morning which he had grown used to doing by now.


Without a second of hesitation Mark opened up the smelly boxers and pulled the crotch part over his face. The smell and just about everything about it was revolting to Mark, but by now it had also become pretty much a routine. Even before he had managed to really put the boxers just right over his face his cock had already grown rock hard, ready to get jerked.


The musky sweat smell of unwashed balls and stale cum was all overpowering as Mark started stroking his cock in his pink panties he had received the day before. Despite his disgust it only took him a few minutes to spurt his second load in these panties once again reinforcing the connection to pleasure. With the masturbation out of the way Mark hand-washed both the panties and the boxers before taking a shower. He hung up his panties to dry and slid the boxers back in their bag before going into his room.


With a loud sigh he walked to his closet and opened his underwear drawer. Beside the many pairs of plain boxers, he owned there were now also quite a lot of panties in bright colours and bold designs, all made in fabrics alien to Mark. There were enough pairs there to require Mark to shift through a few before finding the pair his blackmailer had required him to wear. While the purple lace fabric they were made of made them scream femininity, it was the big pink satin bow in the back which really made them stand out.


Mark gulped as he held up the ultra feminine panties but looking at the clock he realised he didn’t have much time to hesitate anymore, so he reluctantly slid them up his legs. This was the first time he would be going out wearing panties and it filled him with dread in every fibre of his body. Having to wear them down stairs to eat with his parents was bad enough already, wearing them out was a whole different beast.


He shuddered as he caught a glimpse of himself wearing these overly girly panties in the mirror. With a swift motion Mark pulled a pair of baggy jeans over them fastening them with a belt just underneath his belly button. It squeezed his balls painfully; all his jeans were low cut usually showing a good part of his boxer-shorts. A fashion statement he now deeply regretted. At least the slightly oversized t-shirts helped.


Mark had probably never inspected his outfit this thoroughly in the mirror before. The way he looked at himself, front and back, squatting down as if he were taking a seat and everything in between. It almost looked like he was a girl checking if her dress wouldn’t ride up too much. Just like those girls Mark was checking to make sure his panties wouldn’t show under any circumstance.


After checking everything over and over again for nearly six times he finally deemed himself ready to head out. His walk to the door was a slow one and once he stepped out his stomach became upset over the strong nerves. For a moment he considered running back inside, but as images of last nights quick scroll through the website flashed by his minds eye he hurried towards the bus-stop instead. He couldn’t risk being late or he would be completely ruined.


During the whole bus-ride Marks nerves only increased. He knew he was headed to a salon, but why? Well he had a few ideas of what they did at a salon, non-of which he liked. Yet what would happen exactly was a mystery. It kind of hurt his ego to even think about it, especially since he hoped they would do his make-up. Give the tasks so far, his blackmailer seemed to like seeing him do humiliating things and make-up would definitely fall into that category. It’s nog like he was happy with the idea of getting his make-up done, but out of all the things he knew they did at a salon make-up seemed like the best option simply because it would be easy to take off. Well maybe getting his nails done would be acceptable as well.


Whatever it would end up being Mark dreaded it with every fibre in his body. Why the hell was he even thinking about what he hoped the appointment would be for? He only hoped he could go back home, but those pictures and videos. No, he had to do this. Besides the bus was just pulling up at the stop he needed so chickening out now would be foolish. Maybe if he just thought about it as a challenge?


Yeah, a challenge, he never turned those down besides maybe his blackmailer would be there and this was all just a set up to have him ask for a non-existing appointment just to make a fool out of himself. Mark thought as he walked the short distance from the bus-stop to the salon. At least his thoughts allowed him to relax a little bit, or rather to keep him from freaking out completely.


Arriving at the listed address he found himself standing in front of an older building. The big sign on the front read “Salon Suzan” in hot pink letters on a soft pink background but both colours had faded slightly. Just like the rest of the neighbourhood the salon looked to be somewhat shady and way past it’s prime. At least it was a place that no girl he knew from the suburbs would ever visit. And he couldn’t really blame them either. This neighbourhood gave him the creeps as well. Especially that group of thugs eyeing him from the street-corner opposite of the salon. Probably in the middle of a drug trade.


Despite wanting to delay the inevitable as much as he could Mark really wanted to get off these streets and so he walked inside the salon trough the big glass door. A couple of bels chimed above his head, a sign someone had entered to whoever might be present in this empty looking salon. Just like the front all the equipment looked slightly worn and old-fashioned.


