NeToRi System

74 – Working Up A Sweat

Dave smiled. “That’s great. I’ll make sure you are satisfied by my services,” he said.

She smiled back. “Would it be too much to ask for a session right now?” She asked.

He shook his head. “Not at all. My schedule is wide open,” he said with a chuckle.

She was silent for a moment seeming to be lost in thought. Plus ever since our youngest went to college I’ve had plenty of time on my hands,” she said. It seemed partially to encourage him, but also partially melancholic.

=The Gym, Cardio Room=

“Ok first we’re going to do a little cardio to warm up,” he said.

She looked at the machines witha little trepidation, but her gaze soon firmed with a confident nod. “Ok, let’s do this,” she said.

Dave actually ended up going easy on her though. Since it was her first sessions he was more focused on getting to know her and where she was at physically rather than actually trying to push any limits she might have.

He simply had her jog at a light pace for a little to warm up.

When he saw her look of relief when she finally got off the machine he smiled. “Not that bad right?” He asked.

She nodded slowly. “Yes I was expecting… more…” she said.

He chuckled. “I’ll leave that for future sessions. Let’s get to the weights and see how you do there,” he said.

=The Gym, Weights Rooms=

He looked around thinking about where to go with her. “Hmm, what are your goals with going to the gym?” He asked.

She was silent for a little as a blush spread across her face. “W-well…” she started hesitantly.

He smiled softly. “ Take your time… I won’t judge, I just want to make sure we go with exercises that match your goals,” he said.

She nodded. “Of course I want to lose some weight…” she started.

He nodded encouragingly.

“A-and I would like to work on my… b-butt…” she said growing quieter as the sentence progressed and her embarrassment her.

He smiled and shook his head. “No need to be embarrassed. It’s actually a very common goal… at least among the women that come here,” he said to reassure her.

She looked a little relieved.

“Is there anything else you would like to focus on?” He asked.

“I… I’m not sure… I hadn’t thought that much into it,” she said.

He gently placed his hand on her upper arm. “That’s okay. In that case let me ask you some questions and we’ll figure it out together,” he said taking his hand away before it would turn creepy.

He smiled. ‘Good. She doesn’t seem to mind me touching her. That’s at least a good baseline to start with. Hopefully it’s not just that I’m so young that she just sees me as a boy rather than a man. Not that that can’t be fixed,’ he thought.

Her nervous smile widened as it became more genuine. “That would be great,” she said.

“So let’s start with the most basic. How muscular do you want to be?” He asked.

Her eyes widened. “No not muscular,” she said quickly.

He chuckled. “You’ll probably want some, but I take it you don’t want them to be too big nor have a lot of definition then?” He asked.

She nodded slowly. “I don’t want to look like… a man,” she said.

“I completely understand, though I doubt you’d be able to look like a man,” he said with a chuckle.

He could tell the indirect compliment made her happy from the way she subtly straightened up and turned her body towards him.

“In that case we won’t have to go too hard on the cardio and we we can target specific muscle groups to achieve to look you want rather than going all out,” he said.

“We’ll focus on your glutes and chest to help add some lift and definition to your breasts and butt. We’ll also mix in a little bit of work on your back which should help with any possible… back pain you might be dealing with…” he said.

She blushed again, but nodded thoughtfully as she listened and seemed to agree.

“As for everything else we will go for a very light regiment to avoid bulking up too much in areas where it would make you look too muscular and focus on low weights for those areas. How does that sound?” He asked.

“Good… I think. I mean I’m not sure, but it sounds right. You’re the expert,” she said.

He smiled. “ well let’s try it out and if you don’t like anything we can adjust it as we go,” he said.

They slowly went through all the exercises with him making sure to clearly explain their purpose and the correct form as they went along. He made sure to both show her first and then help her by adjusting her form. This meant he had to touch her from time to time to correct it, but aside from some light blushes here and there she didn’t seem to have any resistance too his touch as long as he didn’t push it too far either with the location or duration.

He could have been more daring, but she was also his first client and if he went too far right away with his first client not only would he lose the client he might endanger his place at the gym as a whole. It wasn’t like he was a long established trainer with a lot of positive feedback to protect him in the case of any complaints.

Due to how dedicated he was in making the most of her first session they actually spent a whole two hours going over all of it with a relaxed pace.

=The Gym, Cafe=

They were relaxing with another drink after finishing the workout. 

She was still in her workout clothing with a light sheen due to sweating but wore an excited smile.

He handed her the iced coffee she asked for with a smile. “Sorry to keep you so long. I promise during a regular session all of this would easily fit in under an hour,” he said.

She shook her head and he caught a light whiff of her perfume mixed with sweat. It wasn’t unpleasant though.

“No no not at all. I’m glad you actually took so much time to help me. So no rush, rather it’s a very nice distraction from the usual,” she said sipping her iced coffee.

He smiled. “So how are you feeling about it?” He asked.

That seemed to break her out of her thoughts as she smiled again. “Great. I actually feel energized,” she said.

“In that case would you like to keep working with me?” He asked.

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Writing Soundtrack: Ice Nine Kills - Various Tracks

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