NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 44 – Long Legs and Insectoids

Next morning Jason awakens from his meditation to a few rabbits running away. Ignoring them he checks the environment. At first there doesn’t seem to be much difference with the World Energy but then he notices. The area in front of him, towards the Energy Herbs, the Energy field is purer. Behind however it is murky and almost seems polluted. His biology classes come back to him in a flash. He exclaims allowed, “Of course! A plant doesn’t just take sugar from the ground and store it. They gather the components and turn it into sugar. My growth method was just pumping the herbs full of sugar. It helps a little but my meditation is different. Before I didn’t think about it but I must leave behind all that mess I don’t absorb. If I had to compare it to anything it would be breathing. I breathe Energy and put out impurities while the Energy Herb does the opposite just like humans and plants with oxygen and carbon dioxide.”

This comparison gives Jason a pause. He muses to himself, “The impurities aren’t spreading out quickly. I pull in the Energy from the surroundings but that only reaches so far. My meditation would for lack of a better word, suffocate, without the Energy Herbs. I need a portable garden or something. Does this world have portable gardens? They should if only so other players who want to try gardening don’t get locked into one area. I clearly need a lot of money just in case I see one.” As he finishes his thoughts, a system message pops up.



You have furthered your knowledge of Energy Herbs. Through experimentation and connecting past knowledge you figured out what nurtures them. Your past bonuses in Knowledge and Discovery related to Energy Herbs has been boosted by 1%.


You have deepened your knowledge of your cultivation technique. Through observation you discovered the effect your mediation has on the environment. Gain +25% towards next skill level.

Knowledge Bonus:

Through observing the local energy field you can tell how suitable it is for cultivation and how long you can cultivate there

Discovery Bonus:

Through observing the local energy field you can get a feel for if any energy techniques or cultivation has happened there recently


Jason pauses after reading the message, “I wonder if it will take into account my Energy herbs when telling me the time.” Not having an answer to that he can only shrug and continue exploring. On his way there isn’t much happening, even the warped panthers seem to have disappeared. Taking this as a good sign, likely meaning he has left their territory Jason prepares for whatever monsters he might find next.

He doesn’t have to wait long as just before midday the sounds of fighting ring out ahead of him. Taking this as a cue to be sneaky Jason works his way towards the noise. He peeks out from behind a spire and finds what is causing the ruckus. There are 5 hound like creatures with disturbingly long legs surrounding a spire. Fighting them off is a pair of insectoid emus. Though the real centerpiece of this fight is atop the spire. Another insectoid emu is perched up there. This one is half the size of the other two. The small emu appears to be more beetle based as compared to the two below which are more wasp like. What sets it aside however is the fact it is every occasionally spitting out an acid like substance that catches fire.

All 5 of the long-legged hounds have burn marks that sizzle from the acidic heat. Despite this, they aren’t losing. Their legs look normal enough on first glance if long. However when Jason looks closer a different story appears. The legs seem to gain and lose joints as needed. One hound even seems to lose rigidity in a leg before using it as a whip. Their exoskeleton might protect the two emus on the ground but both are missing chunks of it. As the fight between the group's progress a gap between them forms.

The insectoid emus are pulling ahead. Jason sneaking around the perimeter finally gets close enough to peak at the combatants. It calls the hounds ‘Long-Legged Hounds’ and are all at level 13. As for the emus the two on the ground are called Vespula Emu and both are only level 14. However, the real danger is the perched small emu. That one is called a Bombardier Emu and has a level of 17. Noting the name Jason can only be thankful it is spitting the substance. Though with that difference in levels the outcome of this fight is clear to him. The hounds haven’t even hurt the small emu yet.

Of course if there is one thing fate likes to do it is to screw with things you think are certain. From the opposite direction that Jason is in a loud growl can be heard. From behind one of the spires a new hound emerges. This one about twice as big as the others with a bright yellow coat it contrasts with the five original hounds. The original ones are a dusty sand color and only about as tall of Jason. However, the new one despite having the same size body is twice as tall. Even just standing there the legs gain and lose joints at a rapid pace.

This new hound charges over and in the first attack squishes one of the waspy emus. Taking this chance Jason inspects it. While a similar name there is one important addition. It calls the animal a Long-Legged Chaos Hound, and this one is level 20. Much too high a level for Jason to even consider sticking around to see what happens. As he skedaddles away a last glimpse back catches the Chaos Hound wacking the small emu off its perch. At this point he books it out of there. As he runs away though he can’t help but be excited. What things might he find now? Is it two monster groups fighting for the area or does this place have a large selection of monsters?


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