NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 81 – The Spies Left Already

Jason’s next stop in the market is simple enough. A quick stop in a grocer fills his pack back up with food for a couple of silver. Most of the money spent on jerky. Jason was tired of soup after his trip through the Wasteland. To have some food with actual chew to it tops his list of things to not be without from now on. Next stop and he buys even more ingredients. This time spending 8 silver to buy spices. Jason had to stop himself before he spent more. With 10 silver left he would need to be careful with spending. It hurt him a little to spend so much. Especially when he had a room rented for the week and should not need it. However he doesn’t trust that he won’t get stuck somewhere for the night or similar problem. With ten silver left to his name Jason escapes the market area. He glances at the sun and decides there isn’t much time left to the day. Satisfied with what he bought Jason heads back to the Scratchy Pinecone.

Jason had planned to head to bed. However dinner isn’t served for another hour and Jason doesn’t have spare cash to eat out. As he takes a seat Fern stops over at his tables. She grabs the seat across from him and smiles at him. They sit there for a while in silence before Jason asks, “What?” Fern smiles even harder but as time ticks by she relents and answers, “So you visited Plants Unlimited? Don’t answer, I already know. People who go there fall into two categories. The famous and the powerful. You, sir are neither. Someone guided you well to have ended up there. They actually have a slight enchantment up around their places. Does that old classic of causing your eyes to slip over it. Anyway, you would not believe how many spies came by here to get the scoop on you. Not that they care who you are now. You're in luck with that. After they found out you were a Traveller, most left without a second word. The others left once they knew you had no connection to the major Traveller guilds. Though where I got most of my information was Nole himself. I was out and totally not avoiding my work here.” As she says that last bit a faint shout can be heard from the back, “Yes she was!” Without missing a beat Fern picks the salt shaker off the table and throws it over her shoulder. The shaker flies straight through the open door to the kitchen and a loud thunk and a cry of pain. Fern continues, “As I was saying, I was not avoiding work while out and about when I met him. Nole doesn’t talk much but few people grow glowy weed on purpose. Now he never said who you were but let’s be honest. A man who is not only new to town but with a rabbit? Not a common thing. Anyway you walked in here and did not seem to expect anything. You Travellers all have this problem at first. You guys don’t realize when you’re out of place or doing something that will cause waves. The original ones caused so much chaos. They appeared at level 1 but within weeks the best of them got past the third bottleneck and some were even knocking on the fourth. So many died to even rabbits yet they showed up the next day ready to try again. Others instantly became murders. It was a glorious time let me tell you! Anyway I was losing myself in the past there. Basically you caused waves and should have been expecting the outcome. Now I don’t blame you as whoever told you to go there didn’t inform you of Plants Unlimited’s fame. Depending on who did it they either wanted you to learn a lesson or they had something out for you. By your expression it was likely that first one. I don’t blame them either. Starter towns are setup to deal with this. Now that you are out in the real world things are different. If you go to a high class store, people will notice. If you win a tournament, people will ask who you are. You are like a stone thrown into a pound. Literally as you appeared out of nowhere like the stone. The only saving grace is the pond is more like an ocean and you aren’t the only stone. So just be more aware of this in the future? Please? I don’t want to field spies constantly no matter how well they pay.”

Jason holds his hands up in defeat, “I understand the concept and I get how it catches all of us Travellers. Just appearing here out of nowhere affects not only those native here.”

As he takes a breath to continue Fern stops him, “Don’t bother explaining. I have heard many different reasons. It doesn’t matter why as long as you learn from this. Now you can’t go to far and try to disappear. Partly because that does the opposite of remove you from the limelight. If you try to hide, that just makes you stand out even more. Also, it removes you from the view of any allies you might have had. Stand up straight and live your life. Just be aware of how you are causing waves all around you. Anyway, dinner will be ready soon. I know tomorrow you will head out early but don’t worry. We serve breakfast even earlier. Many of our clientele are adventurers or traveling merchants. Bright and early is too late for most of them.”

Fern stands up and heads into the kitchen. After she goes everyone else leaves Jason alone until they serve dinner. A nice savory soup with some kind of pork. The side dish is a fruit salad. Unexpected with the lack of local orchards. Jason went to bed with a full stomach even if he ended up having to share half the salad with Lily.

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