New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 19

“I think I speak for everyone, that we’re glad to see you out and encouraging the new generation of trainers, Champion Cynthia. Do you have any encouraging words for these up and comers you battled today?” The reporter said as he stuck his recording device outwards to catch her response.

Cynthia sat at the interview table, a sea of reporters all vying for her attention as they held in their eager questions. The flashes of cameras and rabid reporters were nothing new, and she knew what she was getting herself into when she’d joined this tourney. She leaned forward to speak into the mic as Swinub snorted and oinked in joy at his recent victories. “All the trainers who participated in the Junior Journey Cup should be proud of what they achieved here. You do not start strong, you grow to be strong. Together with your pokemon, you can achieve great things, and I hope to face you all as true competitors at this year’s Lily of the Valley Conference.”

As she leaned back away from the mic, Cynthia looked over the hoard of reporters and picked out one who looked to be new. The woman’s meekness reminded her of the young trainers she’d just battled. The woman seemed surprised at being chosen, but gave a giant smile as she stepped forward to ask her question. “Joline, from Poke Political Plaza. Your newest capture, Swinub, tore through the competition today. Did you do any special training for him to prepare for this event?”

Cynthia hid her smile as she responded casually, but professionally. This was the perfect opportunity to repay a debt. “I trained Swinub just like any of my other pokemon…”

The crowd seemed to deflate after hearing her words, but she wasn’t done. A slight smirk leaked through her facade as she continued. “But, I did have Swinub learn Mud Shot from a very proficient, up and coming Move Tutor. In only a single day, he taught Swinub the move Mud Shot, which you’ve seen throughout the tournament. I would like to personally thank him for his services.”

Like a school of Sharpedo, the reporters barked and hollered out their questions, creating an eruption of noise. They obviously smelt blood in the water.

She pointed to another reporter at random, and the expected topic came—All according to plan. “You used a move tutors services even though you’re champion? Can you elaborate on why you chose to seek out these services, and why you deemed it necessary?”

With no pause, she responded as she leaned forward and spoke in a flinty tone. “Firstly, it wasn’t necessary. I am the champion, I do not lack the ability to train my own pokemon. But, like every person in the world, I become busy. Especially after the recent raids on the crime syndicate rising throughout our great region. I had noticed this particular move tutor, and breeder, and recognised his talents. That is why I chose to use his services. To all those out there listening, there is no shame in getting help from a professional.”

The reporter looked miffed at his failed instigation, but sat down without another word. Cynthia picked out another reporter at random, and they had a proper question. “You said that this person was a move tutor and a breeder. Who was the person the champion chose to help her pokemon, and what made you choose them over others?”

“It was a man who had recently traveled to Sinnoh with the hopes of starting anew. While he wasn’t a battler, he showed the utmost care for his own pokemon, and that alone was enough for me to entrust him with my newest partner. His name is Ethan Reed, and he is situated deep within Eterna Forest. I have no complaints about his services, and I will use them again should the need arise.”

The next reporter she motioned toward had an inquisitive look. “You said deep within Eterna Forest? Out of all places, why would he go there? Surely a man with the talent to teach a champion’s pokemon could choose anywhere?”

“I do not know his reasons, but that is where he is. The deeper regions of Eterna Forest are filled with danger, so to those newer trainers looking to get a leg up in the competition. Listen to me carefully…” She leaned in and looked directly at a nearby camera. “Do not press your luck. You and your partner's safety is paramount. Be prepared and be strong when you venture forth into the deep wilds. That’ll be all from me. I hope you all enjoyed the Junior Journey Cup, and I wish the best of luck to all the participants in the future.”

Cynthia stood and swept her black trench coat to the side as she released her oldest and closest friend, Garchomp. Her ferocious dragon leaned forward with a smirk, and she grinned back as she hopped onto her back. Without a word, she launched into the air, carrying them off toward Celestic town.

With the wind blowing her long blond hair back, she gazed off toward the direction of Eterna Forest. While she couldn’t do much for Ethan without giving away his origins, she could give him some well needed publicity. He chose a horrid location for his operation, but she understood that he had some attachments there. He’d see some eager trainers stopping by soon, and if she were to hazard a guess… There would be a lot of them.


Ethan watched as Alba and her construction crew flew away towards Eterna. It’d been a little over a week, and he couldn’t help but smile at his new and completed ranch.

As always, his berry trees stood tall, healthy, and strong. That section of his clearing didn’t change very much, only having an added fence around the exterior and a wooden plank path leading down each of the rows.

The other parts of his clearing saw clear improvements. The meadow, which had been an empty field of rapidly growing grass, now had a large 50x50 foot pond which was filled with crystal clear water and deep enough to not see the bottom. He’d introduced some of the creek pokemon into it, and they appeared much livelier here than in the shallow waters. Currently, he had some Magikarp, a few Feebas, a pair of Marill, and a lone Krabby.