Mark instantly felt uneasy in this building full of mirrors, beauty products and loads of pink in different shades. He was still nervously looking around taking in this for him alien environment. When he was approached by a tall voluptuous woman wearing a shapeless pink dress, a thick pair of nude coloured tights and a pair of pink loafers. She looked kind of mean with her resting bitch face and the salt and pepper coloured bun looking down on him. “What do you want? If its for money just ask your friend how that played out!” The woman said rather aggressively probably used with dealing with some of the thugs hanging around the neighbourhood.


“It’s, uhm, I have uhm a… an appointment under the name Mark I guess.” Mark managed to stammer out after a couple of tries falling over his words and everything. What the hell was he even supposed to say? He had never been in a place like this and he certainly didn’t know the workings. Besides, who’s name was the appointment actually in? He hadn’t gotten that info in the letter he received from his blackmailer.


Suddenly Suzan’s face broke into a big smirk instead of the annoyed look she had greeted him with. “Ah so you are sissy Mark, I have been expecting you.” Suzan said cheerfully.


Mark’s eyes nearly popped out of his head from pure shock when he heard that. Someone else knew? Was this woman his blackmailer? His head was spinning as he stammered a weak. “I…I am no sissy.”


Suzan’s annoyed look was back as she gave him a quick once over. “Then what the fuck are you judging from your nearly non-existent beard and your scrawny limbs you certainly aren’t a man. Seeing how you lack tits you aren’t a woman either. No, you are nothing but a big sissy from the looks of it.” Suzan said in a stern tone.


With a bright red face Mark remained silent. Was that really the way people saw him? Was that why him and his girlfriend hadn’t had sex yet? No, he was cool and accepted yet Suzan’s taunting words did make him doubt his masculine self-image he had worked so hard to get. “Besides, what kind of man would walk in here for a full body waxing? No…” Suzan asked still sounding annoyed, but she was cut off by Mark.


“A full body-waxing? No fucking way, this was a mistake. I am out of here!” Mark screamed in panic while he started to run to the door. Sooner or later someone would notice, probably his girlfriend. The sudden verdict had made him panic enough to not even think about the consequences his action could have. All that mattered was getting out of here.


Arriving at the door he pulled, it didn’t work. He tried pushing but it didn’t work either. In panic he started forcefully shaking the door, but it wouldn’t give an inch. “It’s an electro magnetic anti-theft lock. Do you like it? The door isn’t really locked, just held in place by a strong magnet. With enough force a man could still push it open, but there is no need to worry about such things when dealing with a sissy like yourself.” Suzan spoke calmly while approaching Mark, having just delivered another blow to his ego.


An ego that kept on being torn down as she took a strong hold of his ear and started dragging him to the back of the salon. It hurt a lot and all the while Mark was screaming. “Let go of me you stupid bitch, you will pay for this. I am a free citizen, you can’t force me to go with you. I have done nothing wrong!” Suzan didn’t really listen. She just continued walking, dragging him inside a backroom with a leather padded table.


With a force that made Mark fear she would rip off his ear Suzan pulled the still screaming Mark over her lap. Before stating in an angry tone. “I don’t take orders from snivelling sissies. Besides your appointment was payed in advance and I always do what the customer payed for. After all I have a business and a reputation to maintain.”


After her little speech Suzan just yanked down Marks pants and instantly started laughing. “Well mister I’m no sissy, you are wearing a pair of awfully pretty panties to be claiming such things. Hell, I don’t even know a girl your age who would be caught dead wearing a pair of panties that girly. All that ugly hair kind of ruins the image, but that’s what you are here for isn’t it sissy?” Suzan laughed attacking Marks failing ego.


With that said Suzan gave Mark a hard spank on his panty covered bottom making the guy yelp out in pain. She didn’t stop there either as she held down the squirming youth with one of her meaty hands in the small of his back. Blow after blow kept raining down on Mark’s bottom. At first Mark screamed and cursed but a couple blows later it slowly went over to silence, then pleading and eventually just a light sobbing laced with yelps from each blow.


Only when the first tears started rolling down his cheeks Suzan stopped, shoving Mark off her lap on the floor. Mark had never felt this humiliated in his life before. He was spanked, had his manhood mocked and about was to be waxed by a woman who appeared to be in her fifties. How had this even happened? For the first time since the blackmailing had started he was about to stand up for himself and this was the result. He looked pathetic laying at this woman’s feet, his panties on full display, tears streaming down his cheeks and a bottom that was bright red and probably even bruised.


