New Love

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: New Love

Seeing Lu Nianzhi’s first glance, Jiang Yun thought he had recognized the wrong person, and did not dare to confirm until the other party got closer.

This bar was opened in 2000. The style is relatively old. The wine it sells is low-end. The business is not very good. The people who come here are usually regular customers. They have gathered here when they first entered college. Yes, it’s been that way for years. She was really surprised to see Lu Nianzhi here. This was something she had never encountered before. Lu Nianzhi seldom came to such low-end recreational places. He was not short of money. place.

The lights in the bar were dim, especially in the southwest corner where they sat. The light was so weak that it was impossible to see who was sitting here.

When Lu Nianlu passed this way, Jiang Yun lowered her head slightly and drank casually. She was wearing He Yu’s clothes today, pure black suspenders and hot pants. not easily recognized.

Lu Nianzhi walked by not far away, and didn’t seem to notice her in the corner.

In fact, there is no need to hide, but Jiang Yun still avoided it, pretending that she didn’t see it, and when the pedestrian walked a certain distance, she raised her head and looked over there with her peripheral vision.

The trendy girls still pull Lu Nianzhi, always talking and laughing, and occasionally chatting with other people, very youthful and energetic. She has long hair, permed and put down the popular wool roll, tall and tall, with a red earphone hanging around her neck. She is not very old, about eighteen or nineteen years old.

And Lu Nianzhi’s outfit tonight matches the trendy girls very well. They are all lazy, with a wide black T and trousers, his shoulder-length hair is **** at will, and he is wearing a string of retro bracelets on his hands.

– She hadn’t worn it before, maybe it was from a trendy girl, like that girl’s style.

They chose a seat, in the more secluded northwest direction.

Jiang Yun put down the wine glass, and couldn’t help but look more, looking over there without a trace.

Lu Nianzhi sat down with his back to this side, and the trendy girls immediately passed over, and then took the initiative to order wine for everyone.

It was too far apart to hear what the pedestrian was talking about.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t speak much. He basically listened to other people talking, and occasionally he would pick up a sentence or two. Whenever this time, trendy girls would say something to her with a smile. Although Lu Nianzhi didn’t take the initiative, he was left to the other party from beginning to end, and he wouldn’t be impatient at all. He seemed to condone the girl.

Jiang Yun has no intention of peeping into other people’s privacy, but just a little involuntarily.

She hadn’t heard anyone say that Lu Nianzhi had a girlfriend. If she had, she must have met her in the morning. How could she have such a relationship with her, but from Lu Nianzhi’s attitude, trendy girls should be the closer ones, maybe very A good friend may be ambiguous like her, but the girl is more open and not afraid of being discovered.

Jiang Yun has heard a lot of rumors about Lu Nianzhi from other people, some good and some bad. Someone in Lu Nianzhi’s circle of friends said that there are many rumors about this person, and he has always had a good time.

She doesn’t like to spy on other people’s private lives. She doesn’t care when she hears these words, and she doesn’t even go to verify them.

It’s not tasty, just a little uncomfortable.

However, it is normal to have such emotions. After all, I have been intimate a few times, and I have taken them home. I will always mind when I meet them face to face, regardless of whether they care.

Jiang Yunyun took another sip from the glass of wine, and withdrew his gaze, his thoughts wandered for a while before he regained his mind.

Seeing that she was distracted from time to time, the friend who was sitting beside her patted her on the shoulder and asked curiously, “Sister Yun, what’s wrong with you, why are you uneasy?”

Suddenly being photographed, Jiang Yun almost didn’t hold the cup, her heart tightened, but she didn’t show it, her face was still so calm.

“No, it’s just that I’m a little tired after drinking, and I can’t lift myself up.”

“It’s been a long time since I drank, and I’m tired without two cups.” The friend said unbelievably, but he didn’t feel too embarrassed, and then went down the steps again, “Just now Yuan Ruo called you a few times, but you didn’t respond. , what are you thinking about, or is there another problem with your work?”

Jiang Yun was indifferent, didn’t tell the truth, and put a few words away from his friend.

The woman in the long skirt sitting opposite suddenly remembered something, and after chatting, she looked over and asked, “Xiaoyun, why did you resign? I went to your department to do business two days ago, and I wanted to have a meal with you. Yes, but your manager said that you resigned last month and did a good job, why did you just leave, did something happen?”

Jiang Yun’s development has been good in the past two years, and she is still valued in the original company. At the beginning of next year, the deputy manager of the department was going to be promoted. The intention was to make her the successor, but before the time came, Jiang Yun suddenly submitted a letter of resignation. Can’t stay.

