New Beginnings – A Pokemon Slice of Life. [OC/Isekai/Move Tutor/Breeder]

Chapter 24

Do to popular demand (Please stop sending me messages on other sites.) I'll keep posting New Beginnigs here.

“For the sake of saving both me and you a lot of time, I’m going to speak to you all as a group. If anything I say or ask concerns you, please don’t hesitate to speak up. If you would prefer for me to speak to you individually and privately, please raise your hand and I’ll meet with you after this talk. Any questions before I begin?” Ethan once again stood on his patio as he spoke down toward the small group of trainers in front of him. Their pokemon relaxing by their sides.

Seeing that no hands raised up in the air, Ethan gave them all a gentle smile. “Firstly, I see no problem with teaching or daycaring your pokemon. For the two of you who asked for the daycare service, I am asking the median price of thirty thousand per week. If your pokemon happens to make an egg during their stay, and you wish to let me keep the egg, the price will be cut in half. A fifty percent discount. Is this agreeable?” Ethan asked, looking at the two trainers who’d requested this service. He received two happily surprised and enthusiastic nods. They probably expected him to charge more, given who had advertised for him.

“Perfect. One thing of note before we finalize the deal…” Ethan said, causing their faces to swap from happiness to a rapt attention. “I do not stock the standard pokechow here at my ranch. If you would like your pokemon to continue eating the pokechow, I will, of course, feed it to them if you provide it. If not, they will eat the berries growing here as a substitute. Is this agreeable?”

It wasn’t just the two trainers requesting the daycare service who gave him stupefied looks, all of them did. They looked as if he said the moon was made out of cheese. After an awkward cough, Ethan carried on. “I’ll take all of your slightly offending looks as an okay. Dunsparce and Blitzle, feel free to roam about my ranch to your heart's content.”

As the people in front tried to school their faces and the two daycare pokemon sauntered off with their trainers to explore, Ethan looked through his notes. “For those of you leaving your pokemon with me to get tutored while you continue on your journey, I am going to ask the same thirty thousand per week, if it takes that long, which I don’t think it will, and fifty thousand for the moves. Any questions or concerns?”

A hand rose into the sky, and Ethan nodded in their direction. “What would the price of the stay be if it was only a few days?”

Ethan smiled. “Perfect question. If hypothetically, the move took three days to learn, and you didn’t come back for a whole week, I would still charge the one week hosting fee. If you come back on day six, then I would ask half the price. If you somehow don’t come back for your pokemon after two weeks, then the standard rates would apply.”

Those leaving their pokemon with him nodded as if that made sense and was agreeable, letting Ethan let out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure if what he was doing was too complicated, as he was working on the fly, but it made sense to him. As long as he understood how it worked, that is what mattered. He was the one doing everything after all.

“Perfect. One of you has a carnivorous pokemon, and I am sad to say that I do not eat meat myself, nor will I go out and collect a pokemon to feed them with either. Your pokemon may roam the surrounding forests to find a meal to supplement themselves if the berries I provide aren't good enough or needed. I ask that you talk with your partner to see if this is a deal breaker. If you have the pokechow you normally feed them, that would also work as it contains the necessary nutrients.” Ethan waited with bated breath as he listened for any discontent about the meals for the carnivorous pokemon. Thankfully, they all seemed to accept the fact that he wasn’t willing to go outside his own comfort zone.

“Next, for those of you staying here at the camping spot located near the entrance. There will be no camping fee, just the price of me teaching your pokemon. During your stay, you will not harm or attempt to catch any of the wild pokemon who come and go on my ranch. If you are caught doing so, you will be fined five million pokedollars and be forced to release your capture. This is non-negotiable. If you and a wild pokemon come to an agreement and wish to join amicably, then by all means, you’re free to do so, but there will be no battling and capturing on my ranch. Is this understood?” Ethan asked, resolute in his stance. This was a deal breaker for him.

Seeing no discontent, Ethan carried on. “You and your pokemon are free to partake in my berries for the duration of your stay. You may roam about and explore my ranch freely, and you may use the training field provided as you deem fit. During the training of your pokemon, you may watch or even join in with the training. Don't hesitate to jump in and correct me if you think there's a more effective way to handle your Pokémon. These are your friends, partners, and family, and I completely understand and won’t be offended if you choose to do so. The prices of the moves, bar Stored Power, will be set at fifty thousand pokedollars. Stored power will be taught at seventy thousand, given its complexity. Is this agreeable?”

Joji, the man with the Noctowl learning Stored Power, meekly raised his hand. Ethan nodded for him to ask his question as he stored his phone in his pocket. “Why is Stored Power more complex?”

“Stored Power increases in strength in accordance to the amount of stat increases your pokemon has. If your Noctowl does not know any stat buffing moves, it’s going to be a very long and grueling uphill battle. If it does know some stat increasing moves, then it will be working with both of them in conjunction with one another to get a feel for Store Power.” Ethan said, garnering a bunch of impressed looks—not that he deserved it. He wasn’t an expert.

Joji seemed content after hearing the explanation and lowered his hand. “Perfect! Let’s not waste any time and get things underway.”


After the quick meeting, the four trainers who were leaving their pokemon with Ethan paid him upfront through their phones, pokegear, or in one case, cash. They each said goodbye to their partners and had private conversations with them before they waved back to their friends as they left to continue on their journey.

Ethan gestured over the four pokemon and motioned them toward the training field. He took in a deep breath and patted Chatot, who rested on his left shoulder as he prepared himself to teach so many pokemon at once.

Chatot was very interested in the new pokemon who had come to rest and train at his ranch. She chattered and chirped as she fluttered her wings as she watched the Growlithe, Sneasel, Hitmonlee, and Gogoat walk off with one another toward the training field.

