NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 287 – Before The System? Beyond The System?

Someone claps their hands, “But that is besides the point. We are here because a bunch of foreign energies have suddenly decided to vacate an entire arcology. Energies that we have been hassled by ever since they got let in. Now, they aren’t some primordial evil, at least not as far as we can tell. It is just that those energies come from somewhere completely different from our universe.”

Another scientist sighs, “We have enough energies from completely different dimensions hanging around. If that was all they were we wouldn’t care beyond the basic research. The problem is how they have a tendency to capture and convert other energies. If it wasn’t for the discovery of counter energies, I’m afraid how much of the world would be dead right now. In small amounts the stuff isn’t too harmful. But from our studies after a tipping point that is different for every living creature, the stuff takes over and whatever it is dying. This isn’t even one of the scary horror tropes where people turn into monsters, you are straight up dead. And here we are, sitting in the largest area free of them when until now we have struggled to keep a single cubed meter free of the stuff.”

Jason’s mom, Jenny laughs, “I guess my property value has gone up then.”

Her superior glares at her, “If it wasn’t for the fact that we suspect your son has something to do with the incident you wouldn’t have the apartment anymore. And it isn’t like you can sell it either at this point. The arcology has a freeze on all the originally affected properties and you better believe yours’ is included in that as it is at the center of this mess. Now we really need to figure out what to do about this.”

Someone from another company shakes their head, “If this was just the monitored energies leaving the area it would be easier, but I just got a report back that throws another damn spanner in the works. The arcology isn’t just free of the corruptive energies. The sphere around it literally prevents the entry of them. I ordered a few test animals to be brought in and it was physically hard to move them into the area and once in they were free of the energies. There is a physical reaction! That’s big, way too big.”

As soon as the company man announces this, a frenzy spreads through the room as people ask for confirmation. Even the scientists glued to the data feeds are drawn away and more tests are lined up. Some of the more grey companies and research institutes even call for their human volunteer test subjects to be brought in despite previously having denied their existence.

Jason of course has no clue about any of this and instead spends his time testing his new understanding of the System and its control over NeoRealm. As dinner time rolls around, he leaves his room and joins the rest. Not because he was hungry, but because of a question.

Jason turns to Gregor and asks, “Has the System always been around? I know that the story is it created everything. I even have some guess about Energy and how it remains a major force in the world. But I keep coming back to the fact that there is a natural set of lines separate from the System.”

Gregor leans back and sighs, “An interesting question. On one hand? The answer is yes. The System has always been and always will be. But there is more to it than just that. For instance, there are rumors that the System doesn’t exist outside of our planet and part of breaking the ninth bottleneck is to free yourself from the System. Though I think Peter is the better person to answer these questions. While I am the more scholarly sort, my husband’s wanderlust means he has seen things I can’t even begin to imagine.”

Peter nods, “Our planet is called NeoRealm. For the longest time there was of course much debate on the origin of the name until you travellers showed up. Before that we didn’t have the word part neo. When you all showed up though we soon found that it was actually from one of your groups language and means new. Taken at the most basic level and with how things are capitalized in the System our world’s name means this is a new realm, a new world.”

“A strange name for a place so old no one has an accurate idea of when it began. There are lost eras we can’t even put a name to and I have personally explored ruins from those eras. Every single one of them has evidence of the System existing. In fact, in some of the oldest tombs I know of there are creation myths of how the System made everything.”

“With this in mind, it seems cut and dry that the System always has been and always will. In fact, most of my colleagues have fallen into believing that any rumors of anywhere not having the System as pure fantasy. Terrible show from them as there are things not of the System. Problem is they aren’t from any specific era. Rather, they support the idea that those who break through the final bottleneck ascend to somewhere free of the System.”

Courtney frowns, “How would you be able to tell?”

Peter smiles, “I’m sure you have an idea of how artifacts come into existence, right?”

Courtney nods, “Artifacts are the debris left over from when the System is forced to change the rules. Objects that someone made which using the rules, breaks the balance. Whether it is an item able to be wielded by anyone yet having the power to slay things over a hundred levels higher or something as simple as a ladle with an unlimited ability to turn water into soup. Once such a thing is created the System will swoop in and change the basic rules of reality so such an item can no longer be created and those items that remain are what we call artifacts.”

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