The woman in the long skirt works with Jiang Yun in the same company. She is 30 years old. She is the leader of the company.

She is a strong woman who prioritizes her work. She doesn’t understand what happened to Jiang Yun, so she has to resign. Therefore, even if she guessed that there might be something unspeakable, she still couldn’t help asking face-to-face. After all, the auto industry is not easy to get along, and it has been even more difficult in recent years. It was so hard to wait for an opportunity for promotion, but Jiang Yun was so sloppy, which is really regrettable and incomprehensible.

Jiang Yun knew that the woman in the long skirt was well-intentioned. After thinking about it, he said truthfully, “I’ve been working for too long, I need to adjust it, and I want to rest for a while.”

Humans are not machines. There is too much pressure and too many things to do. She can’t stand it when she accumulates it. She still has a lot of troubles to solve later. It would be better to give up one properly.

The woman in the long skirt still disagreed, but she didn’t say too much, “You can apply for a sabbatical, it’s too impulsive.”

Jiang Yun didn’t explain much, just perfunctory a few words, she came out to relax tonight, she didn’t want to mention her personal emotional affairs.

The woman in the long skirt did not continue to persuade her, but only said that she could find herself if she needed help in the future, and she could go back to the original company, and there was a way to find her in another way.

Her kindness to Jiang Yun was accepted and kept in mind.

“Thank you Miss Wen.”

The woman in the long skirt waved her hand, “Don’t talk about this, you just need to adjust it earlier, I can’t help you much.”

The questioning is over. He Yu knew that Jiang Yun didn’t want to talk more, so he diverted the topic at this moment. A group of people were drinking and talking about other things, which were all trivial things in life and work.

There are more people here tonight, and there are people who are close to each other. Such gatherings don’t happen often, so everyone talks a lot and babbles non-stop.

In fact, the lives of these people are not particularly smooth, although not too bad, but not as good as expected, more or less unsatisfactory.

Some people are wandering between the choice between love and career, some children are two or three years old, but they are about to file a lawsuit for divorce, and some people lose money in business and owe debts and have to sell their houses as mortgages… Everyone has their own difficulties. Not as good as it seems.

In contrast, Jiang Yun is still reluctant, at least there is still room for choice.

My friend Yuan Ruo is the most bleak one. Due to various practical helplessness, he broke up peacefully with his girlfriend who had been in love with him for many years last year. He was dismissed at the beginning of the year, and the newly found job was not very good. The child is entangled.

The child is the sister of an ex-girlfriend who is still in high school. On a rainy day, he came to block her and refused to leave, saying that her sister had died unexpectedly, and she would follow Yuan Ruoguan in the future.

Yuan Ruo misses the old love, and temporarily keeps this small oil bottle.

Yuan Ruo took the initiative to talk about his ex-girlfriend Shen Li, and there was no sad expression on his face, but he never smiled from beginning to end.

Shen Li died in a car accident. Not only did she lose her life, but she also crippled others. Now the debt collectors are chasing after her, and they’re arguing every once in a while.

Jiang Yun listened silently by the side, until a friend said with emotion: “Among our bunch, Sister Yun and He Yu are now living more comfortably. One is accompanied by a loved one, and the other is free. I really can’t envy it.”

She didn’t know how to respond for a while, and after a while, she replied nonchalantly, “You’re living quite comfortably, better than me.”

The friend smiled and came over to take her to drink.

After everyone said what was in their hearts, no one was sad, but after two minutes of laughter, they began to drink together.

Jiang Yun drank a lot in a row, and got really tired at the back. He leaned his back against the sofa and didn’t move, watching the others continue. The number of people in the bar gradually increased, and it was noisier than when they first arrived, and all kinds of noisy conversations around it made people uncomfortable.

She closed her eyes and slowed down, and after a while, she subconsciously opened her eyes and looked to the northwest.

Lu Nian’s pedestrians were still there and did not leave. After a long time, the table in front of these people was full of empty wine bottles.

The trendy girl didn’t seem to be drinking, and was the most sober of the group. She said something with a smile, and after a while, she took off the earphones around her neck, turned around and said something to Lu Nianzhi, and then affectionately said something to Lu Nianzhi. Hang the earphones around Lu Nianzhi’s neck.

Lu Nianzhi has always had a bad temper and doesn’t like to be too close to people around him. He was not angry about it, and there was not even a trace of anger on his face.

Girls are more spoiled and a little dissatisfied with this.