“Get up and strip naked sissy then get on the table, so we can make you nice and smooth. Be quick about it unless you want a repeat of that with a hairbrush!” Suzan shouted down at him before getting up to prepare the wax.


In an instant Mark was on his feet pulling off everything as fast as he could manage. The threat of an even worse spanking was more than enough to get him going. So much even that keeping his body-hair didn’t even seem important to him anymore. In under a minute he was completely naked and laying on the table. He felt very exposed and vulnerable but the painful throbbing in his bottom served as a reminder to just endure this treatment.


“With a maggot like that between your legs it is not even a surprise that you are a sissy. How the hell is a woman even supposed to be satisfied with that worm?” Suzan scoffed attacking Marks fragile self-image even further. It wasn’t even that small, well it was when soft, but when he grew hard it grew to a slightly above average 7 inches.


That said Suzan started slathering the warm wax all over the front of his right leg. Making sure not to leave a single spot bare. Next came the cotton strips which she put over the wax before yanking them off in a swift motion making Mark cry out in pain once more. “Oh, don’t be such a pussy, well on second thought I bet a sissy like you just can’t help it. Can you?” Suzan asked mockingly while applying the wax to his left leg.


Suzan just carried on despite the cries. She waxed Marks legs, front and back, his armpits, his arms, his chest and even his butt crack and balls. This had all taken an hour, but Suzan wasn’t finished yet. Until now she had left his thick pubic patch alone. “As a punishment for your earlier behaviour I have decided to throw a little extra in. The request was a full wax, but I am sure this little extra will be appreciated. Now don’t peek.” Suzan said with a shit eating grin laying a towel that is normally used to cover the client’s crotch over his eyes.


Mark felt some wax being used on his pubic area before being quickly yanked off. This was followed by a buzzing, vibrating feeling which was followed by a long series of painful pinches that seemed to last forever. After a quick brush off Mark felt a cold paste being spread on his pubic area. It smelled terrible and stayed on for a while before being removed with a warm wash cloth. The paste and wash were repeated once more. This time while the paste worked in however Suzan gave Marks beard area a quick waxing as well. It didn’t look like he needed to shave a lot but this way that ridiculous beard would stay away for at least a month.


Finally, the waxing was over. Apart from his yelps Mark had remained completely still, even when it came to his beard and whatever that something extra was. He was just so terrified of the possibility of another spanking on his still burning bottom that he hadn’t even dared to object.


With a swift pull Suzan removed the towel from Mark’s eyes shouting out. “Tada, this look is so much more you don’t you agree you sissy?” These last words were said in a tone that let Mark know there was only one good answer.


Looking down at his body he was in shock. His legs, arms, everything looked smooth except for his pubic area. Seeing what Suzan had done there however he wished she would have just waxed it instead. Right above his soft penis sat a perfectly trimmed and shaped heart of one-inch long hair. The hair was dyed a pastel pink colour and in the middle the letter M and J had been plucked out. What the hell were those even supposed to mean? Michael Jackson? The letters stood for Master John, but Mark couldn’t know.


Suzan did though, she had known John for a long time and when he had contacted her for this appointment she had happily agreed. She herself had had to deal with way too many “though guys” around the neighbourhood that it had become a joy putting one in his place. She had gotten a real taste for it after that one guy who had tried to rob her. After she was done with him the look on his face was simply priceless. Suzan really wondered what had become of that guy after pushing him back on the street like she had.


It didn’t matter, what mattered now was that look of utter shock and humiliation Suzan so loved seeing now that she was done with Mark. The guy’s slender body with the slightly bigger bum had already looked somewhat effeminate, but now despite the penis it looked simply girly.


“I asked you a question Sissy. Don’t you agree that this looks so much more you?” Suzan barked ripping Mark out of his shocked staring that had been going on for a couple of minutes by now.


“Y…yes” is all he managed to stammer out. This was horrible. How the hell would he ever explain this to anyone? Hell, he was clueless how he would even start to explain his smooth face. Let alone the arms legs and especially his new pubic hair. One thing was for sure. Even if his girlfriend did want to have sex he would need to say no. No one could ever find out about this or he simply wouldn’t live it down.


“Is that all you pathetic sissy? You should be grateful. In fact, why don’t you drop to your knees and kiss my feet while thanking me? That’s the least you can do after all the effort i have done don’t you think? Or do I need to get my brush to beat some manners into you?” Suzan asked aggressively there was no need for her to act like this other than the thrill she got out of it.


