NeToRi System

56 – Bigger Surprises

While hugging Kate to help calm her down Dave was surprised by a series of unexpected system notifications that appeared.

[Brad Jones successfully NTR'd]

[Kate Kinney in love with host]

[Kate Kinney no longer holds romantic or sexual feelings for Brad Jones]

[Dominated Brad Jones into giving up his claim on Kate Kinney]

[Secret 'Full Domination' function activated]

[Copying Enhanced Estrogen]

[Enhanced Estrogen acquired]

[Enhanced Estrogen is a sex specific ability....]

[Adapting ability to match host's physique...]

[Ability converted to Enhanced Testosterone]

[Enhanced Testosterone acquired]

It took a few moments for Dave to realise what was happening.

'Wait... what? Copying? So does that mean it didn't steal the ability from her?' he questioned.

[Correct, the Full Domination function copies the ability granting it to the host while allowing the original ability owner to keep it.]

He looked down at Kate with some concern. Although his partners losing their abilities wouldn't stop him from pursuing his own goals and using the system, he really hoped it did indeed just copy their abilities so he could feel less bad about using them. Using them for sex and to steal them from their partners was one thing. Taking away their abilities which could make the rest of their life worse of was a completely different thing though and would leave him with at least a decent amount of guilt regarding his actions. Even if they were cheaters and weren't the most innocent girls they hadn't necessarily harmed him.

'Show me her status,' he ordered.

Her status panel popped up in front of him.

[Name: Kate Kinney]

[Age: 18]


[Enhanced Estrogen]

He sighed in relief seeing her ability still present there as it always had been.

The only downside would be that he couldn't remove Mara's ability this way even if he succeeded in seducing her and although he really wanted revenge on her sleeping with Jeffrey just to achieve the best revenge was a step too far for him.

'Ok I think I already have an idea, but what are the requirement to activate the Full Domination function?' he asked.

[There are four requirements:]

[To NTR a target]

[To get the target's partner to fall in love with the host]

[To get the target's partner to lose their feelings for the target]

[To get the target to give up on pursuing/reclaiming the stolen partner]

'Ok, that is pretty close to my assumptions. So if I meet all the requirements you will copy rather than steal the partner's ability?' he asked.

[Correct. In cases such as before where the ability does not match the host's physique the system will attempt to adapt the ability to the host's physique.]

Dave smiling. He was extremely excited and couldn't contain himself. This meant he wasn't limited to just the abilities of the men around him, but could also gain those of the women around him. He wasn't going to consider sleeping with men to steal desirable abilities of their women, but this new function was right up his alley. It was just an extension of something he was already willing to do. Better yet it didn't even deprive the abilities of his women.

'Are there any restrictions to this function?' he asked curiously.

[Not beyond the inability to copy an ability that has already been acquired]

'That is really no restriction at all,' he thought.

'System. Show me my status,' he ordered.

[Status Panel]

[Name: Dave Stiersen]

[Age: 17]


[Hypertrophic Hyper Responder]

[Enhanced Neuroplasticity]

[Enhanced Testosterone]

He couldn't help but enjoy seeing his growing list of abilities. He may have started this life without any abilities at all, but he already had three times as many as anyone else he had come across so far in just a few weeks with the system. Both of the first two abilities had been life changers already so he was excited about his latest one.

'Show me the details of Enhanced Testosterone,' he told the system.

[Enhanced Testosterone]

[Produces a slightly improved form of testosterone that enhances the benefits and reduces the drawbacks. 

Slight improvements to penis and testis. Improves size and functionality.
Slight deepening of the voice.
Slight improvement to bones. Improves height, bone durability, bone healing, and red blood cell production
Mild increase in facial and pubic hair. Improves growth rate and density/coverage.
Mild increase in muscle size and strength.
Large increase to libido.
Large increase to sperm production and quality.]

Despite it having little use in improving his life directly he couldn't deny he appreciated many of the effects of this ability. Most of the effects were rather minor which was my he didn't consider it a top level ability. However what man could resist these kinds of improvements?

The largest improvements were all towards his sexual performance. If you were offered the ability to have sex more frequently and for longer who wouldn't? If you were offered a larger dick, would you turn it down? Unless you already had some kind of monstrous dick probably not. He wanted to say he didn't care about the quality of his sperm, but a deep dark part of him kind of enjoyed the idea of getting someone like Jackie pregnant right under his father's nose.

Unfortunately the effects to things not related to sex were much lesser. The increase to muscle size and strength was still very welcome since its synergy with Hypertrophic Hyper Responder should be rather good as it allowed him to improve his physique even more than it already was speeding up his growth in that direction. 

He had never grown out his facial hair since it had always been very patchy, it sounded like that would be a thing of the past going forward. He still wasn't sure if he would even if now he could, but if he didn't it just meant he would have to be a little more diligent in shaving.

It was a real shame the system said the improvements to his bones was only slight. He doubted he would see too great an enhancement in those despite those along with the muscle improvements being the ones that would likely have the greatest effect. He was already rather tall, but a little more and also the increased recovery for his bones and red blood cells was more than welcome. 

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon. Currently 16+ chapters ahead.

Writing Soundtrack: Ice Nine Kills - Various Tracks

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