Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy

Part 44

Chapter 51


Anxiously Lisa watched the clock tick on, hoping that the syringe Linda had arranged would arrive in time. The clock ticked way too fast to her liking and with every passing minute the chance of that syringe arriving in time grew slimmer and slimmer. Sure it was to be expected, Linda had told that she doubted it could make it in time, yet she had put all her hope on exactly that.


Way too soon the time to make a definite decision came though, she couldn’t afford to wait on that syringe any longer or rather Marcy couldn’t afford it. She didn’t want to let john win and she was growing nauseous just at the thought of his demand, but she had to do this, she couldn’t ditch Marcy like this, Marcy was too precious and she had suffered enough already.


Sighing deeply Lisa cursed under her breath as she prepared to make her way over to John. She was dressed in a casual pair of skinny jeans with white sneakers and a black t-shirt. For good measure she decided to thrown on a baggy black hoody on top though. She didn’t like this one bit, and she would let John know so. He could shove his lingerie up his ass. There was just no way she was dressing sexy to booth. If John wanted to get she would do so in the least gratifying way possible. The bastard didn’t deserve any better. Hell he didn’t deserve to get off at all, but sadly she couldn’t afford to deny him that.


More even she couldn’t deny him that all it would do was ruin Marcy and what they had together and John would most definitely still get his rocks off with Marcy. With how Marcy dressed up so prettily it would probably even be more enjoyable. God she hated that bastard, but for now she was doomed to play his sick game as she dragged her feet along slowly, her hatred for John growing with every step.


Eventually after what felt like a long torturous walk to Lisa, mentally more than physically she arrived at John’s door. She was already feeling sick and she hadn’t even seen the bastard or his cock yet. Not wanting to potentially startle Marcy by ringing the doorbell she just sent John a text. “I’m at your door.” It was as dry and business like as possible.


In no time at all the old smug bastard opened up the door for her standing there still clad in just his ratty grey bathrobe. He looked like a complete slob. Just like she had done no effort to look good he hadn’t either. It made Lisa’s stomach turn. This was clearly going to be even harder than she expected. “Ah there you are, that took you long enough, I almost feared that I would have to break poor Marcy’s heart showing her how little you cared for her. So little that you couldn’t even be bothered to take care of her duties playing with my cock for once.” John taunted with a big smirk.


He felt exhilarated, oh he was going to love this so much and the look of anger and frustration on Lisa’s face only made it that much better. Just like Marcy Lisa would soon be another bitch in his pocket, she just didn’t realise it yet. Then again he had already pushed her quite far to start with, getting her to come take care of his cock on demand. The power trip it gave him, especially after Lisa had been such a torn in his side during all of this was just spectacular.


Just the idea nearly got him hard already, it would have if not for the fact that Marcy had already well taken care of his first erection this morning. While he wouldn’t be able to give Lisa the biggest mouthful of cum like he wanted he didn’t mind too much as instead Lisa would have a harder time getting him too cum needing her to put in more time and effort. A very worthwhile trade off in John’s mind.


“Don’t you fucking dare you fucking bastard I’m here like you ask now let me the fuck in and let’s get this over with. The sooner I am out of here the better and I swear if you don’t keep your word I will have your balls.” Lisa spit his way with a look that could kill. She wasn’t intending to let John push her around, she couldn’t let the bastard win.


“I’ll let you in when you stop with that fucking attitude. I’m a man of my word you can count on that, but I won’t be taking any of your fucking bitchy attitude got that? If you want to take care of my cock and come inside you can ask for it nicely. Given how you decided to dress you clearly want to go at it for a long while. If you don’t ask nicely, well then I guess you can take care of things right here on my porch like I had Marcy do before. To make up for your disrespect you can call me Master John or just Master from now on.” John scolded, loving the shocked expression on Lisa’s face.


“If you are a good girl and ask things nicely you will find out that I am a rather reasonable man. However if you are a complete and utter bitch I will treat you like one so what’s it going to be? Are you going to be a good girl and ask nicely or are you going be a bitch and offer one of your holes to me right here and now?” John asked with a big victorious smirk already knowing he had won.


Deep inside Lisa silently cursed the guy, she couldn’t believe the outrageous demands he was already making. She knew he was dead serious though and she hadn’t come all this way and put herself through this agony for nothing. God she hated this bastard so much, but if she wanted at least some privacy during this horrid task she knew she would have to yield to his demands, he held all the cards right now, it was both infuriating and frustrating, but she had no choice.


