NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 119 – Who’s Your Daddy

Jason wakes up in the wagon with only a few minutes before they reach his goal. Important as this was an actual city and they wouldn’t have let him in without going through the gate check. He highly suspected the goblin lady would have him thrown on the side of the road if he couldn’t disembark under his own power.

As the caravan slows to a stop at an area set aside for such things Jason stands up and stretches. A glance to his shoulder and Lily is giving him the stink eye. There is still food left but it can’t have been a fun few days. Good thing it is a game. Rabbits need to run around irl or they can die. What likely won’t be for the last time he wishes she was an actual pet under the System. A player’s pet hibernates whenever they are logged out and haven’t set something up for them. Of course he admits as a companion she will be more useful. Fewer limits on what she can do and such but boy does she know how to stare him down already. 

He comforts her and promises to look for a better solution next time he has to be away. She finally forgives him as they get to the front of the line at the gate. A couple of energy berries doesn’t hurt either. There aren’t many left in his backpack. Most had vanished over the trip. One of the nice things the System provides for players so they don’t end up back in the game with a backpack full of rotten food.

The gate check went well. He hasn’t been around all that long so the kingdoms info on him is still spotless. Even the nonsense with the diplomat’s son doesn’t change things much. Even if the small time nobles might want to slag his name, the kingdoms in this area are particularly careful to keep the records accurate. Too many times, even before the players came, the various kings found in the past that the slub they leaned on for some petulant noble suddenly becoming a national level threat. They might not protect someone from a noble but every sensible ruler makes sure it doesn’t go into the official records. Even if he traveled to that kingdom the gates would be open to him. Just the ever present dagger hidden behind the local nobles back would be a bit nerve-racking.

Through the gate Jason can see a wide street. In fact, off in the distance he could see the gate on the other side of the city. Impressive when you consider how big a city like this is. The gate he came through isn’t directly connected to that road. They only use that gate for caravans like the one he just left. Three of their wagons could fit down the main road with elbow room. Of course anything along it is going to cost an absurd amount of money and so when he asks for directions to the inn Rosha was at they directed him to an area as far away from the road as possible and yet still in the city walls.

A glance at the sky shows it to be past noon so Rosha should be there already. Though as he enters the inn, he can’t spot her in the tavern area and so heads to the front desk. A few questions to the receptionist and after showing his guild card they direct him to the smaller private tavern area. Not the most common feature for an inn but people pay extra for it to have semi-private conversations or just to get away from the crowds a trade city inevitably has.

In the smaller private area Jason instantly spots Rosha. Sitting at a small table in the corner she is enjoying a cup of tea with a small catkin. The catkin while short seems normal enough with black fur. Jason nods to himself as that must be her friend. He waves at them to get their attention and walks over to join them. Rosha stands up and hugs him out of nowhere. The catkin frowns but then realizes who he must be.

Rosha realizing what she just did, she lets go of him and acts as if nothing happened. Instead, she turns to the catkin and introduces Jason to her. With a short bow he joins them at the table while the catkin introduces herself, “Hello Jason, Rosha has told me a bit about you and your adventurers. Shame about that other jerk though it did let me meet up with Rosha so I can’t be too sad.” Rosha laughs at this and interrupts her, “and the fact you were already in the dungeon town waiting for me means nothing? I wanted to explore a bit before meeting up with you and the others. At least they let me spread my wings a bit more.”

The catkin snorts at that, “As if your father would really let you out and about alone. If it wasn’t for your mother keeping a tight leash on him your starter town would have doubled in population because of all the spies and secret guards. You need to thank her twice over next time you're out.” Rosha goes to interrupt again but the catkin shushes her, “Quiet now, you haven’t even let me introduce myself yet.” The catkin turns back to Jason, “As I was trying to say, my name is Courtney and I am a pantherkin. Don’t worry about thinking I was a catkin. Yes, your face gave it away but besides that everyone thinks that. Especially since for a supposed big cat I am, well” and she gestures at herself and how she barely reaches Rosha’s shoulders.

“Anyway, nice to meet you. Sorry once again about that James fellow. I half suspect Rosha’s father might be part of why you got such a vehement letter. Anyway, I have been friends with Rosha since we were both about ten and I feel I should warn you” Rosha’s hair stands on end and tries to cover Courtney’s mouth. Courtney however has no trouble fending her off, “if you haven’t gotten the clue yet this little princess has a bit of a background. Now out of respect for her wishes I won’t go into it but her father is a little protective. If that scares you at all now is the best time to jump ship.”

Jason is somewhat surprised by this but it would explain Jame’s letter being so extreme. Sure the guy probably felt that way to begin with but he was a lot better at hiding it than the letter portrayed. He takes a moment to consider Rosha’s likely status while over to the side she fidgets. It doesn’t take long though. Compared to what he had experienced in the past whoever her father might be it isn’t much. With a smile he chuckles, “No, I am fine right where I am. We got along just fine before and that hasn’t changed.”

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