NeoRealm – Staring Back Into the Future

Chapter 96 – Ork without a Name

Small Critter Protection Harness


An odd harness made by an odder ork. Built into the shoulder is a protective cage meant to shelter small animals. When in use the cage is shifted away from the current dimension to provide an extra level of safety. While the harness itself looks average, the material used is leather from an elder glutton wolf, a distant relative of Fenrir by way of Skoll and Hati. The creator has focused all magics woven into this device on the safety of the animal and so provides no bonuses to the wearer. Because of this you can wear the harness over or under other magical gear with no fear of unexpected interactions.

After Jason brings up the harnesses info, the ork rubs the back of his head. With a nervous laugh he explains that, “normally you would get some kind of bonus from everything you wear. Even beginner gear has a few stat ups attached. Hell, if you wear a sheet like a toga the System will give you a couple points of Defense while penalizing your Agility. I was personally expecting to need to put numerous restrictions on the use and requirements just so you could wear it right away. Instead, we get this thing. Lack of unexpected interactions is nice but misleading. For the harness it means if you ever get some leather armor that bursts into flames when your attacked the harness won’t take damage. I never liked how it is called unexpected because the descriptions always mention possible interactions. Then again, if you don’t use common sense, some things would catch you by surprise. Sure the fiery leathers won’t melt your chain mail but it also won’t protect you from being burned by the heated metal. Meh, anyway there you have it. Will do what you need without any problems so now get out of here. I need to go and organize the back or something.”

The ork then waves Jason out of the shop before closing up again. Jason takes a look back at the store and shakes his head, “Well I gained a big ol’ debt. Don’t know his level but his skill should be high journeyman if not master. Plus he doesn’t have a name. Only two types of ork don’t greet you with their name. It has been over a thousand years since the orks became a sentient species and earned their names but they won’t let anyone forget it. He clearly is not one of the rare ‘wild’ orks still out in the deep wilds. That leaves an ork from before then. Jeeze, this town is full of monsters. Going to guess there is more to the wasteland than others think. Yep, going to leave here soon as possible. All these OP locals are interesting but you don’t get such a buildup of power without a reason. Thinking about it these people might be why the wasteland is retreating. That or the rabbits, they get enough respect here from the people that matter. Gah, this place is a giant puzzle box filled with mysteries and ancient powers.” Without him realizing it Jason picks up his pace and hurries back to the inn. Tomorrow wouldn’t come soon enough as far as he was concerned. This place just kept ringing his instincts bell.

A restless night sleep and Jason is once again ready to head out. He tries to sneak out of the inn and thinks he might have managed it. Of course that hope died in a fire with the first tap on his shoulder. He turns around stiffly to find Fern standing under the inn’s sign. She smiled a toothy grin, “I see you met that old ork? Heheh, fun boy to have around. Only guy in town to refuse to make something for me. Said it went against his principles or some such. He gets so worked up over his view on what leatherworking should be. Needs to spread his wings more if he wants to climb higher though. Who cares if darkness isn’t a living creature, I still had some leather made from it. Grumpy fool should have tried. Conceptual items might be rare here but not unheard of. Whatever, I don’t actually have anything more to say to you. Just wanted to see you jump, happy hunting!”

Jason fled at great speed. “Do I need to stop by the inn before I leave? I still have what, 7 or 8 more snarltails to kill and a boss? A few days camping and a quick trip to the Adventurers Guild should do it. Though me and Rosha did not plan where to meet up at now that I think about it. That means I do have to stay somewhere for the night. She needs to pick the places as I don’t own a map and well Fern. Rosha should be able to get info on a good place anyway. No need to ask Ferns help. I don’t want to end up somewhere just as bad as here. Oh, please let the next town I stay at be normal. I want elders that count their age in the low hundreds and low journeyman crafters if not apprentice.”

As Jason babbles in his head the town gate passes him by. Unnoticed by him in his rushed escape he movements became smoother. The energy manipulation of his movement skill flow through him. While it wasn’t raising desolate traversal’s level to much, the insights gained from this would help him advance later on.

The forest now looms in front of him, the day gone by without his notice. Still, he doesn’t stop though his mind has come back to him. All the worrying in the world won’t help anyone and the forest will need his full attention. It takes the sunset to finally bring his flight to a stop. Not that he could really run from his worries. They are too high a level after all. Could catch him in a moment even this far from the town. With a sigh, he sets up his camp. First the wards go up for protection. Then out comes the portable planter and his bedding. The last step with all the gear out is to let Lily down and start meditating. With his chaotic mind it takes longer to get into it but finally he settles down.

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