“Please Master John may I come inside so we can have a little more privacy?” Lisa asked her voice overly sweet and fake. There was no sincerity to be found in her words as she had to fight not to gag when speaking those words. Hell she just wanted to brush her teeth after saying this.


“There’s a good girl, that’s much better already, but you aren’t quite there yet. Whatever would you need privacy for? What would you like to do inside Lisa? I’ll give you one more try if I’m still not please we’ll do whatever you came here for right here on my porch.” John cooed pushing his luck to the limit. He knew he should have probably been happy that Lisa had called him Master, but he couldn’t help himself, this was sweet payback after all the restrictions that bitch imposed on him.


Lisa couldn’t believe the nerve of this bastard, she had fucking done what he asked and yet he demanded more? She had vowed not to yield to him and yet she found herself giving in once more. She so badly wanted to tell him where to shove it, but she simply could not risk it. “Could I please come inside so I can have some privacy when playing with your magnificent cock Master John? Please I beg you.” Lisa said in that same tone hoping it would be enough for the sick bastard. She hated herself for giving in like that.


“That sounds so much better already don’t you agree? You may come inside so you can have some privacy while playing with my magnificent cock as you so endearingly called it. See, I’m not an unreasonable man.” John mocked with a hearty laugh as he moved out of the way for Lisa to enter. While she passed him he couldn’t help but give her a firm pat on her ass, smirking broadly as Lisa furiously turned around looking about ready to slap him only to reconsider at the last possible moment.


Not being able to lash out or even hit John for his actions and demands was mental anguish for Lisa. He clearly was an even worse bastard than she could have ever imagined, but she was pretty much certain after what happened on the porch that she would just end up paying dearly if she did lash out. Just sucking it up and trying to ignore John was the best thing she could do, that and getting him off as fast as possible so she could get out as soon as possible.


As John led Lisa deeper into the house she could hear the loud moans she recognised as Marcy’s during some of her videos playing. As horrid as she was sure that must be for Marcy it at least put her at ease knowing Marcy wouldn’t hear anything that was going on down here. Otherwise the whole purpose of her doing this in the first place would have been defeated.


It wasn’t much of a relief though as she was still stuck with John and the horrid task he had laid out for her. Something she got firmly reminded off as John sat down on the couch making his bathrobe fall open revealing his big still limp cock sticking out from the big mat of pubic hair underneath his pot belly. “Ah, here you go, it’s all yours to play with and since you showed up I can give you some slack. Right now you have 23 minutes left to make me cum, but I’ll be generous, you can take as long as you want as long as you make me cum before leaving here.” John said with a smirk to which Lisa only groaned, like she wanted to take any longer than absolutely necessary.


Trying to brace herself as well as she possibly could Lisa got down on her knees between John’s wide spread legs. She couldn’t help but feeling like it was her just desert on some level having doomed Marcy to doing this more than once, yet that didn’t help her one bit right now. All it did was make her feel even more sorry for what she had done to Marcy. This was just gross, she still couldn’t believe she was about to suck off a guy older than her own dad.


Reaching out with her hand to take John’s cock she got stopped rather quickly. “No you don’t, not like that. The deal was that you’d use one of your holes you choose which one to get me off. I don’t want to feel any hands on my cock. If I do I guess I’ll have to cuff them behind your back until I cum. You have been warned.” John said loving the look of shock that once more appeared on Lisa’s face. She might not be wearing makeup and the hoodie she wore might be rather concealing, but that didn’t spoil his fun in the slightest.


Once again Lisa couldn’t believe what she was hearing, she wasn’t even allowed to stroke John’s cock hard or even guide it to her lips? This was completely and utter nonsense. Yet all she could really do about it at this moment was just yield to his demands. There was no way she would let this bastard cuff her hands as it would render her way more vulnerable than she already was.


With a loud groan of utter disgust Lisa once again swallowed her pride. Instead of reaching for the cock in front of her she lowered her head well beneath the cushion of the couch in order to reach below John’s cock which was dangling over the edge. It was the worst humiliation yet, having to lower herself so much into such an awkward position just to be able to suck John’s cock yet here she was. The fact that John was broadly smirking down on her didn’t make things any easier, but in the end she succeeded in her goal, taking the head of John’s limp cock between her lips before moving back up with his cock now in her mouth.


