NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 324 – Just Go Around The Wall

Ignoring the outside world, Jason continues refining his core and cultivation technique. While the outline stays the same, he plans to get his soul’s shell involved in some critical parts this time around. So as he rebuilds the containment around the hole into the world’s Energy flow he weaves wisps of the shell into the structure.

And in doing so, he learns more about the very foundation of NeoRealm. For each being has such a connection and yet when he took down the core’s structure, the hole remained. Sure, he had understood that beings without a core very much had a connection despite that. But now the artificial nature of such a thing sticks out like a sore thumb.

Another feature that the System has put in place. Though this time Jason doesn’t get the feeling that it is meant for control. Rather, while in every being he had tested the containment did feel like it restricted Energy flow, reconstructing it changes that view. Now all he can see it doing is expanding as needed. While Jason is sure the System could likely mess with it, the structure doesn’t lend itself to change.

Then it hits him. While Mana and Qi can convert Energy, a pure enough flow could overpower the others. Plus, what you start with will tend to be what you go with. If the System hadn’t put up the containment instead of Energy users being the exception, they would be the majority.

After all, when every being has a literal font of Power within them, no reason to look outward for other sources. So while the containment doesn’t control anything, it does prevent the proliferation of Energy users. Of course, since he has a chance, Jason isn’t going to leave it so limited.

First was to remove any last instances of System control. The last thing Jason wants is for the System to try and slam the gate shut on him after all. But beyond that, he integrates the opening into the flow with the core’s structure itself using his soul’s shell to weave the two disparate parts together.

And from there, it was just a matter of continued integration. By combining the two, Jason was able to change the relationship between his Energy and his core. If before it was like someone had attached a larger bore nozzle to a small hose, now the hose size will match the nozzle. And of course, all of his work on figuring out the missing steps to advance his core will now do double duty. In fact, as he finishes up the System dings, though if a ding can have an emotion this one was begrudging.

{Energy +15}

Jason can’t help it and laughs. Quietly, mind you, he didn’t want to disturb the guards. Even so, this day was just one massive stat boost after another. First control skyrocketed and now his Energy doubled. Of course, Jason doesn’t plan to end it there. If his guess is correct, his other stats should be seeing some growth soon enough.

To do that would require him to finally start the moving meditation. All throughout this, he had kept an eye on his stats flowing along the edge of his being. Not actively, as rebuilding a core isn’t exactly easy. But still enough that as he begins to move, he can see the change.

From lazy ropes of power that barely wiggle, the stats break down into strings that move toward areas of high activity. And there among the chaotic mess are the stat boosts from his bones, weaving between his space and the System shell where the rest of the stats stay. They would be the key to his goal of uniting his power. The only real question is if the barrier completely blocks the others or if it is more of a one way sort of deal.

Of course, the only way to find out is to try. And fail, of course. At least to start Jason’s attempts don’t go too well. Whether it was attaching the other stat threads to the bone stats or trying to just force them through the barrier it all fails. Not that he expected anything else, but if one of the easier methods worked, it would be embarrassing to have tried a bunch of tougher ones first.

But now that the easy options are gone he has to get a bit tricky. Those options fail as well though so Jason can only resort to the boring option. If the System wants to keep the stats outside of the barrier, just make the area outside of the barrier part of the inside. As the very fact he can manipulate stuff out there shows, it isn’t like the System is able to stop him messing with the stats. That being the case, why bother trying to siege a wall when you can just go around it?

With a mental heave, Jason extends his aura far beyond his skin. While this is something Energy users can normally do, he put a twist on it. Instead of just his aura Jason had clamped down on the System threads and forced them to extend with it. In normal circumstances, this would be a stupid risk. An analogy would be to force your nerves out of your body. A painful experience that also robs you of the ability to move.

Jason’s body however is a little more forgiving of such affronts. He still wouldn’t have tried it anywhere but here. Even back in the house would be a danger if only from any passive defenses. This training field is specifically set up for melee types to practice, and so is little more than a field of packed dirt. So while the area is safe because of the nearby guards, there isn’t any power that could snag the lines.

Well, that isn’t entirely correct. Rather, there is one thing they can snag on and that is exactly what Jason wanted to happen. The fact the stats had been just floating around was odd and while he hadn’t done any tests, he had a guess that just proved itself right. In a normal person, the stats would be integrated with the lines. So the moment any line touched a stat thread, the thread would be sucked in.

Then Jason pulled his aura back in. As luck would have it, he was quick enough to catch himself. Because while his body wasn’t harmed by the threads leaving, that doesn’t mean he was able to continue his moving exercise and so his body started to fall over.

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