Once again, the threat of the hairbrush proved to be enough to get Mark going. He got off of the table and straight down on his knees in front of Suzan. In a swift motion he kissed both of Suzan’s worn loafers picking up quite a strong nasty scent of cheesy feet. He wanted to gag but instead he swallowed his pride and totally defeated said. “Thank you, Suzan, for making me look more like the real me.”


The humiliation of it all brought Mark near to tears once more. Why the fuck was he even doing this? The answer lay right at Suzan’s feet. She had a perfect view of the red slightly bruised bottom, the one she had caused. This was just perfect.


“Alright, that’s enough sissy. Now get up I still need to lotion you up before you can get dressed.” Suzan said sternly. Getting dressed and leaving this place that had been the theatre of his most horrible humiliation ever seemed like the best thing Mark had heard in a while. He didn’t need more motivation to instantly get up.


“Oh, such an eager little sissy.” Suzan mocked delivering another blow to Mark’s ego. She pulled out a big container of some hydration lotion and scooped up a hefty amount. Instantly the room filled itself with a very strong lavender scent. Suzan wasn’t exactly gentle as she started rubbing the lotion all over Mark’s body. Suzan made sure to spend extra time rubbing it into his buttocks and butt crack, threatening his virgin butthole with a few pokes while she was at it. His penis got Some extra attention as well, but before it could even start to feel good Suzan gave his balls a hard-firm squeeze making him double over in pain.


“There you go sissy all nice and pretty. Now go put on your clothes and get out of here. Unless of course you would like something else done.” Suzan smirked making Mark flinch. As fast as he could Mark pulled on his panties followed by the rest of his clothes. He didn’t have time to thoroughly check if his panties were completely covered, but it would have to do. One thing was certain Mark didn’t want to spend another minute in this horrible salon.


With his clothes on he rushed out as fast as his legs could cary him. Suzan was laughing heartedly seeing the frighted, embarrassed youth run out. This appointment had really made her day and she really hoped she would get a chance to work some more on him.


Being on the street didn’t make him feel any better though. It felt like all eyes were suddenly on him. Eyes of some pretty shady though looking guys. This kept him on edge during his whole walk to the bus station as well as the wait there. When the bus finally arrived, Mark felt relieved. He would finally get to go home and hide back up in his room. Sure, there might come Some questions as to why he didn’t show up at the skatepark, but he felt nowhere near ready to go there. Especially not smelling like he did. He could always make up an excuse like losing track off time gaming or something like that. They certainly would buy into that.


Soon the bus arrived at it’s stop in the suburbs leaving just a short walk between Mark and the safety of his room. Luckily, he encountered no one he knew. Smelling like he did that would have been mortifying.


Upon his arrival at his house he did have another panic attack though. On the front-step stood a big cardboard box labeled sissy Mark. As fast as he could he picked up the box and carried it up to his room. Upon opening the box, he found another pair of boxers in a zip lock bag, and another note as well.


“Hello sissy,


I hope you enjoyed your waxing. I also hope you haven’t given my friend Suzan any trouble or I am afraid I will need to punish you. Anyways I’ll find out when I give her a call. For now, however I have another task for you.


In the box you’ll find a set of 10 webcams with integrated microphones. There are also two speakers. You have exactly one hour after me spotting you from your laptop cam to hook up the system. The webcams are supposed to cover every angle in both your bedroom and bathroom. Yes this includes your bath/shower or whatever. There also needs to be a speaker in each room.


This means that no matter where you are I should always have an eye on you until you leave your room entirely. So, go ahead and make it happen.


If you fail to comply I’m afraid I will be forced to leave a stack of your flyers at the gay bar down town. Before you get any illusions that they are probably to nice to really do anything with it, i want to inform you that that particular bar tends to the leather community. A few of them are even members of biker clubs like the outlaws and hells angles just to give you an idea.


Good luck faggot.”


Once again Marks head was spinning. He hadn’t even had time to process his trip to the salon yet and now this? It was too much; the webcams looked to be very high quality and would probably just gather even more blackmail material. That gay bar that was described in the note however sounded like a place he or his contact info wanted to be as far away from as possible. Hell, it sounded like just walking in there as a guy might get you raped. Let alone a guy wearing panties on a flyer with such provocative text.


Mark didn’t know wether the claims of his blackmailer were true or not regarding the though crowd, but he didn’t want those flyers anywhere. After all you could find people with ill intentions everywhere and they would be just the kind of people picking up a flyer like that.


