NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 319 – Non-Stat Statistics

Breakfast over, Jason and Gregor head out towards the adventurers guild. Of course, with Gregor leading the way the trip is a lot faster as instead of going to the wall and back, he knew which street to cut across after all. Though the time saved ended up mostly being wasted as the delivery hadn’t shown up yet and the two ended up waiting there for a good bit.

Still, for Jason the time wasn’t wasted as it let Gregor take his oaths and gave Jason a chance to question Gregor some more about the potion. He already knew that it would allow his soul to help control things to make up for the limits of a person’s brain. Useful, especially for someone who just happens to be moving away from dependence on the System provided body. But Jason had doubted that would be all.

And he was right. The potion is one of the rare permanent boosts to non-stat statistics. There are enough potions of plus five strength in the world. Sure, the System limits how many stats you can gain through those kinds of things but by level 100 most people will have gotten one or two. Much rarer is the potion that gives a permanent boost to things that the System doesn’t attach a number to such as intelligence or life span.

The benefit of control that the potion gave was just a side effect of the boost it gave. Of course, since the System doesn’t give an actual stat for it, there isn’t a set name but most people agree on calling it soul mobility. And like the name suggests this boosts a person’s soul such that the soul gains the ability to move around, or rather increases its ability to move around. With the right training, a person can already improve it on their own but that first step from zero to one is the hardest.

As luck would have it, though the potion sidesteps this issue. For most, though, having a more mobile soul isn’t going to be of much help. Some kitsune train in it with the practice gaining in popularity as the availability of supplements like the potion declines. After all, each one of a kitsune’s tails is packed with mystery and not being able to control them would be a travesty.

Jason, on the other hand is quite excited for the potion now as he has a suspicion. In his last life, a powerful cultivator could examine their surroundings without the classic senses through the use of a spiritual sense. A special ability that lets their spirit blanket an area and relay information back. This is quite useful as mundane materials are unable to block it and when strong enough it could envelope an entire kingdom or more.

Of course, you have to be strong enough first, but spirit and soul are awfully close. So what if the limit isn’t the power itself but rather a strong enough soul? This potion might be a shortcut to gaining his divine sense. This only leaves the question of if this use is widespread or not. The kitsune have their own needs and so it sounds like they don’t but Jason is highly doubtful that others haven’t discovered it. Though he does admit this is all built upon the assumption that it works, but going by what he has observed, it should.

And with that, Jason’s train of thought is interrupted as a ruckus distracts him. The mail had arrived and had done so in style. While he doesn’t personally see it, he can tell from the noise that is drowning out the crowd that it had arrived by way of some form of flying monster. The sound of wings flapping but as loud as a helicopter takes up the area for a good minute or two before receding into the distance at quite the pace.

Gregor, of course, was expecting this and his only reaction was to sigh and complain about the build showing off. When even someone like him isn’t allowed to fly within the city, it really shows the power the guild holds. Still, flying monsters is one of the better methods to get things from one place to another so he can only shrug and wait for his name to be called.

This doesn’t take long. From the office area, another receptionist walks out and opens up the desk set aside for mail. Once ready, they pull up a list and starts to call off names. Gregor isn’t the first name called, others had been there earlier, but after four names it is his turn.

Though, unlike the previous people, the receptionist didn’t just pull a letter out from under their desk. No, Gregor had ordered more than just the potion. Instead, from the office, another receptionist steps out with a crate packed full of stuff he can’t get locally. Then after confirming the bill of goods has everything he was expecting Gregor smiles and gestures for Jason to take the crate.

Jason rolls his eyes and takes the crate. A little cautious at first but the box doesn’t weigh too much. After that, with the package secured, the two of them walk back to the house. Quite the boring walk, not that Jason is sad about that. The trope of meeting someone who tries to steal from you right after getting a macguffin had been played to death long ago and with the System watching way too likely to happen. In fact, Jason is willing to bet the only reason things did go so smoothly is because of Gregor being there. It would be a good bit harder to get someone in place to try and steal the goods with him around.

Once back at the house, they bring the box to Gregor’s enchanting room and crack it open. Well, more like Gregor casts a few spells on it and drips a drop of blood on it to identify himself and then the crate falls open, but you get the idea. Anyway, inside is a lot of smaller boxes, each one labeled with what it contain with the two biggest boxes being labeled “Tail Control Potion”.

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