The strong musky taste of precum paired with god knows what else along with the feeling of the soft slick warm meat in her mouth was more than enough to make Lisa gag loudly, gags that only made John laugh. She felt utterly degraded and grossed out feeling more inclined to bite John’s cock off than to give him a blowjob, but now that she had come this far there was really no more point in going back. Instead she wiggled her tongue inside of his foreskin the taste of his precum amplifying tenfold as she circled the head of his cock with her tongue. It was the single grossest thing she had ever done, but it was working as John’s cock slowly grew inside of her mouth.


“Mmmmm, there’s a good girl, a very good girl. While you aren’t nearly as good of a cocksucker as your sissy boyfriend is you’re still doing great. Then again I can’t really blame you can I. She doesn’t have anything worth sucking to begin with and she has been getting plenty of practice. I’ve made sure of that.” John laughed with a satisfied moan as his cock slowly grew into a full fledged rock hard erection, allowing Lisa to start bobbing her head up and down his shaft. She could only take about three fourths of his length where Marcy could easily deepthroat him by now.


Lisa could only groan in response. Why couldn’t the bastard just be happy with this blowjob he was getting? Did he really have to bring up Marcy, or how much better of a cock sucker she was? Wasn’t this bad enough already? At least the worst of the taste seemed to be behind her now after licking the head of his cock for what seemed like an eternity. Still every time she took it as deep as she could she couldn’t help but heave catching a whiff of the stench of John’s pubic bush. She couldn’t believe the bastard had managed to get Marcy to grow used and even turned on over that scent.


“You do seem to have a bit of trouble taking my cock don’t you Lisa? Then again with a boyfriend like yours you’re basically a lesbian. It would surprise me if Marcy’s clit made it past your lips at this point. Hell, I bet it’s about the size of her nipples. Here let me help you improve.” John mocked as he grabbed the back of Lisa’s head and forced her further down when she reached her lowest point making her gag violently as she tried to push away. Not bothered about her in the slightest John kept her down for a few seconds before finally allowing her to move back up. God her gagging felt so good on his throbbing member.


Taking control of Lisa’s bobbing John repeated this process over and over forcing her down just a little further each time. After about five minutes and countless of bobs he managed to push her down far enough to push her nose uncomfortably hard into his pubic area. It forced Lisa to inhale the full force of this vile scent to the point where she thought she would throw up, John’s cock only amplified this feeling being pushed deep down her throat well past the point of comfort. He ended up repeating this part a few more times for good measure.


“There you go, I’ll give you back your control now, but you better keep deepthroating like a good girl or I swear you won’t get the control over your head back until I am done cumming.” John said as Lisa’s throat was quite sore by now, her cheeks were streaked with tears from straining to take his cock this deep and while she really didn’t want to deep throat him again she continued doing so out of fear that John would force her head down again.


It was excruciating as she felt like she had been sucking John’s cock for what felt like forever at this point, at least his moans grew louder and more frequent now fuelling her hopes that he would cum soon. She didn’t want to have to taste his cum, but it was inevitable. Good even as it would mean the end of this.


While Lisa was fighting not to keep her composure under this torment John was simply in heaven. No revenge was quite as great as making someone choke on your cock. He loved it. “Mmmm, while you’re busy allow me to explain some new rules going forward. From now on I want you at my door at 10 AM and at 3 PM sharp each and every day when Marcy is with me. I will make sure Marcy is out of sight and out of hearing range every time so you can have all the privacy you need to serve my cock with whatever hole you please.” John explained in between moans.


“If you miss an appointment there is no need for immediate worry just yet. I will simply take one of your days with Marcy away from you and claim her for myself on that day, meaning that you’ll have another day where you need to service me twice instead of getting to spend time with Marcy. Right now you have Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mess up once and you’ll only get to see her during the weekend. Mess up three times and Marcy stays with me every day of the week, on the upside however that means you get to play with my cock every single day. If you mess up a fourth time, well then I guess I’ll just have to break to Marcy what a bad girlfriend you have been and claim her for myself permanently. After all she’s a bitch I can trust and count on to get me off when I want how I want. Hell she’s even eager to get me hard just to get to play with my cock again.” John explained his rule to the devastated girl who was still deep throating his cock with a look of horror in her eyes.