Lu Nianzhi was a little impatient, but he still held back his temper and said something, and the other party stopped making trouble.

Looking at it from a distance, Jiang Yun’s calm eyes deepened by two points, but there was no change in his face, and he didn’t have much reaction to it.

After all, they are people who don’t matter, they get what they need from each other. Even if they see something with their own eyes, they won’t be as angry as when they found out that Qin Zhao had cheated.

Perhaps aware of the sight here, Lu Nianzhi, who put his hands on his legs and lowered his upper body slightly, suddenly tilted his head and almost collided with Jiang Yun’s gaze.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun reacted in a timely manner and avoided it in advance. She leaned back a little further, completely hiding herself in the shadow where the light could not shine, so as not to be discovered by the other party.

Lu Nianzhi withdrew his gaze and turned his head after just glancing at this side without taking a closer look.

She was almost found and narrowly escaped. Jiang Yun should have breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart was unusually calm. She didn’t take the risk to look over there, conscious that it would be embarrassing to bump into, so she sat back on the sofa and didn’t move.

June nights are boring, even if the air-conditioning in the bar is fully turned on, it is still boring.

Jiang Yun felt a little uncomfortable, but she wasn’t so drunk that she couldn’t stand still. When she got to the last round of drinking, she wanted to go out to get some air, so she said to He Yu and the others, “Drink first, I’ll go out and smoke a root. cigarette.”

Knowing that she is addicted to smoking, everyone did not stop her, but only warned: “Smoke less, and call if you have anything.”

Jiang Yun snorted and deliberately walked halfway around the bar, avoiding Lu Nianzhi’s side.

The weather tonight is really dry, the temperature is not low, and it will be sultry as soon as it comes out. She didn’t block the door, but stood under the old tree at the far corner, and was silent for half a minute, then she came out and touched the smoke skillfully.

The sky tonight is clean, there are no stars all over the place, only a faint full moon hangs in the center, which is quite lonely.

Jiang Yun habitually bit the cigarette holder, rolled it flexibly with the tip of his tongue, took a breath and took it away, quietly watching the street not far away while exhaling the smoke slowly.

The lights of Xincheng Road are not bright enough, too weak, with a languid beauty, which is deeply pressing in the hearts of people.

She hadn’t been here for a long time. She was very familiar with every corner of the place, but she suddenly felt unfamiliar.

In the past, when I was peaceful and calm, I never felt this way, but after breaking up with Qin Zhao, I have it, especially tonight, just like the leaves on the old tree in front of me. Any more belongings can only fall to the ground and rot.

Of course, it may also be that I have been drinking too many times recently, and I have an illusion and I am not sober.

Jiang Yun gathered his thoughts, pointed the cigarette body twice with his middle finger, shook off the ash, and after a few seconds of silence, he raised his hand to continue.

But before the cigarette was in his mouth, there was a voice behind him.

“How do you avoid me?”

She was stunned and looked back.

Lu Nianzhi came over and stood half a step away.

Jiang Yun’s throat tightened and he didn’t know how to answer. After a while, he said softly, “No.”

The tone was flat, without any ups and downs, not lying.

She really wanted to hide, but she quietly walked away when she found this person entering the bar.

She looked at each other calmly, and asked back, “What are you doing out here, are you leaving?”

Lu Nianzhi didn’t answer first, but took the cigarette from her fingers and took a breath. Just like last time, he smothered the cigarette and exhaled the smoke before he calmly replied, “Come out and see you.”

It’s direct, without any twists and turns, and don’t be too candid.

If Jiang Yun couldn’t find an answer after hitting this straight ball, he could only be silent. She didn’t dodge, she still looked at Lu Nianzhi.

Lu Nianzhi said again, “The one who came in with me, called Lu Shixing, came here to play for a few days after the exam. Her mother had to let me take it with me, for fear that the little girl would run wild and cause trouble.”

In a simple sentence, I didn’t specifically explain what it had to do with trendy girls, but it explained everything clearly.

In fact, there is no need to make it so clear, but when I came out to see Jiang Yun, I still said it.

Jiang Yun seemed to have not expected this person to be so straightforward, and as soon as he came, he hummed for a long time.

However, Lu Nianzhi felt that it was not enough, so he leaned over and touched the corner of her lips lightly.

This man drank a lot, and the alcohol smell was very heavy, so he must be drunk.

She raised Jiang Yun’s chin, let Jiang Yuncheng follow her, and said in a low voice, “I have an apartment nearby, come to my place tonight…”

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