New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 980: Reaching The Cauldron

Chapter 980: Reaching The Cauldron

After exiting the back of the building, the group found themselves on the vast empty plain that led toward the volcano, and little sighs of awe escaped from their lips.

It was an inspiring sight, even when interlaced with the winding path of cobblestone and wooden rails that led toward the forest. On the backsplash of this decor, they could see that same wooden railing snake up the side of the mountain, climbing the side of the volcano.

The forest, although not too long and a few hundred meters ahead of them, was filled with distinct Korean Pine trees, all of which had been trimmed at the base, to both keep people from climbing them, but also to allow a nice breathable path through.

Walking the distance between the building and the forest proceeded smoothly, and the group only fell on high alert once the trees covered the sky overhead. From this point on, their

visibility was reduced enough for it to be a risk.

At least, it would have been for normal people.

Immediately as they lost visual of the sky, mana sense waves blasted out, covering an array of distances, and with it, the area was completely under their purview again. But they didn't relax just yet.

"Starting here, I think it would be best we rearm ourselves," Alex pointed out.

They had all thought it would have to wait for them to be at the top of the volcano, since they thought they would get escorted. But since they were left to their own devices, thanks to Kary's quick thinking and heavy greasing of paws, they could do so freely right now, where people couldn't see them.

With but a thought from Violette and Jonathan, the orb that contained their gear was brought back down from the sky, the cloud appearance on it quickly fading away as they brought it down blazingly fast.

A bit of frost had started forming on the orb, given the height at which they had kept it hovering, but it was no issue for Violette, who melted it without a second glance before dispelling the water and laying their gear down.

Everyone quickly put the armour over their clothes, Kary quickly jumping in to help Winston with his, since the plating armour required a bit of finesse and some extra hands to strap correctly.

Over the course of the next five minutes, everyone prepared themselves as much as they could, both physically and mentally, and Liu Yan watched them hype each other up like a sports team getting ready to head into the field.

was now rushing past their face, bringing in the salty smell of the sea.

"Man... This would have been an amazing moment, had we not been in danger..." Alex said, looking over the horizon.

"I mean, we could take a break and enjoy the scenery for a moment. No?" Killian asked, looking at the scene with nostalgia.

This sight wasn't too uncommon to him, who lived on the hilly sea sides of England.

But Alex shook his head.

"I'm afraid we won't get that leisure. The harpies started getting agitated over the southeast lip. I think they felt our presence," Alex declared, pointing his sword over to the other side of

the volcano.

Already, piercing screeches started echoing in the wind, sending the very few seagulls flying away in panic.

They couldn't see the enemies yet, but those with mana senses reaching further started feeling their presence.

"We better get off this ledge as fast as we can, lest we get thrown off mid fight. The way down won't be forgiving for anyone falling down," Alex said, starting to jog and slide his way down the rocky ridge after jumping the small barrier in place.

They needed to have solid ground around them if they wanted to reduce that kind of possibility. Harpies were well known for taking their prey high and dropping them off cliffs,

after all.

"Come on! What are you waiting for!" he shouted, as he slid down a steeper slope.

Already, dark spots appeared over the opposite side of the volcano cauldron.

Battle was imminent.

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