The bright red Magikarp didn’t seem to act too differently than they had previously, but he treated them with the same care he treated the rest of his pokemon. Hopefully, they’d soon develop some personality.

The Feebas were much more distinct. They would often rise to the surface when he approached, opening and closing their mouths. They stared at him with anticipation for the incoming berries, and would even hop out of the water to catch them as he tossed them out above the waters. They were… quite ugly, but he knew what they could evolve into. Maybe one day, if he tried hard enough, he’d get a Milotic to guard his pond.

The two Marill happily floated on the waters, largely ignored by the Feebas and Magikarp. Their frequent hand-holding while floating was one of the most adorable things he had ever seen. They held hands to avoid being separated as they floated about and occasionally left the water to walk over toward his farm to grab a few of the fallen berries.

He’d gotten them to follow him with the allure of free food and friendly pokemon, and they’d agreed to help him out with watering some plants in exchange. They were very relaxed, and didn’t seem to mind the change in location at all. It was slightly surprising, but Ethan wasn’t going to look a gift Ponyta in the mouth.

The Krabby was a mean, grouchy little guy. He’d snip and snap at anyone who came near, and liked to perch on the lone rock sticking out of the pond like a little island. He gazed over his domain like he owned the place. The crab pokemon hadn’t even been invited. He’d just shown up one day and acted like he was the boss. He never went out of his way to attack the other pokemon, and as long as that was the case, Ethan was more than willing to let him be. The second he started trouble, he’d get Pachirisu to show him who the real boss is.

There was a small cobblestone path leading up to the pond, which ran right through his small ranch, past his new home, and out into the forest to connect to the offshoot of route 205. The Conkeldurr had spent the majority of its time creating concrete to make enough slabs for the path, and even chiseled the blocks to make them look natural. He didn’t know much about the fighting type pokemon, but its skill with concrete was second to none.

His new home was by far the best thing to be constructed. Although it was small, it was more than enough for him alone. On the front of the house, three wooden steps led up to a circular double door which swung inwards, leading into his living room. He had a couch, TV, coffee table, and everything one would need to feel at home. Looker had gone above and beyond.

He had a fully functioning kitchen, with a granite countertop, fridge, dishwasher, sink, and enough storage for all of his new silverware, plates, and food. In the corner, next to the small square dining table, a small wooden hatch with a connected ladder led down into a miniature cellar, which was currently stocked with berries. Inside the cellar, a two foot tall tunnel led off into the earth, connecting to where Shuckle’s burrow was. Shuckle could come and go, stocking his cellar whenever it was needed.

Further inside his new home, he had a bedroom with a king-sized bed—when he first saw it, he cried tears of joy, much to the construction crew's confusion. The room featured an empty wardrobe, a nightstand, and a TV mounted on the far wall. Sunlight streamed through a small glass window, casting a warm glow onto the wooden floorboards and the bright pokeball shaped rug at the foot of the bed. Looking outside the window revealed his seven Oddish friends, their spot miraculously untouched by the construction.

The room came with an attached bathroom, complete with modern plumbing. Despite its small size, the shower was a welcome luxury, especially considering the alternative of… nothing.

There was a small guest room which was furnished with the same furnishing as his bedroom, but instead of a king-sized bed, it had a smaller twin. It also didn’t have an attached bathroom, which would probably cause some awkward situations when someone needed to use the bathroom during the night, as the only bathroom was in his bedroom.

Near the dining room table, a small wooden door led out onto his new patio, which was a smooth plane of wood, raised about a foot off the ground. There were some lines of thread to be used for a clothesline, and a rocking chair to relax in right next to a fire pit. The new well was right next to the steps which led down toward the Oddish, easily in range for all of his future cooking adventures.

Near the entrance to his clearing, marked clearly by his new cobblestone path, a plain small dirt training field was ready for use. Next to it, a campsite with a circular fire pit rested, ready to be lit.

Ethan was extremely satisfied by what had been gifted to him. The construction of this ranch must have cost millions of pokedollars, and it would have taken a long, long time to get enough capital and connections needed to get this built by himself.

Hopefully, with the signs he had placed earlier this week along Route 205, some trainers would take the risk to travel here. All he needed was business, and then he could see what he was truly capable of.

Ethan walked off toward his new, much smaller farm—This one filled not with berries, but with his vegetables and rice. With the help of the Oddish, they were almost ready to be harvested.

Chatot fluttered onto his left shoulder and chirped a melodic melody.

♫ Chaa-tooot! ♫”

Shuckle heard the bird song and stuck his yellow head out of his burrow, curious about what was going on.

Then, Pachirisu came flying out of the nearby forest with a giant smile and spread limbs, directly toward his face. “Pachiiiiiiiiiii”

With a face full of fur, Ethan laughed.

This was the beginning of something truly amazing. He could feel it.

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