NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 10 – Adventure?

‘That doesn’t look like a 90% reduction in experience to me. I have no clue what is up with that. Though it doesn’t really matter as I can go wild on some wildlife.’

Deciding not to mind the excessive experience loss Jason returns the training room key to the wall. Then before heading off to the forest he pops by Penny to inform her of his success. She is suitably impressed though he can tell she has been somewhat desensitized to his progress speed. Oh well, tired of turtles and meditating he brushes it off and heads to the rabbit field.

A bit of walking and before him spreads out an incredible view. Until now Jason hasn’t actually left through the main gate so the sheer number of people shocks him. Despite being a small town it looks like this is a popular spot for beginning adventurers. Not players mind you. Beginning Travellers are easy to tell from Natives because of the starter set. This field in front of him is filled with npcs and rabbits.

Not only are there a lot though, they all appear to be from the town. While none of them are working in teams, they all are using the same spear style. Seeing this Jason gets a sheepish look. He realizes that up till now he hasn’t even gotten a basic combat skill. ‘Well better see how hard it is to kill a rabbit’, after thinking this he sighs and heads toward an emptier corner of the field.

What followed wasn’t combat. It was a culling of rabbits. Maybe someone learning to use a weapon against such a small target would have a hard time. Jason who was fighting with his hands alone faced no such difficulty. The first rabbit jumps at him, intent on head-butting his chest. Then with just a grab, Jason has it by the neck and a simple twist makes it slumps dead. The system doesn’t even bother with damage.

Shaking his head Jason continues to kill some rabbits and soon is back at level 2. Knowing you will only get 10% experience is quite different from actually experiencing it. Rabbits definitely won't do. Luckily it isn’t like the town is an unknown place to the playerbase. After a quick web search Jason find there should be an area full of goblins deeper into the forest. Sure the goblins might be 3 times his level but he can tell that any normal animal would lack challenge. His journey to the area prove his thoughts right. The foxes die like the rabbits and wolves are only more difficult in that they are too big to hold.

After passing the edge of the forest things clear out and his progress speeds up. Jason soon finds the first evidence of goblins. Small bone fetishes are hung upon the trees and the forest is quiet. Never ones to waste a good skull some totems are even made from goblins.

The discovery of the skulls actually makes things a lot easier for Jason. Goblins are a complex race. A good half of them are savages and a blight upon the land. The other half though have been recognized as enlightened and indiscriminate killing is generally frowned upon. Luckily there is an easy tell between the two. Civilizable goblins have a third eye. Literally an eye on their forehead and these skulls are of the two eye variety. Confidant in his choice of targets Jason heads deeper into the goblin’s territory. At first the forest just seems dead. Not an animal in sight. Soon though he can hear something walking around ahead of him.

Deciding that trying to sneak around in such open terrain likely won’t work Jason takes off in a run towards the noise. Moments later a trio of goblins come into view all of them looking quite shocked at his sudden appearance. Taking advantage this and his momentum, Jason turns his charge into a jump kick at the closest goblin.


Seeing that goblin fall the others shake off their shock. Shouting at Jason they both start to swing their crude clubs at him. Dodging out of the way of the left one into the right he takes a hit on his arm.


Having used this to close in on the right goblin Jason elbows it in the gut.

*-5 Stunned*

The right goblin falls to the ground. However this attack leaves an opening for the left goblin to take another swing. Jason was expecting this though and jumps back towards the goblin, not letting it take a full swing at him.


Now with his back up against the goblin Jason reaches back and grabs it by the arm holding the club. Pivoting his hip and lowering his shoulder throws the goblin right on top of the stunned one.



Having been stunned the bottom goblin is unable to defend itself and loses its life. The other goblin despite having a cushioned landing is still unable to get up before Jason follows through with couple swift kicks to the head and it dies just like the rest.

*-6* *-4*

Any other player would be quite pleased with themselves for winning against something much higher leveled. Jason however seems quite disappointed in himself. The damage he received was much too high for him to repeat this fight anytime soon. Sighing he gets down to looting the fallen.

Feral goblins aren’t exactly known for being rich and these three prove that out. Each having only a couple copper along with some questionable ‘jerky’. All that was left was to take some proof which is a bit messy. Unlike all those novels the ears aren’t what he needs. Because they don’t like people killing non-feral goblins the proof you need is the forehead.

‘I can see why most people don’t bother with taking goblin proofs. Geh, messy. Anyway those were just the lowest level of goblins. From the information there should be a number of tribes in this area. Tribes mean warriors and at least a witch doctor or two. These fools died easy. Getting surrounded by such fools while a magic user casts at me... yeah not good. Still this is my best bet to level at a non-glacial speed. I guess no decision here. Onward towards victory it is... Though there is one thing I need to do first. It was nifty at first but the damage numbers above enemies thing is wearing on me.’

With his mind made up Jason then spewed out a stream of words, “System Menu Options Visuals Damage Markers Toggle Enemies Save Confirm Yes” and then with a ding the system confirms his settings where updated. With a nod Jason heads off deeper into the forest.

Farther and farther in it becomes very evident why feral goblins are considered a plague. While things aren’t dying the animals are pitiful. Any real predator has been chased out. The big creatures are covered in wounds from being harassed and small critters are non-existent, having been hunted beyond sustainability. From Jason’s research, if they weren’t such good targets for low level adventurers this area would have been purged of them instead of just have the truly powerful ones culled.

As Jason travels around the area he occasionally meets a lone goblin but those aren’t a problem for him. It isn’t until he finds an area with a small pond that any real challenge comes to his notice. A handful of goblins are standing near it though what catches his attention is one of them differing from the rest he has killed. Wearing a ratty fur shirt and wielding a rusty dagger. This goblin has advanced and became a novice warrior. Not that they magically have some equipment appear on them but more of to advance the equipment is needed. Feral goblins are a bit weird like that.

‘Maybe a sneakier approach might be warranted this time.’

Things I wanted to mention but didn’t:

So I didn’t have anything specific in this chapter to talk about so ranks it is. They go in the following order: Novice, Initiate, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Godly/Divine/Demonic/Supernatural/Ect

The first five are things almost anyone can get to. The sixth rank is only possible by breaking some soft rules. The easiest way to do so is with outside help. The rank title will then reflect your methods. A devout sculptor who gets divine inspiration for his carving would get the Divine rank title. On the other hand if a sculptor grabs some divinity themselves and becomes a demigod of sculpting he would have the Godly rank title. The most common rank title of this level for players is a mix of Draconic and Devilish. The one because dragons are easily bribed and the other because they like to make deals with mortals.

A big downside of outside help is that depending on how you get it the source might take it back. The devout sculptor above would revert back to master rank if the god abandoned him or simply needed the power back for something big. Stealing what you need means they can’t just take it back but they will try to in less direct ways (steal from a god and expect a never ending stream of paladins).

Only the much less than 1% that manage to get there on their own can truly be secure in their rank. Also unknown to most, those who get it themselves are stronger at that skill then those who got it other ways. At that level this could mean hundreds of stat points for equipment. As it currently stands there are only a handful of living player who got to the sixth rank of a skill by themselves.

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