NeToRi System

65 – A Different Kind Of Gym

He smirked. "Unless of course you want to teach me... personally," he teased.

Despite the pout she couldn't help, but blush. "You better watch it or I'll kick your ass," she retorted.

He rolled his eyes. "What if I'm in to that?" he said.

Her eyes went wide.

He chuckled. "Just kidding," he said.

She pushed him away. "See if I ever offer to help you again," she said.

"Well whatever. Since you've finally decide to grace me with your presence. How have things been?" He asked.

She frowned, but didn't leave. "I've been fine. Nothing special," she said shortly.

"Nothing special at all?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes, but the frown disappeared. "What about you?" She asked.

"Oh nothing too crazy. My father had to go to the hospital again after hitting his already concussed head," he said.

Her eyes widened. "Oh no! Is he ok?" She asked with concern.

He shook his head. "He will be fine... unfortunately," he said.

She tilted her head. "Unfortunately?" She asked.

He shrugged. "It's nothing," he said.

She frowned again. "Do you enjoy not talking with me?" She asked.

He gave her an awkward smile. "Fine... we don't get along. Wasn't happy I didn't take after dear old him. Mom just leaving shortly after I was born probably didn't help either. Either way he is a massive asshole that the world would be better without," he said.

She looked him up and down with some concern. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"It's fine. Things have been improving over the past couple weeks. Not his personality, but my life," he said.

He slowly and intentionally looked her up and down. "I met you for one," he teased.

Her blush returned. "Could you stop it? It was just the alcohol," She said.

He smirked. "If it was just the alcohol then why are you blushing?" he asked.

She turned her head to hide her cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about. We should get back to work," she said and quickly ran off.

They both got busy helping their respective tutors complete their jobs, but at least Vanessa wasn't avoiding him anymore. She even made sure to say goodbye once she was leaving for the day.

The week flew by. Without the harassment from his father and bullies at school he barely even noticed how fast the days could go by. He made sure to visit a different martial arts gym every day to look and find one that suited his needs. Since it was Saturday he decided that besides spending some hours at his personal training apprenticeship he would also spend some time at the martial arts gym he had decided on.

The one he had settled on was a mixed martial arts gym that had equipment and trainers for a handful of the more popular martial arts.

His father had left early still trying his frantic best to actually improve so Dave was able to enjoy a long relaxing morning with Jackie without any interference. She even offered to drop him off at the gym which he happily accepted. She sent him off with a long intimate kiss.

She smiled softly. "Don't get home too late," she said.

He grabbed the gym bag from the backseat. "Wouldn't dream of it," he said.

He waved her off and headed in.

There was a young man at the front desk. He shot Dave an uninterested look. "Yes?" He asked.

Dave put on his best smile. "I'm here to sign up," he answered.

The receptionist nodded and handed him some paperwork. "Alright. You'll have to fill these out," he said.

After returning the filled out paperwork the receptionist asked: "Cash or credit?"

"Cash," Dave said grabbing a few bills from his wallet and handing them over.

"Ok. Is there anything else you need?" The receptionist asked.

"Is anyone available to teach right now?" Dave asked.

The receptionist looked over at his computer and spent some time typing and clicking. "Hmm... right now... we have someone for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and another for Boxing," he said.

"Alright, could you send me the schedule for the available coaches?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, though unless you make an appointment with them their schedule isn't really guaranteed," the receptionist warned.

Dave nodded. "That's fine," he said.

The receptionist went back to typing on the computer. "Ok. I'll send it to your email on file. What about today though?" He asked.

"I'd like to try some boxing," Dave said.

The receptionist finished typing. "Ok. All done, follow me," he said.

The receptionist lead him into the hall.

Along one side was space to spar while on the other side the wall was lined with punching bags and some exercise equipment. Nowhere near as well equipped as the gym he was used to, but enough for the basics and he didn't join this gym for the equipment, but rather to receive some instruction and brush up on his techniques.

The hall was filled with a cacophony of sound. There were quite a few people already practicing all over the place.

He was brought over to a stocky looking guy. 

"Hey Don, I have someone interested in some personal guidance," The receptionist said.

Don turned to face them. Dave looked him up and down. Don was a little shorter than himself, but his physique was quite impressive none the less.

Don nodded at the receptionist. "Thanks, I'll take it from here," he said.

The receptionist didn't waste any time and left leaving Dave.

Don took a moment to look at him and nodded before extending his hand. "Alright, you seem to be in decent shape. As he said, I'm Don." He said.

Dave smiled and took his hand. "Dave. Nice to meet you," he said.

"Same. So... what is your level of experience?" Don asked curiously.

Dave sighed. As much as he was loath to admit it his father was very good at what he did. Even if it had been a few years without practice, his father had drilled the basics into him for both striking and ground techniques with ruthless efficiency.

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Writing Soundtrack: Motionless In White - Various Tracks

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