NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 292 – Hug It Out

Heyo! Not a new month or anything, but I just released a new tier on my Patreon ( ). The "Just A Little Bit More" tier builds on the General Support tier. Where GS gets +5 NR chapters for a dollar, the LBM tier will get 25 more on top of that for only three USD. That means it is a total of 32 chapters ahead of this one! Why 32? Because don't forget, I always have 2 extra chapters free on my Patreon ( 293 & 294 ). Oh, and the LBM tier isn't just for NeoRealm, it also includes ten more chapters of Dungeon's Path which is on top of the +2 from GS and the 2 free that story gets as well.

Rosha just spends the night sleeping. While the idea of there being more to NeoRealm than the System is interesting, she knows enough to accept it and not question the implications. What interests her more is Jason and his promise. While she doesn’t have all the information that Courtney has searched up on him, she knows enough.

There should be no way for him to know something to help her reach the level cap. Whether that is through living longer or leveling faster. But he promised to tell them so it doesn’t particularly bother her enough to stay up. Nevermind the fact that even if she learned it right now, it would take some time before Courtney okayed it.

As the next morning dawns, Rosha wakes up with a yawn. After a pleasant night’s sleep, she has made up her mind. Since whatever Jason has to say won’t be of much use to her right away, she is going to have him tell Courtney. Why bother hearing about something that might not even work out? She isn’t exactly yearning to hit level cap, but adding in an unneeded bit of hope to the mix is asking for trouble.

Ready to face the day she heads out of her to have breakfast and tell the others her decision. An easy enough thing as they all show up for breakfast. Rosha turns toward Jason, “You can tell Courtney about whatever it is you know later. Not that I don’t trust you but she would never let me try anything until she checks it out first, anyway.”

Courtney smiles at this, “Very much true. Both her parents would be very cross with me if I let her try some unproven nonsense.”

Jason raises an eyebrow, “Seem’s you already assume it is going to be nonsense. I’ve actually managed to gain some tangible results. Not just outside either, I got some benefits in NeoRealm as well. Apparently it keeps track of your body and if you improve something it can translate over.”

Courtney rolls her eyes, “And about the only people this would ever affect is mages who start pumping iron after joining NeoRealm. You’re more likely to get stat boosts in NeoRealm for doing stuff.”

Jason just smiles and shares the System messages he had received when logging back in last night.

{Increased power levels detected in real body

Calculating growth...

Rounding results to whole number}

{Energized in Real Life

+5 Energy}

Courtney takes a moment to read them before smacking him on the head, “What kind of crazy nonsense are you trying to pull? How could you even get a boost to your Energy from growth outside of NeoRealm! We don’t have Energy. Unless you hooked yourself up to the wall outlet and somehow got around all the safety precautions, I don’t see how you could be energized over there. Yes, I guess there are some mysterious things in the air but none of that does anything.”

Jason rubs his head and laughs, “I’ll tell you later! Rosha doesn’t want to hear about it yet and to be honest? I want to let you stew on it a little because you look so frustrated. Anyway, I’m going to go and finish up some experiments in my room real quick. See you in an hour.” Then he gulps down the last few bites of breakfast and skedaddles, leaving Rosha with a fuming Courtney.

Rosha giggles a little before pulling her maid into her lap, “Calm down. You’re letting him get to you and it has been forever since that’s happened.”

Courtney tries to get up but Rosha has a good bit more strength than her. She can only sigh and complain, “That shouldn’t be possible! Yet that is a System message so he isn’t lying.”

Rosha nods, “Like I said, its been forever since something like this has happened. Remember? I used to have to calm you down like this when we were both really young.” And she starts to rub Courtney’s back, “The fact someone knows something you don’t, frustrates you. Recently all that means is you go and research it. You’re just anxious because so many new things have been happening as of late. You haven’t had even a week between major discoveries. No matter how good your team is, they still take time to learn things and pass it on to you.”

At this point Courtney has calmed down so Rosha gives her a hug before letting her down. Courtney shakes her head, “But this one really takes the cake though! What he’s done is well past our normal ideas of impossible.”

Rosha rolls her eyes, “Apparently. After all, it can’t be impossible if he’s done it. Now don’t get yourself worked up again. If you do, you’ll have to work it out yourself as I’ve found hugging you again will take up the entire morning.”

Courtney hangs her head, “I wouldn’t mind that. At least time would fly by until that annoying nuisance gets around to telling me what is up!”

Rosha laughs, “Maybe later. For today though, Peter is going to take me out somewhere new to train. We always end up in the oddest of places. Though it helps that he has a skill to average out our travel speed. Otherwise it would take way too long to get to some of the places which would be sad. Only so many days left before it can be just you and me, traveling to our next adventure.”

Courtney sighs, “I guess I can handle it. Though it has been a while since I’ve gotten this frustrated. I’m going to blame it on Jason for dumping us into one impossible situation after another. Starter towns of course will have their fair share of high level natives, but he seems to bump into them one after another! If luck was a stat, his would be off the charts.”

Rosha shakes her head, “You’re still not quite calmed down yet I see. He’s been in places that will have higher level people hanging around. A starter town, the edge of a magical disaster, and now one of the nine main cities for an entire kingdom? And with him cultivating Energy the chances for him to not run into high level people is crazy low. Now let’s get on with our day. We can’t spend the entire hour before he tells you just talking. Things need to be done and stuff prepared!”

With that, the two of them leave the den. This leaves Peter and Gregor alone as they both glance at one another. Gregor shakes his head, “Well, I think they might have forgotten we were even here.”

Peter laughs, “Ya Think?”

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