NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 109 – The Wagons

With all his gear packed and the addition of leafy greens worth 6 silver and 25 copper Jason is ready to leave. Of course he still has to wait about an hour for the caravan but that is better than having to stay another night. Anyway, the gate that he will meet up with them at is interesting enough. While the gate he had been using was busy, it was mostly hunters and adventurers coming and going. They might be of all the various races but when it comes down to it they blur together. After all leather armor is the main type of gear, even for spellcasters, until after the fourth bottleneck. Only at that point can they afford to splurge on better stuff. After all, what good is a steel plate when for about the same price you can get leather gear that is about the same and so much lighter? Sure, once you can afford things made of special materials or enchanted the classic fantasy gear shows up. However the only people who would prance around in metal armor at low levels are dwarves. That and those who are filthy rich. You still see the occasional foppish young master flouncing around in gleaming white metal armor trimmed with gold.

Here at the trade gate however you can see real variety. Small groups of traders are constantly entering and leaving the gate. Each one like a glittering gem as they try to outdo one another for who can look the best. Only nobles could see this view and be unimpressed. That and the many people. Sure the other gate had a lot of different people but they all fit the general mold of either agile or brawny. The traders and their company are spread throughout the spectrum of body types. Under this barrage of colors, smells, and sights Jason lets the time slip by until he felt a slight rumble through the ground.

He turns to the main road and his ride comes into view. Monstrous six wheeled wagons trundle down the middle of the road towards the gate and just make it under the two story opening. The guards get to work and clear the way as Jason moves over to the area they told him to wait for them. A line of seven such vehicles, each one carved into an impressive tapestry move past before stopping to let the guards inspect what they are transporting. From the wagon second to the front, a wall of a man dressed up like a peacock steps out to greet the guard captain. As the man who is clearly the caravan master gets down to business, a slim little three-eyed goblin comes out from behind him and heads toward Jason.

The goblin stops short and inspects him before she speaks up, “so you're the passenger then? Don’t answer that.” she waves her hand to silence him, “here’s the deal. You paid a single gold to ride along with us. A little cheap but we needed to make up for the delay and replacement part. The trip will take just shy of three days including enough leeway for about three bandit ambushes. Should be about right as they seem to space themselves decently on this stretch of road. Anyway, you don’t need to help. In fact, I would rather you not do anything at all. Just stretch out inside the barracks wagon, that’s the one which is second from the back, and sleep the trip away. I don’t mean to be rude but you're a weakling. We have stronger guards and porters so you would get in the way.”

Jason had been planning on doing that so shrugs and says, “sure, I can stay put for the trip.” The goblin lady looks at him skeptically, “whether you can has yet to be seen. Whatever else don’t come out when bandits are attacking. You would only do something stupid. Oh, and since you do plan to sleep the trip away let me tell you your bunk. Once you enter the wagon turn left and go up the stairs to the third floor. Head all the way to the back and turn left again. The door will be marked 3L20. Your bunk is the second row back on the bottom and marked b2. Don’t try to trade, we do frequent checks to make sure people haven’t infiltrated the caravan. Now skedaddle, I need to keep track of how much the guards find this time.” She takes out a pair of glasses and puts them on. A dim glow covers them for a moment before they go dark again. With one final nod to him the goblin lady scurries off to yell at some guards for improperly opening a crate.

Jason stands there and blinks. “Welp, that was an experience. Luckily I need some time irl to sort stuff out. I think the System has a function that will let me know when the caravan is almost to the destination. Going to just use that and skip out on having to deal with her again.”

With nothing else to do Jason heads over the barracks wagon. While there are doorways all around it only one is open at the moment. As he approaches it though he has to wonder how much room there is in it. The lady had said his room was on the third floor, not the top. Sure the wagon was big but not four or more flours big. There must be spacial magic going on. Not unexpected and shows all the more why an axle would need to be heavily enchanted. Even the best enchantments Jason had heard of couldn’t reduce the weight of what was being carried. The bottom of the wagon must be plastered with weight reduction enchantments to make this at all feasible to move. This three-day trip must cost a fortune in magic crystals to power it all. That doesn’t even mention the horses being used to pull it all. Jason was mostly certain not a single one was less than quintuple his level. That and the occasional flash of scales which hint at a special heritage shows just how expensive they must be.

It all makes him wonder why they bother with passengers. At least he does until more passengers start to show up. About 20 had already entered the wagon while he stood there dazed. Not wanting to appear like more of a fool he steps up into it. Inside is somewhat cramped corridor. To the left is a staircase as expected and the rest of the hallway is taken up by relatively few doors. Each one ornately carved with a nameplate made of semi-precious metals marking who it belongs to. Jason can only guess these are the rooms for the strongest guards or high quality rooms for rich passengers.

Not wanting to be seen staring at them he climbs up. The next floor is similar though with twice the number of rooms and the doors are not marked with names. Up another floor and now the doors are packed tight and uncarved. The stairs continue upward confirming Jason’s suspicions of a fourth floor but that doesn’t matter to him. Down 20 doors and on the left, is his room. Behind the door marked 20A is a squat room filled with bunks going back about seven rows. They stacked each set of bunks three tall with just enough space for a human to squeeze into the bed. His bunk is easy enough to find and he figures out what the b stands for. Each of the three bunks is from the top are labeled t2, m2, and b2. Seems the marks are for top, middle, and bottom with the row number. Just as efficient as Jason would expect from that goblin lady.

Now situated in his bunk Jason thinks of something. He pops the shoulder cage open and places Lily on his chest. With a serious look he explains that, “I won’t be awake for a while. That means I will have to keep you in there. There is enough food that won’t spoil in three days to keep you well fed. However you have to pace yourself. Now I don’t know if you can understand me but you have been overall too chill not to at least a little. Sorry about this next time I will try to figure out a better method to keep you occupied when I have to be away.” Then he puts a bunch of food into the cage’s fluffy bed with Lilly and closes it up. Now with nothing else to do he sets up an alert for his phone to tell him when the caravan is almost to the destination, Orla Tor, and logs out.

Thank you for reading! Next two chapters free on my Patreon ( ), five chapters beyond that for only a dollar, and many more for five dollars (two chapters release a week at this tier).

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