This, of course, wasn’t all the pokemon he’d be teaching, but it was the group that had been left behind with him. Just the few he’d need to personally care for alongside the Dunsparce and Blitzle.

It was obvious that Chatot had never seen or heard of these pokemon before. So, Ethan brought out his phone and used the PocketDex to gather some information for her, and both himself as a refresher.

“Dunsparce — The Land Snake Pokemon: Dunsparce spends most of its time burrowing deep underground, creating intricate tunnel systems that can stretch for miles. Its drill-like tail is perfectly suited for digging through tough soil and rock. When threatened, Dunsparce can use these tunnels to quickly escape from predators. Despite its shy nature, it is capable of defending itself with a surprising array of moves if cornered.”

“Blitzle — The Electrified Pokemon: Blitzle's mane crackles with electricity, which it uses to communicate with others of its kind or to discharge excess energy. It generates electricity by galloping, storing the energy in its body to unleash powerful electric attacks. Blitzle can often be seen grazing in open fields, its mane lighting up like a beacon during thunderstorms. The blinking pattern of its mane is also a good indication of its mood, with brighter flashes signaling excitement or agitation.”

“Growlithe — The Puppy Pokemon: Growlithe is fiercely loyal and protective of its trainer. Its keen sense of smell allows it to track scents over great distances, making it an excellent partner for law enforcement. When it feels threatened, Growlithe can unleash a burst of intense flames to deter attackers. Despite its bravery, it remains gentle and playful with those it trusts. While not true for all Growlithe, they seem to tend toward loving spicy flavors in their food.”

Sneasel — The Sharp Claw Pokemon: Sneasel is a cunning and agile predator, known for its sharp claws and swift movements. It often hunts in packs, using coordinated attacks to overwhelm its prey. Sneasel's claws are also used to climb trees and carve out nests in the trunk. Its dark, sleek fur helps it blend into the shadows, making it a master of stealth. While Sneasels are pack hunters, they may rarely be found alone when attempting to evolve in the wild."

“Hitmonlee — The Kicking Pokemon: Hitmonlee is a rare pokemon, renowned for their powerful and precise kicks. Their legs can extend and retract, allowing them to deliver strikes from unexpected distances. Hitmonlees train relentlessly to improve their balance and flexibility, often meditating to enhance their focus. In battle, they use a variety of martial arts techniques, making them a formidable opponent. Hitmonlee is one of the three possible evolutions of Tyrogue — The Scuffle Pokemon"

“Gogoat — The Mount Pokemon: Gogoat is known for its gentle nature and incredible strength. It can carry people and heavy loads with ease, making it a reliable companion for long journeys. Gogoat has a unique ability to sense the emotions of its rider through the horns on its head, creating a deep bond of trust the longer one rides. It thrives in mountainous regions, using its surefootedness to navigate rough terrain. Gogoat's true speed is unleashed when found on flat ground, although its turning ability is hindered.”

Chatot listened closely as the voice from the app spoke about the pokemon before her. Once the voice was done, she flicked her eyes toward the Gogoat who was happily trotting down the path toward the training field. Ethan, knowing his pokemon, narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you da—”

Then, Chatot launched off his shoulder and flew straight toward Gogoat to land on its horns. Gogoat, not expecting a sudden passenger, bucked like a horse or bull, then sprinted off down the path at breakneck speeds while screaming its name.

“♫ Chaa-tooot! ♫”

Ethan facepalmed as the eyes of the other three pokemon slowly turned back to look at him. He raised a finger to explain himself, but saw Chatot hurriedly fluttering through the air back towards him, fear clearly displayed in her eyes.

GOGOAT!” An angry and insulted Gogoat raced after her on the ground.

Ethan looked from Chatot to the Gogoat, then to his left shoulder and connected the dots. “Don’t you dare bring this back to me!” Ethan shouted in a panic.

Seeing the rampaging goat on a direct path straight towards him, its eyes focused on the sky above, locked onto Chatot, Ethan returned Chatot into her pokeball. Gogoat, seeing his foe disappear, looked back ahead of him to see Ethan standing in his path. Its eyes widened in panic as it pushed its feet into the concrete in a desperate attempt to slow down.

Ethan, like a deer in the headlights, panicked and watched the scene unfold in front of him. Instead of doing the smart thing and diving out of the way, he chose to be an idiot and grabbed Gogoat’s horns as it came barreling toward him. He planted his feet into the ground, shoving against the goat pokemon. He strained with all his might in an attempt to slow the pokemon, and eventually, his effort bore fruit.

With a white knuckled grip onto Gogoats horns, Ethan heaved for air as his now wobbly legs gave out. All his strength was used in the moronic attempt to slow down the goat. Gogoat, for his part, just stared blankly at Ethan, who had managed to come out unscratched from its charge.

A slow clapping was heard from off the beaten path, and Ethan managed to see Sneasel’s grin as it clapped mockingly at his attempt to save his life.

“Ha—Haha. Very funny.” Ethan managed to utter out between breaths as he righted himself on shaky legs.

“Okay… Sorry about Chatot, Gogoat. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again. You have my word. Feel free to grab some berries on your way to the training field as an apology. I’ll get Chatot to properly apologize to you later.”

The Gogoat didn’t move. It continued to stare at Ethan like he’d grown another head. It owlishly blinked its eyes, knocking itself out of its confusion, then walked around Ethan and dipped its head under his legs, launching Ethan onto its back. Ethan gripped its horns in a panic, but slowly loosened its grip as he realized he was getting a free ride.

“Th—Thanks. Sorry again.”

The Gogoat huffed but plodded along down the road, catching up to the other three pokemon who had continued toward the training field.

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