NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 54 – Wolves but Different

The next few days pass with more of the bizarre and unworkable monsters. Finally, after setting off again for the fourth day things are different. Before despite the weakness or strength of the monsters they would be one right after another. Now though Jason travels for half the day without meeting anything. He takes this as a good sign. This lack probably means a competent monster cleared out the area close to their territory. A quick check of the sky and Jason decides he would rather start on whatever is out there after a full rest. Heading back into the plains he spends what is left of the day doing Strength training.

Next morning Jason finishes up mediating and stretches. Happy that his Strength almost matches his Agility he packs camp and heads out. Once in the wasteland it still takes him a quarter of the day to find something. A predatory smile steals across his face as the new enemy comes into sight. Unlike the useless monsters of mashed together creatures Jason had been seeing this pack was mostly like regular wolves. The biggest difference is that down their spine grew a line of stone spikes. Though when they notice him and howl he can also see their teeth appear to be crystal. That howl breaks him out of his observations and Jason settles into a defensive stance. However, moments later the sound of other stone wolves can be heard howling back. Taking this as a sign Jason retreats out of sight before running away. Fighting a small team alone isn’t hard. However fighting a running battle against a large amount of wolves would be a death sentence.

Back in the plains Jason takes a moment to ponder his option. Though in the end his best choice is to enter the wolves' territory from a different position and be extra stealthy. Putting his thoughts into action Jason travels further before trying to sneak back in. This time the stone wolves react even quicker. It looks like there is an alert up already for him. After thinking about it, the problem is clear. With the scent of a human this fully stealth option just will not work. Not only will they smell him coming but they are now on alert for him. Waiting till tomorrow likely won’t even drop their alertness. If these wolves control any amount of territory, then they aren’t dumb.

Jason can only shake his head at his situation. Going from enemies that are the absolute bottom to those who can wipe the floor with him. While cheap the only tactic he has left is skulking along the edge of the plains and wasteland while waiting for a lone wolf. Though he quickly revises that plan. Most of the lone wolves are actually quite a high level. That makes sense to him after thinking about it as only the strong would stray from their pack. In the ends he can only chance a fight against a pair of mid-level wolves. Anymore and they would have time to call for help.

Jason ends up travelling in the plains until mid day before spotting such a situation. A pair of rock wolves can be seen ahead skirting the edge of the plains. One of them carrying the corpse of a rabbit. This duo seems to be trying for some easy pray. Not only does this group give him a chance to attack but being so close to the plains Jason has an easy escape path if things go pear-shaped.

Not having been spotted yet Jason ducks into the cover of the wasteland. The spires quickly hiding him from sight. Wetting his finger and holding it up shows luck is with him as the wind comes from his back. Against predators like a wolf starting upwind is always good. With that confirmed Jason jogs parallel to the wolves’ path. Once this gets him close to where the wolves had been he quietly walks towards an outer spire and take a peak. The wolves haven’t made it that far. They seem to be leisurely travelling while looking for prey. They have split the rabbit one had been holding and both are slowly chewing on it.

Jason heads even farther into the wasteland and runs like the wind making use of his movement skill for traction on the sand. Getting to about even to them he onces again sneaks to the edge. This time going even slower. With the wind still at his back he is now in danger of being scented so Jason takes no chances. Once at the edge another peak shows the wolves are just a about next to him. Though they are now farther into the plains making Jason’s plan less effective. He can only sigh in his head before dashing out at them. Both the rock wolves notice his approach and split. One to his left and the other to the right.

The pair seems to want to disrupt his charge but Jason stays straight on course seemingly intent on passing right between the two. Though just as he passes the two he acts. Now no longer on sand he is able to turn his forward motion into lateral with a powerful push off the ground. His shoulder slams into the leftward stone wolf dazing it. This gives Jason just enough time to slam his fist into its head knocking it out. The other wolf leaps at him to protect its partner. Meeting this leap with his other shoulder Jason pushes back.


Claws rip into the shoulder but the wolf is stopped. Having been unexpectedly slammed back into the stone wolf yips in shock. Jason follows up his slam with a hook punch to the wolf’s leg. This doesn’t work though as while shocked the wolf still keeps its head and dodges. Pulling back the wolf breathes in deeply. Jason doesn’t let this slide. It is clearly preparing to call for help so he slams his fist towards the rock wolf’s throat. Another dodge but the wolf misses its chance to howl. Angered it backs up from Jason and circles around him.

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