NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 3 – Punching and Kicking

Jason appears in a small room made of sandstone blocks except for one wall that has an iron grate. As he looks through them, it can be seen that he is in a giant arena. While it has the styling of the Colosseum, it seems to have been also influenced by Ancient Egyptian architecture.

Suddenly a flash of light and his eyes are drawn to an impressive stand on the far side of the arena. The lady is now standing there looking like a cross between a wrestling announcer and Cleopatra holding a golden mic. Suddenly she yells at a non-existent crowd, “Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the greatest show this side of reality! Behind iron bars we have our Challenger! A nameless rookie who managed to piss off all the training goblins yet didn’t kill a single one of them. Will he be able to deal with their reprisal? After all, he still has to fight our main event tonight! The dreaded Hobgoblin! That’s right folks, not only won’t there be any conflict between his two enemies but likely our lovely Hob will be in charge. Also to top it all off he has chosen to go unarmed! A true once in a century event there folks! Now for the main event, let the fight BEGIN!”

And with that the grate slowly rise into the ceiling. As soon as he can Jason darts out under them and follows the left-hand wall. There aren’t any enemies that are visible but that won’t last long. In fact he hears a shout from behind him. A glance back shows that the goblins are spawning in the room he exited. Deciding to ignore them for now Jason keeps running along the edge of the arena. This enrages the goblins though most of them trip over each other as more and more pour out of the room.

Jason makes it to the opposite side of the arena without finding anything. There isn’t even another barred room. “At least the goblins have all spawned. Guess it’s time to head back over there”. Still feeling leery about the center of the arena though he keeps following the wall.

Not even half way back the goblins who decided on a more direct route to him prove his caution out. Upon stepping into the center area the sand covered floor falls out from under them. Many plummet to their death below. Once the dust settles, it can be seen that the floor is once again raising up, now covered in blood and with a much bigger goblinoid standing on it. This must be the Hobgoblin. Where the goblins are small like children with scrawny arms and bent backs the Hob is quite the different story. He stands upright with proper leather armor and a savage gleam in his eyes. A yell echos from his maw and all the goblins freeze. Gone is their buffoonish sideshow act. Another yell and they start running towards the Hob, but no longer do they fall over each other. Where once was a disorderly mob is now a troop of creatures out for blood. With this development all Jason can think is that this might be a little more trouble than he bargained for. The Hobgoblin gestures towards Jason and a few goblins charge towards him. They are soon upon him and the fight starts.

Crouching down Jason lunges at the closest goblin and throws a quick jab at its throat. Not expecting this the goblin stops in place just taking the hit.


Numbers appear above the goblins head before it keels over from a crushed throat. Ignoring the body he keeps the momentum going and with a quick spin slams his other arms elbow into the next goblins head


Sending it flying like a rag doll. For the last goblin a quick knee from his back leg is enough


Knocking it over dead. There is a moment of silence. Even the lady is shocked by this display. She recovers, “Amazing! We have a true martial artist with us today folks. Straight for the kill when even those that choose weapons are too passive with them. Despite having no record of fighting outside of sparring for points this man has the killer instinct! I feel we are seeing the birth of a legend.”

With the silence broken the Hobgoblin recovers itself. Deciding not to go with the classic villains move of only sending a few stronger enemies it shouts and runs at Jason. With this the rest of the goblins quickly charge as well. Though when the goblins have lost it, the Hob slows down, only just staying behind the swarm.

Deciding not to be passive about it Jason also yells out before charging as well. Upon reaching them he jumps and connects with his foot on the first goblins chest.


As the goblin falls over Jason reaches forward with both his hands and grabs two goblins by their heads. His muscles strain, swinging them outwards while stabilizing himself. Following through on that he brings his back leg forward and steps on the next goblin in line crushing it into the ground with his momentum.

*-9*   *-7* *-11*

Now in the thick of things it becomes a blur with Jason not even being able to distinguish the numbers anymore. A punch to the side into a throat. Using both arms to swing another goblin around like a bludgeon before letting it fly into another group. Just stepping on any goblin that gets in his way. At a shocking speed the goblins dwindle. Finally only the handful of them remain.

The goblins suddenly seem more aggressive. Feeling a hint of danger Jason throws himself to the side. Just in time it turns out as the Hobgoblins fist is now taking up the space his head was just occupying.

Turning his dive into a roll Jason quickly disengages from the goblins. Not wanting to let him catch his breath the Hobgoblins follows him. Taking this chance Jason comes out of the roll in a crouch and then springs back at the Hobgoblin. As they meet, both takes a swing. Jason connects with the Hobgoblins side while blocking with his other arm.

*-6*   *-2*

Neither of them backing down and seem focused on brawling it out. However as they move around the arena Jason suddenly dashes to the side and kills another goblin before returning to the fight. This continues till both of the combatants are worn down and all the goblins have been killed. Enraged at the death of all his minions the Hobgoblin’s skin and eyes suddenly takes on a red tint.

Jason becomes annoyed at this and shouts, “No, don’t take the easy way out! I wanted a good fight and now you’ve just thrown your mind away”. However no matter how much he would wish otherwise this appears to be true. Where once was tactics and strategy the Hobgoblin now fights with savagery and mindless strength.

Sighing Jason goes in for the kill. A simple feigned weakness and he easily opens it up for a counterattack. With one well placed jab to the chin the Hobgoblin is stunned

*-5*   *Stunned*

and quickly falls to a flurry of blows

*-7*   *-9* *-5*   *-11* *-9*

With that the lady cheers, “Hurrah! You’ve completed the challenge and killed all the foes! See that folks? A legend in the making I tell you. Now to reward our champion.” With that the arena seems to fall away and they are both back in a white room. Then for the first time an actual quest complete screen pops up

Quest Complete: Goblin Added Combat

Congratulations! You have completed a challenge that few have tried and fewer succeeded at.

Rewards: Future rewards dealing with your chosen weapon will be better

“How that will work for you only the system knows but it will be interesting!”

Things I wanted to mention but didn’t:

Even a failure gives rewards depending on how many you killed. The reward is worded exactly the same way. Even if you don’t kill any you get the reward but it re-words it so it congratulates you for trying. For regular weapons this will increase stats or grade if it is a reward for a quest. As an example, a swordsman might go to a training hall and complete a quest to join it. The reward would normally be a middle of the line copper grade weapon but that will be better depending on how good they did on this quest. From the bottom with probably only a point or two more to damage up to being upgraded to a dark copper weapon. I don’t mind revealing this because it won’t work that way for Jason because it isn’t like he will be receiving hand transplants every few quests or something.

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