“Not only that, but I guess the world will also see how much of a slut you are for old cock if you defy me. Of course I will inform Marcy how you sucked me off as payment for her feminisation and letting her stay over. After I expose your earlier lies I bet she will believe me over you. Like I said though I am a reasonable man so if you keep being a good girl and follow the rules then none of that has to happen.” John carried on revealing the full reach of the leverage he had over her. Judging from the look of fear in Lisa’s eyes he could see that she would be coming back this afternoon. He loved the thought of his indirect trio, having two sluts at his exposal even if he had to keep them separate for now.


She should have known better, of course the bastard was going to film her. Maybe if she demanded to suck him somewhere else than he took a seat this could have been avoided, then again with how demanding the bastard had been she doubted he would allow such a thing. Her panic and horror at the full extend of John’s cruelty while she kept bobbing up and down his cock was genuine. The last thing she wanted was evidence of this indignity, yet she kept going.


No matter what John said right now she knew his reign would end. In a way his demand for twice daily meetings was a good thing, it meant that she would be able to come over here to jab that needle into the bastard and end his reign. God Linda better have that needle ready and waiting for her when she got home, she didn’t know if she could bring herself to come here again without that needle. Although at this point she John was making it hard on her not to comeback needle or not.


Shit if Linda didn’t come through on her end she and Marcy were screwed. While she might not come back here if she didn’t have the needle John’s plans to punish her disobedience would definitely screw her over big time. Still screwed over or not it was better than what he had done to Marcy which was her future too if she kept going along with this. The thought of that needle was the only thing that kept her going at this point as she forced her mouth deep down to the base of John’s cock again hoping once again the bastard would just cum already.


“Looks like my help has been very useful wouldn’t you say? You’re becoming a much better cock sucker already. Unless you’re willing to offer up that ass of pussy of yours soon you’ll get a lot more practice. If anything I’m probably doing you a favour here. Knowing how to take big cocks is a useful skill for any girl.” John taunted between loud moans. Lisa’s oral attention mixed with talking down on her was such an awesome pleasurable mix for him.


Throwing his head back John felt that he was starting to get close to cumming. With a deep sigh he decided to just enjoy the remainder of his hard earned blowjob. He had after all put quite a bit of time and effort in getting this far.


Just when she was about to cum John grabbed a firm hold of Lisa’s hair and kept her down spraying a first thick rope of cum straight down the girl’s throat. Only to then pull her head up and spray a second rope of cum straight across her tongue giving her the full taste of his bitter salty cum. The third rope of cum was delivered the same way giving Lisa quite the mouthful before pulling his cock out entirely and painting Lisa’s face with the remain three ropes of cum. It ended up being enough to cover her face from her hair to her chin. The sticky white overwhelmingly strong smelling liquid feeling like it got  pretty much everywhere. All Lisa could was groan and whimper as she saw how a small string of cum connected the tip of her nose to John’s cock.


His surprisingly strong grip didn’t allow her to move much at all as John slowly caught his breath. She felt utterly gross and disgusting not being able to smell or taste anything but this bastards stinking cum. Hell she couldn’t even get away from the feel as it was all over her face and the sight she had wasn’t much better at all being forced to look up at John past his slowly softening cock and fat gut to his face that simply screamed pleasure. That was maybe the worst of all that her utter degradation had meant his ultimate pleasure.


Eventually John’s cock grew limp enough to hang to the point of breaking the last string of cum connecting it to Lisa’s face as he turned his full attention back to her. “Mmmm that was amazing slut I can’t wait for 3 PM. Now open wide and stick out your tongue.” John said in a rather commanding tone.


At this point Lisa was just happy that it was over, she couldn’t wait to go home and get cleaned up so instead of making a fuss she just stuck out her tongue. It was the least terrible of the commands she had been given. Or at least it was until John grabbed his cock in hand and slapped it on Lisa’s tongue a few times, using it as a wet wipe to clean of the head of his cock before finally letting go of her head.


“Hahaha you look amazing, a piece of art even if I say so myself, maybe I should snap some pics of my work and enter some competitions. In any case, you followed through on your end so I’ll keep up my end of the deal, Marcy will never know about this or how you are behind her feminisation just as much as I am. The world won’t know how much of a literal sucker for old cock you are, and it will stay that way until you get four strikes, I promise you that.” John said with a smirk.


