NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 1 – 18 going on 36

Finally, Today I am free. Free from the stupid old law that limits VR use for ‘children’ (as if turning biologically 18 magically makes you an adult)  to only educational uses. Even counting since I was born and not my last life I have had more than twice my biological ages experience. It confuses me that other kids didn’t take more advantage of it. My response when I heard I could learn however much I wanted during the night and then just play all day was ‘sign me up for all I can take’. Eh, not my problem. They will feel the burn when they join the online community and realize that just passing the lessons will limit them to low tier classes.

Not that getting good grades equals a good position in NeoRealm. It’s the extra lessons you can take with good grades that matter. With my background I focused on the martial arts. Even in real life during ‘socialization time’ I took any chance to train my real body as well. Healthy body, healthy mind and what not. Though it is partly because the better condition your body is in the longer you can stay immersed. With a world where every minute away is equal to 5 and full of people who have been in it subjectively for centuries it all counts. Luckily for everyone that was born after the game came out there is several bottlenecks so it isn’t impossible for newcomers.

Suddenly a loud shout is heard, “Jason! It’s time to go get your ID upgraded. Stop monologuing in your room. If you don’t make it on time, we will have to reschedule and that could take weeks!”

With this reminder from his Mom, Jason quickly finishes getting ready. Without an adult ID he wouldn’t be able to join NeoRealm. While he couldn’t help being behind those who had been in the game for years he didn’t want to get behind those in his age range. Even a one week delay is over a month of time in the game. Though why you still have to physically go to a government office and even schedule it despite how except for a few days a year, they are empty is for the sages to ponder.

After a quick trip to the local government office and a not so quick wait despite being the only one there Jason arrives back home. A quick scan of his updated ID and his pod unlocks all the fun options. Time to get into the game and join the rest of humanity.

As NeoRealm starts an opening cinematic plays.

In the background a small rise with a lonely willow in a field of grass on it spans Jason’s view and an uplifting tune reminiscent of the wind through a field plays. Slowly the scene seems to zoom in on the tree but as it gets closers, he notices more details he missed before. The grass seems spikier and there seems to be a light dusting of snow.

The music changes to a more sweeping soundtrack as a fiery bird approaches from the distance only to be met by a roar before it gets to him. From a sliver of water a small eastern dragon rises and meets the bird he can now recognize as a phoenix. A clash between them happens with fire and ice blooming into a cloud of steam. Jason notices that the music has become savage, shifting between a fast paced beat and something that reminds him of a storm.

Jason pull his eyes from the battle and sees he is much closer to the willow. The Willow. It now deserves to be capitalized. What was thought to be grass has turned into a world spanning evergreen forest. The light dusting of snow has become the peaks of mountains the likes of which he have never seen. The small rise is now the highest peak of a mind boggling mountain chain. Its gentle slope is now seen to be fraught with steep cliffs.

A glance back to the fight and now sees it is a Young Sun Origin Phoenix, and its size will rivals many the mountains. The Dragon again comes into view and its proper name also becomes known, a Young Ice Age Dragon. The water it came from is now a rampant river which can wash away hills like they were small river stones.

As Jason tries to take it all in he feels a tug and gets pulled away at a speed he now realizes is unimaginably fast. The scene disappears into the distance with only clouds now visible and the music has once again calmed down. Before him the clouds clear away and a giant mural is ahead declaring the name “NeoRealm” to the heavens.

It all fades away and Jason is now in a blank room. A woman in a plain white dress is in front of him with a slight smile though no matter how he tries to focus on it, her face seems almost blurred and yet shockingly clear. In a clear voice she announces to him that here is where you can create your character but she warns him that any one soul can only have one body in the world below.

Having expected something like this Jason wasn’t as shocked by the intro but it took a few moments to catch his breath. That it wasn’t a cinematic but rather a short bit of something another player experienced somewhere in NeoRealm was impressive. That everyone gets a different scene also added to the wow factor but now it was character making time.

With a quick glance around the room and at his glowy ball like body he turns back to the lady. “Can you just take the scan of my body? I don’t want any differences throwing me off as I plan to go down the martial path.”

The women appears shocked for a moment before speaking up, “You’re the first person to ask for that in the last hundred years. Even those who wish to truly explore what their body can do will at least change their face in some way. You aren’t even, and I am sorry if this sounds rude, a beautiful person who might feel they didn’t need to change anything. Your request is possible but do know changes will happen if you choose any race besides human.”

“No changes at all, please and thank you. I will go the human route if that is my only choice to get it” though as Jason says this he admits to himself it was to be expected. A tall dwarf or an elf without pointy ears wouldn’t fit the setting.

“Technically there is the doppelganger race which would allow the same look but I am guessing this isn’t what you want.” A quick shake of his head and the lady continues, “Anyway your two choices have been confirmed, please wait a moment while we do a quick scan.”

The room goes dark and Jason can feel something indistinct changing. Then slowly the light comes back first revealing the outline of his body and proceeds to elevate to the earlier level. It takes a long enough time to get boring. With a nod the lady admits, “Sorry for the slowness there. It’s required because just being in a new body without a transition period can screw a person up. Anyway, do you want to do the movement tutorial with starting stats?”

“How much of a difference will there be between that and my actual bodies abilities? If a lot then yes please”

With Jason’s question the ladies face goes blank for several seconds. It worries him, but then she seems to be back. “Huh, well you're an odd one. The canned answer is that this will be like your optimum state at being physically mature. That isn’t technically true as it is actually the average of average humanity if that makes sense. You though fall on the far end of the physical bell curve. At starting physical stats you will be constrained.” She then gets a thoughtful look on her face before continuing, “This isn’t the first time it has happened, though you are a bit farther than others. I must admit though that it hasn’t happened in a long time. All those who have been stronger than you came during the first wave and were mostly martial arts masters who had spent decades practicing. That aside, with time and stats you should be able to reach your real abilities and surpass them.” She then waves her hand and his view changes to a sports field populated by goblins. “You can run around here and get a feel for your body. After you’re good the goblins can be beat up a bit. Though do be warned while non-hostile they will fight back when attacked and their friends will help.”

Things I wanted to mention but didn’t:

I don’t know if it will come up soon but even before the invention of VR most of Earth’s population has moved into Arcologies (check this youtube video for what I mean by that). It started with a bunch of rich people wanting to live in their own community but after a few really ritzy ones were built everyone else realized it was now comparatively really cheap to make decent ones and so more and more people lived in them instead of a normal city as it provided better living conditions for cheaper. This only sped up with true VR as the connection was better in one and more space was available as except for married people the ‘bedroom’ became more of a closet.

At some point ~200 years ago when VR was cheap enough most places switched over to having school be in VR as even then the subjective time when immersed could be up to twice that of reality. Eventually this became the only way to do basic schooling when they advanced the tech so much that sleeping in VR had the same effect of sleeping in real life. Now schooling is done at night with most places limiting the time difference to 3:1. This makes it so that subjectively kids have school every other day as this shoves another day into the night. Most kids don’t take advantage of it and instead take minimal schooling during the night as they are only allowed to use it for educational purposes.

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