10 minutes had already past since he entered the door with that box leaving him only 50 more to set up 10 webcams and speakers, which left him with no time at all to even hesitate. The threat and time pressure were more than enough to make him jump into action.


While installing the first webcam he shuddered over the sudden realisation that privacy was a thing of the past. Going forward everything, he said or did in his room would be watched and heard. He wouldn’t even be able to go to the toilet in peace. It was a very worrying thought. Was it really that different though? He was already being watched trough his laptop camera after all. Of course, this was a whole world of difference, but Mark didn’t want to think about it. Otherwise he might get cold feet and be in even more trouble.


As Mark moved around his room installing those web cams he noticed for the first time how weird his clothes actually felt now that his body was completely smooth. Before he had been so nervous only thinking about getting home that he hadn’t noticed.


After installing the last webcam Mark noticed to his relief that he still had a few minutes to spare. When all of a sudden, a loud mechanical voice filled his room. “Good job sissy. Now strip completely so I can see how good of a job Suzan did. Afterwards you can put your panties back on and masturbate.” Hearing this voice for the first time made Mark jump up in shock, at least he now knew what the speakers were for.


The voice sounded obviously computer generated so figuring out who was behind all this was impossible. Great now he wasn’t only being watched but ordered around as well. With a loud sigh he stripped completely naked. His cheeks burned bright red as he revealed his smooth shiny body and worst of all his newly shaped and coloured pubic hair.


“Look at that, you look even more like a sissy than I considered possible. Well go collect your reward and have a nice wank smelling a real man.” That same mechanical voice said mocking Mark. Reluctantly he put his panties back on. The soft fabric feeling weirdly erotic on his smooth cock and bottom.


With a bright blushing face, he got down on his bed and pulled the freshly worn boxers out of the plastic back and over his head. His cock instantly started against the purple fabric of his panties and a few minutes of jerking later he spurted a thick load into his panties. “Good sissy, you really seem to love that musky man scent.” The mechanical voice Spoke up again much to Mark’s embarrassment. Mark really didn’t like this new addition.


In the house next door however, John was having a blast. His idea of those speakers was genius. Giving the sissy tasks had been fun but ordering him around in real time was so much more satisfying. Besides he now always had the perfect angle to build the site even further.


Even John had to admit that now Mark was totally smooth he looked, well he looked rather appealing. Mark certainly had a juicy booty and with that ugly mop gone of his face it actually looked pretty. Even with a beard Mark had had a baby face, but now it came out to its full extend. His kind of roundish facial structure and his bright green eyes certainly had something pretty about them.


There was still a lot of improvement to be had, like his unkept hair, the heavy brows, his dirty nails, … Well that’s for another time. Suzan would probably be happy to help with that aspect. She had really out done herself with Marks pubic hair. The pastel pink heart carrying his initials really made his penis look cute and girly. It was perfect.


While not his original intend John was starting to think about actually putting Mark to use. After the transformation at the salon not only the power, but also just the look of Mark made his penis stir. It was kind of confusing since John considered himself completely hetero, but then again did Mark really count as a guy in the first place?


Over the course of the day John made Mark masturbate a few more times. Just because he could. seeing Mark carry out his orders instantly really got him going. He masturbated a few times alongside Mark as Well. Knowing that tomorrow the sissy would wear these boxers while masturbating.


Mark never left his room all day. Not even when his parents called out that the food was ready. He simply didn’t dare since he reeked of lavender and cum. Besides what would they say when they saw his smooth face?


By the time the evening arrived Mark was exhausted he had masturbated more time than he could count, and his panties were one soggy mess from all the time he came in them. Tired he went to the bedroom and pulled his panties down to pee. Just as he was about to start the speaker in the bathroom came to life. “Stop! Good sissies sit down to pee and so will you.”


Embarrassed Mark let his panties drop to his ankles and sat down on the toilet. It felt so strange to do so when it wasn’t to take a shit, but he didn’t dare to refuse. Once he was ready the speaker started up once more. “Good sissy now wipe your little clitty.”


Beet red Mark took a piece of toilet paper and dried the tip of his penis before finally getting up and sliding his cum soaked panties back in place.


“Goodnight sissy, and don’t forget you still need to masturbate before you go to sleep.” Defeated Mark crawled into bed, Pulled the nasty boxers over his head and started masturbating. His balls were completely drained so it took a while but eventually he managed to get over the edge. Completely exhausted and humiliated he drifted off to sleep.


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