NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 330 – Gilded Cage

Jason sighs, “Well, whatever happens I’m more than willing to reach into the System’s core and pull Lily back out.”

Courtney raises an eyebrow, “A bit extreme, but okay.”

Jason shrugs, “If you aren’t willing to go against the heavens once in a while what is the point of being strong? I’d do the same for the both of you. Though luckily enough you’re doing better irl than I am. Be a lot tougher for me to do anything there than it would be in NeoRealm.”

Rosha laughs, “The only trouble I have outside of NeoRealm is a clingy father. Thank goodness I got away from him and my mother has mostly kept him at arm’s length. It would be nice if she could visit more but when lawyers get involved in a relationship, you don’t always have a choice in such things.”

Courtney growls, “For all he claims to care it sure doesn’t seem like it.”

Rosha puts her arms around Courtney. “It’s fine.”

Courtney tries to push her away, “You’re the one who should be comforted. It isn’t me who has to deal with your dad.”

Rosha shakes her head, “We both know that everyone around me has to deal with him. There aren’t any court orders for him to avoid you after all. We should really consider getting a restraining order for you.”

Jason coughs, “Ah, I’m not exactly a part of this but I would guess that isn’t really an option for her.”

Rosha sticks her tongue out at Jason, “That shouldn’t matter. I’m going to make it happen!”

Jason puts on a tense smile and breaks eye contact with her. Courtney picks up where he left off, though. “I’m employed by both your parents to be your maid. Trained and brought up as a part of your family’s help. Even if they aren’t together, their businesses are still integrated. The maid services are a part of that and I don’t see that changing because of the history behind it.”

Jason coughs again, “So while I agree with you that you can’t just get a restraining order I have to stop you right there. I’m sure you’re under an ironclad contract with them but your claim to not being able to do anything is false. Even though the world is a lot better now than it was before The Uprising, I do understand that money can buy most things. However, part of what was clawed back was safety from your employer.

“While you might not be able to do anything to him. You should be able to prevent him from doing anything to you in turn. And those contracts? Screw them. Rosha can’t be poor and even if she doesn’t have her own money, I’m sure her mom would be willing to give her an “allowance” to pay you to continue being her maid.”

Courtney shakes her head, “I need to stay connected to the web of contacts the maid service allows me to access.”

Jason laughs, “I’m calling you on that. Part of your training should have been on how to expand on your network. Anyone in your position who can’t do that isn’t worth the time spent on training you, let alone the money. Turn that into making your own network. Your contacts have contacts and if you can get to them, then you don’t need the job’s network.”

Courtney sighs, “It isn’t that easy. I’ve been working on it but ever since the trouble started her father has done what he could to prevent that. I’m caged in the digital realm even more than she is in the real world.”

Jason smiles, “You’re only caged by your own limited view. Of all the places that are free, more than any city state or arcology, the internet don’t care how rich you are. The people in charge of the backbone are insane! If Rosha’s dad tries to actually block you off on the web, they strike him from orbit. I don’t care who he is. You don’t mess with freedom on the internet.”

Rosha hugs Courtney tighter, “You know he’s right?”

Courtney lets out a whine, “But my entire work will crumble! My kingdom will vanish!”

Rosha shakes her head, “If he can take it away then is it really yours?”

Courtney sighs, “But I’ve spent so much work on it!”

Jason laughs, “That is part of what started the fire, you know? Making something that isn’t yours and having no control over it. If Rosha’s father controls the network and you’ve spent so much work on it on your own time, you’re just like those employees who got forced into unpaid overtime. Sure, breaking free of a gilded cage will break the cage. But it is a cage in the end.”

Courtney leans back into Rosha, “Truly, the prison you build yourself is the hardest to break out of.”

Rosha gives her a squeeze, “I think we both have a few self built walls to knock down.”

Jason nods, “My promise to battle through the heavens is honestly easier to make because it is an outside enemy. Sometimes the worst problems come from within. It isn’t evil that conquers good because the difference is so obvious. It is neutrality that conquers good. The so-called sides of Good, Neutral, and Evil honestly are like a game of rock paper scissors. Good endures evils, evil overwhelms neutral, and neutral infiltrates good.”

Rosha frowns, “I get the good and neutral, but how does evil win against the neutrals?”

Jason shrugs, “Neutral is willing to do everything evil does, but they prefer to keep the status quo. Evil, on the other hand, is fine with just going straight in with the nasty stuff. A neutral is willing to go to war when pushed far enough and negotiations fail. Once evil wants to go to war, it does it. They might pretend to negotiate but if they want a war that is just a cover. The tanks are lining up as the diplomats smile and shake hands. I honestly prefer evil over the neutrals because at least they are true to themselves.”

Rosha nods, “Huh, that actually makes some sense. Though I’m sure history is full of exceptions.”

Jason laughs, “For almost every rule there will be exceptions, especially when dealing with human nature. These are just general trends.”

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