NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 317 – Skip The Tourist Traps

As Jason considers using the Fibonacci sequence for the sixth step, another quality of it jumps out to him. It is a small thing, but the classic sequence starts 0, 1, and then 1 again. The zero would be the beginning when settling down. Then, with one being repeated it adds an important step. It recognizes the core law that states an object in motion will stay in motion. None of that magical pre-world nonsense, with one becoming two. A pure and simple repeated cycle.

Of course, the Fibonacci sequence doesn’t grow as quickly as just doubling would but Jason is fine with that. As it is, controlling individual threats is hard enough, so trying to double it every round would be unnecessary difficulty. Jason shakes his head and gets up, he can always try it one way and if it doesn’t feel right, try the other.

It is still a bit early but when Jason gets to the den but Rosha and Courtney are already out there. He sits down and looks at the others, “So, any plans for tomorrow? I haven’t really taken the time to look around and figured resting before heading out wouldn’t be the worst plan.”

Rosha shrugs, “I haven’t really had a chance to look around either. Peter has been dragging me outside the walls everyday he can. Not that I am against it. While the training is hard, the skill gains are worth it! I even managed to level up one of them to initiate.”

Courtney politely claps, “That was quick. Most people get stuck trying to figure out what separates one skill rank from the next and so stalling out.”

Rosha smiles, “Well, when you have a personal trainer with as much experience as Peter does, it is a massive assistance. While not everyone is suited for a particular path forward, he was able to guide me.”

Courtney nods, “I don’t think your family has quite the power to get you this much personal training this early on. While one of the elders might deign to give a few tips over email, you aren’t going to get anyone strong enough to help. Sure, if someone decided to take you as a personal disciple they would, but no one is going to do that.”

Jason sighs, “That is how it usually works. The people actually able to help are too focused on trying to get ahead themselves. My two initiate skills both came from stupid luck and godly teaching moments.”

Rosha rolls her eyes, “Of course you have two skills at initiate rank.”

Jason smiles, “Well, I can’t exactly let you get ahead with skills when you’re ahead of me in levels.”

Rosha blows a raspberry, “As if you ever let levels or stats hold you back.”

Jason shakes his head, “I actually did the math and figured out I’m ahead on stats. The biggest difference between me and others is that they are evenly spread out. So while no single stat of mine is better than a focused build, added together I’m better.”

Courtney frowns, “How would you not notice that?”

Jason shrugs, “I gained most of the points early on before it fell off. With that in mind, I assumed I was behind the curve because I stopped gaining points, when in reality I had just ran ahead of everyone early on. Anyway, if you two didn’t have a plan, I figure we could walk around the city. Maybe ask Gregor where we should visit?”

From behind them Gregor speaks up, “I can definitely tell you where the tourist traps are, if that is what you want.”

Rosha turns around, “Those are boring. Tell us a few decent landmarks. If we wanted to rubberneck, we could look up a guide.”

Gregor laughs, “To be fair there aren’t that many tourist traps. Really, the fault of the defining landmark. Kind of hard to develop other features when you’ve got a giant stalk of bamboo in the middle of the city. Of course that itself could have turned into the tourist trap except for the fact we don’t exactly let people get close to it. There are a couple viewing platforms of course and I do advise you check one of them out, but yeah, mostly pointless once you’ve been there.

“Instead, I would say go hit the art gallery. We don’t quite have museums but the gallery could be seen as a similar experience except most of the pieces on display can be bought. If you had been staying longer, there is one of their big auctions coming up where they put up some of the good pieces. Not that I expect you to be buying any of the stuff, but the energy of an auction is really worth the experience. They even have areas set up for people who don’t want to bid so you don’t have to worry about accidentally bidding.

“Besides that, I would say a quick look at the memorial celebrating the defeat of the swarm bears. The Founder commissioned some masters to design and make it. I won’t say more about it as the place is quite surprising. The oddest part is that not many visitors, well, visit it.”

Jason shakes his head, “Memorials are important and it is a shame more people don’t go to see it.”

Gregor shrugs, “I suspect the Founder wasn’t exactly proud of how the fight went. So while she made the memorial, she didn’t exactly emphasize it. Anyway, I think I came in during the middle of the conversation and while it seems the decision was made, have you all decided to actually do this?”

Jason and Courtney nod while Rosha answers that, “Yeah, we might as well take a chance to rest before we head out.”

Gregor sits down and starts a fire in the firepit. “Honestly, once you’ve gone to those few places, you will be better off just wandering around this ring of the city. The nobles aren’t shy about using their money to show off and what better way to do that than a fancy yard.”

Jason laughs, “Just the yards nearby are already amazing in their own ways. It would be a shame not to see more”

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