“Since it would be a pity to destroy that masterpiece we’ll call it your entry ticket for this afternoon. No more cum on your face is no entry automatically meaning a first strike. You should be proud to wear my facial. Oh and before you think of cheating and get someone to cum on your face just before coming here, I do warn you, I will check to see if it’s still the same pattern so you better not touch it in the slightest.” John instructed Lisa further pushing his luck as the girl just groaned.


She couldn’t believe this bastard made yet another outrageous demand, but she already knew she would have to do it. Even if John would potentially come around if she showed up with a clean face she simply couldn’t risk not being allowed in to take him out. The cum was already bothering her big time and given how it was still nearly four hours until 3 PM arrived she was in for one horrible time. Still it would be so worth it to take John down. Having experienced first hand just how terrible he was Lisa was more determined than ever to get Marcy out of his clutches and now to get revenge for herself as well.


“In any case that’s all for now slut. I’m afraid I’ll have to insist that you leave right now as I have another slut who is aching for more of my magnificent cock. That and it was about time she got started on my lunch. Not creates quite the appetite as sex wouldn’t you agree?” John mocked as Lisa gagged. All she wanted to do was gag after being forced to swallow a mouthful of his cum.


 As much as she would like to rescue Marcy from this horrid place right now she knew she couldn’t do that. Instead Lisa quickly got up on her feet and scurried out hearing John’s loud laughter behind her as she slammed the front door shut. She was so very relieved to be out of that horrid place, yet at the same time she felt more guilty than ever. Throwing on the hood of her hoodie Lisa quickly started making her way back home, a real walk of shame if ever there was one. No one could catch her with a face full of that bastard’s cum. She couldn’t help but cringe again feeling it slowly start to slide down her face and dry.


When she finally arrive home luckily without having been caught the first thing Lisa did was fish out her phone. One look at its clock confirmed that she must have sucked John’s cock for about an hour. She shuddered just thinking about it, especially since she could still taste and smell him so strongly.


Way more important than the clock however was the message notification from Linda. “Hello Lisa, if you went out to save Marcy I can’t do anything but tell you how brave I think you are while voicing my condolences for what you must have been through. My messenger told me no one was home so I suppose that is what you did. If all went well the syringe should have been deposited into your mailbox. It’s a strong tranquiliser, strong enough to knock that bastard out for a couple of hours. Just jab it in his thigh and deplete the plunger and it should work nearly instantly I have been told. Don’t forget to remove the plastic cap from the needle though. When the bastard is out just give me a call and I will take care of everything else, good luck!”


For how absolutely horrible her day had been so far this sliver of good news was more than welcome. Lisa instantly dashed out to the mailbox and true to Linda’s text there was the syringe, rather small with a little bit of clear liquid in it, a blue plastic cap shielding the needle. This little thing meant her and Marcy’s salvation and she couldn’t wait to use it, to deliver some well deserved justice. It almost made her forget about the nasty strands of cum still drying to her face.


Although she got a firm reminder of just that when she rushed upstairs to brush her teeth in the hope to at least get rid of the taste. Her mirror image showed exactly how the cum splattered on her face somehow looked even worse than it felt like. She looked like she had walked straight out of a porn movie, but there was nothing she could do about it. Now that she had that syringe she didn’t want to take any chances.


After all until Joh literally collapsed after his jab nothing was certain and she wasn’t out of the woods yet. Just imagining the shock on his face when he felt the sting before losing his conscious did make carrying that horrid cum on her face a whole lot better already. Now that she had this needle she looked forward to 3 PM rather than dreading it. Oh John wouldn’t know what hit him, while she wasn’t certain what Linda had planned out she was certain that John would end up regretting ever crossing her. She was so looking forward to making the bastard fall.


(If you liked this story and would like to read way more along with a ton of other stories then please check out my page on SubscribeStar: I have ran into trouble with Patreon, but since SubscribeStar  doesn’t accept PayPall you can still follow me there, just make sure you connect your discord account to your Patreon account if you do so you don’t miss out on my content. . On my SubscribeStar and Patreon this story has now ended with 49 parts total. There are also a ton of other sissy stories to be read on there. A new big feminisation story as voted by my patrons will take over from this one.


Next to that my story is also available as a bundled book at: and )

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