NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 333 – The Platform And The Gallery

But that was just the nobles showing off. Sure, the three special ones were an astounding display all on their own and each place was constructed to show off. But the nobles didn’t really care if you understood what you were seeing. They just cared about the other nobles who would understand it all, even if just through rote memorization. In fact, Jason had a feeling that they probably missed quite a bit from not getting the in-jokes.

The actual stops on the route went in the opposite direction. While not always the most exciting, each location had at least one bard hanging around to describe what the location represented and any history. Though their first stop needed no introduction.

It took a handful of minutes in line, but soon enough the group was climbing up a spindly tower. Said tower is crowned by a large platform shaped like a half moon so as to provide the best possible view of the Sky Breaking Purple Bamboo of Tribulations and Illusions. Though even being so high up, the bamboo looked as if they hadn’t left the ground.

You still would just look up and up and up until the stalk seemed to vanish from view into the sky. Though the view was clearer from the platform. Not from height, but rather the function of the platform itself. Each of the nine bamboo naturally prevented people from seeing it too well and the nation’s founder had set up formations that improved this function. Only the special magic of the platforms that were set in place before the bamboo had grown was capable of piercing it so well.

Of course, nothing is perfect. While the tower itself, along with the other similar ones, spread equidistant from the bamboo had been set up by the founder. The viewing platform itself was a later addition and so if you went too far to the edges the illusion piercing effect would lessen. Though that too was an interesting experience that allowed visitors to slowly shift between shrouded and not.

From there, they hit a few smaller shrines, memorials, and so on. Important pieces of history though only the fact that each had a bard to extol the virtues of whatever was being celebrated kept things interesting. There was more variety but you can only do those types of things so many ways before you start to repeat yourself.

The art gallery, on the other hand, had no such problem. Every surface of the building was etched, sculpted, shaped, and smoothed into strange designs. Famous craftsmen, artists, sculptors and more had been working on the gallery itself since just after the founding of the nation. True masterpieces that if auctions would be worth thousands of gold, even if they didn’t provide any special effects.

Upon entering, the group found the security to be beyond top notch. Not only were there guards but they had even managed to get the System to help them. Or at least that is what the group assumes happened as a message alerting them to all forms of recording being disabled within the gallery.

Still, the walk through is worth every second. Paintings of every style under the sun are hung out for sale. Sculptures that feel like they should be able to step down off their plinth and walk away. Calligraphy so smooth and flowing that it urges the whole group to try and learn the traditional language most had been written in.

Though what first catches the group’s attention has nothing to do with the art but rather the price tags. As Gregor had said, this wasn’t an art museum, but rather a gallery. Except for a few accent pieces near the reception desks, everything could be bought. And if the bards could be trusted, had been in the past.

And those prices aren’t cheap. In fact, the group didn’t once spot a single item selling for below 100 gold. This is partly because each piece in the hall is just the cream of the crop. The gallery had a reputation to uphold, after all.

But the reality of it is that unlike the exterior art, much of the pieces within the hall had extra effects. Whether through magic, qi, or pure skill, the various works of art had the ability to provide buffs. One depiction of a doctor allowed people to gently recover from injuries when around it. A pair of paintings that worked similar to paired portal gates. And, of course, way too many combat sculptures meant to both look amazing and put up a fight against any intruders. After all, if you are going to have golem based defenses, you might as well make them look good.

Not that such beneficial buffs are the only things in the hall. Some works are simply that good, having been created by at the very least masters of their particular skill. And of course being in a place so focused on illusions there were a decent number of anchored illusions for sale as well. Focused on an anchor stone they provided an excellent combination of art and conveniences.

A simple stone on a table won’t get in the way. But once you don’t need the table anymore it is easy enough to activate the stone and have the entire space taken up by intricate displays of art. Though none of the illusions offered any extra effects. Jason had figured someone would be selling a vastly overpriced art piece to cover up a wall safe or what have you. Instead, the illusions mostly stuck to their lane.

It took Jason a while to figure it out but Rosha beat him to the punch. While people could create shockingly realistic illusions, they were also really good at seeing through said illusions. Anyone trying to hide their valuables with an illusion in this city was just asking for people to know and call them out on it. While illusions aren’t an everyday thing for most, enough have trained themselves if only to avoid scams.

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