NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 281 – Is It The Soul or The Connection?

Courtney continues, “The quest isn’t random. Rather, they are generated to test you against a weak point. As an example, someone who has bad reaction time and makes up for the lack by spamming attacks will probably face a challenge where there are things they aren’t allowed to kill mixed in with their targets. Though don’t think you can display a certain weakness and get a quest for it, only to reveal the weakness is actually a strength. The System can figure that trick out easily enough, and from the records I have access to has never fallen for so simple.”

Gregor shrugs, “The System just knows too much. Try to pretend you have bad reaction time? You’ll still react to things even if you aren’t acting on the fact you noticed. The act itself of not acting on knowledge will show up to the System. It would be like trying to pretend you are blind by wearing a blindfold. Your eyes are still functioning, so how could the System not realize it?”

“But that is just a part of the test and not what changes. Each bottleneck is like the foundation for the next series of levels. Some people try and cheese it by doing things like beating a weak boss. Well, travellers do that. Us locals don’t get much of a choice. Anyway, there are a hundred and one ways to get through your bottlenecks and the System doesn’t completely stop them.”

“The most common way this is done is with people who have taken the crafting path. For them, the third and fifth bottlenecks are a matter of getting the right skill level. If you’ve already hit the bottleneck, chances are it will just take a moment of inspiration to breakthrough. Rich families with a child who went this route and stalled out, they just buy some lessons from a master of the skill. Or if that isn’t available they buy a lot of examples of the craft for them to grind the levels out.”

“It works, but is a lower quality method of breaking through. That will probably be the last bottleneck they ever breakthrough. Same for the rich kid who buys gear well beyond reasonable. If you can’t beat the bottleneck through your own personal effort, that is probably the end of the line for you.”

Courtney takes over again, “And that isn’t even mentioning the sixth bottleneck. For the people actually stuck at a bottleneck, most of them are level 99. Whether that is us travellers or the locals. If you took the easy way during any of the previous bottlenecks, the very personalized quest you get will stop you dead in your tracks. It is a hard stop and every bottleneck after will only get harder. If the previous ones are like climbing a mountain, the last few are like trying to build a ladder to the heavens. If you chose a short mountain, then you have so much more to make up for and likely can’t manage the next step. After all, you probably chose the shorter mountain for a reason.”

Gregor nods, “Though we still haven’t mentioned what changes and there is a reason for that.”

Courtney sighs, “It has to do with a difference in opinion between locals and travellers.”

Gregor laughs, “Us locals believe that beating a bottleneck will strengthen our soul.”

Courtney continues, “And us travellers believe it is a strengthening of our connection to NeoRealm.”

Gregor shrugs, “For all we know both could be true. You travellers are a strange breed, after all.”

Courtney nods, “Both sides have some proof of our views. Powerful locals have ways to measure a soul and note an increase after breaking through. While on our end there are things unlocked that improve our connection. Though it isn’t anything, we can really talk about to locals. The System doesn’t approve of that subject.”

Jason frowns, “A little unspecific. Does this do anything beyond allowing you to break through later bottlenecks? Not that I am looking down on that. But it sounds like it should do more.”

Gregor shrugs, “The easiest way to say it is just that, breaking through strengthens your foundation. Of course, the meaning of foundation is important and represents a doubling down on what someone is already good at. I have no clue what that will mean for you. Most people get some bonus points into their main stat.”

Jason rolls his eyes, “Meh, I can figure it out on my own.”

Peter nods, “Not much you can do besides that. Though I do know of one other thing that an improved foundation does in theory. It increases the cap on your stats. Though that might be a System based thing, as you’re the first person who could really test it. Even those tamers who star their pets can’t exactly get the full detail of what is going on.”

“In fact, let me spice up your trip a bit. You’ve already got the quest from Gregor, but let me add a bit of optional fun you can try for. During your trip, I want you to try and star your own stats! Give it a good try and figure out something no one else reasonably can. You’re finally getting to the point that these things matter, so why not try?”

{Quest Update: Journey to the Dungeon “Invasion from the Deep Sky”

Optional Goal: Cap at least one of your stats before conquering the dungeon

Reward: System weapon may be selected from three basic examples}

Jason shares the update to his quest with the group and Peter smiles, “Decent reward for that! Mostly when there isn’t really any added danger the System doesn’t bother adding an additional reward.”

Jason nods, “While getting a choice doesn’t make the reward more powerful, it does allow me to make a choice of what to get. If anything, being able to choose whatever will allow me to synergize the reward with how I plan to develop. The System has done a fine job choosing for me so far, but it would be nice to choose my own.”

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