New Love

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: New Love.

The windows of the room are wide open, and from time to time there is a warm wind blowing in from the outside. The position of the two of them is not hidden, facing the window, and diagonally below is the place for gathering in the backyard. You can see them hugging each other.

Jiang Yun’s heart throbbed, Lu Nianyi put his hand on her back, and clasped her ten fingers with the other, so that she would not have any room to retreat.

This person’s fingers are slender and white, and the knuckles are distinct and beautiful. The palm is bigger than Jiang Yun’s, and she can wrap Jiang Yun tightly at once. Her palm is a little hot, warmer than Jiang Yun’s.

Jiang Yun clenched his hands involuntarily, and at the same time grabbed the opponent.

Lu Nianzhi hugged her and took her a small step aside, so that the people downstairs could not see the secrets here.

Feeling that the back of her hand was constantly being rubbed, Jiang Yun’s eyelashes trembled, Lu Nianzhi grasped very hard, like rubbing her hand into pieces, rubbing the back of her cold white hand red, but she still kept restrained.

Jiang Yun was a little hurt, but he didn’t intend to break free, but looked up at the man.

Lu Nianzhi was a bit nasty, not only did not stop, but instead grabbed her finger and gently rubbed Jiang Yun’s **** with the pulp of his finger.

Extremely ambiguous.

Obviously she didn’t do anything, not even any intimacy, but Jiang Yun couldn’t control her ears. She didn’t plan to take back the headband, she just pretended, but Lu Nianzhi took it seriously and did it on purpose.

She raised her head slightly to look at Lu Nianzhi, her red lips half-opened and half-closed, she wanted to say something, but she took it back when she was about to say it, murmured for a while, deliberately ignoring what the man had just done, and changed her mind to ask, “You’re not going down yet. ?”

Lu Nianzhi said, “No hurry.”

“They are all waiting below, it’s time to come up to you later.” Jiang Yun said softly.

As if he hadn’t heard this sentence, Lu Nianzhi replied, “I’ll take you back later, wait for them to leave first.”

“No,” Jiang Yun said, feeling that the person’s palms were getting warmer, so he shrank his knuckles, but he was caught even tighter with a little movement. Without kneading, she paused, her breath stagnated for a while, and then she continued, “I came by car, I will go back by myself.”

“You drank.” Lu Nianzhi said.

In fact, Jiang Yun only drank two sips of beer, and it was enough to rest for a while. She could drive later, she didn’t answer, and she didn’t know whether to agree or refuse.

The two hugged each other like this, and as soon as they raised their heads to face each other, their slightly burning breaths were intertwined with each other, regardless of each other, and because they were too close, they could feel each other’s every movement and everything. breath.

Lu Nianzhi didn’t drink.

She is Lu Shixing’s aunt and the owner of the house. Today is Lu Shixing’s birthday party. She should be drinking with a group of friends, but she hasn’t drank a drop of alcohol. And now she should accompany those people below, but she just left Zhang Yi and the others, and went upstairs to get something.

Jiang Yun didn’t deliberately probe into her thoughts, and didn’t touch her deeply. Even if she sensed a trace of intriguing unusualness, she still didn’t respond. She just looked at Lu Nianzhi quietly, her rosy lips moved, and she wanted to speak again. end.

The two of them were pressed together like this, almost lip-to-lip. As long as Lu Nianzhi was a little lower, or she moved up a little, she would be able to touch each other immediately.

There was a cold fragrance on Lu Nianzhi’s body, which was faint and hooked people all the time. Jiang Yun has long been familiar with the scent of this perfume since the days of getting along in secret. She grabbed the corner of Lu Nianzhi’s clothes unconsciously, and her movements were so light that she didn’t let the other party feel it.

In the backyard downstairs, the voices of Zhang Yi and others were not small, and they all reached upstairs.

Someone asked: “What about Nianzhi, why is there no one suddenly?”

“Isn’t it still here just now, did you go to the front living room?”

Zhang Yi interjected: “Go get the things, and come down later.”

All those words were clearly heard in Jiang Yun’s ears, she pursed her lips, and then whispered: “You go down first…”

Lu Nianzhi snorted, but she didn’t mean to let go. She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at Jiang Yun with deep eyes. After a while, she raised her hand and squeezed Jiang Yun’s chin.

Jiang Yun was stunned for a while, he didn’t expect it to be like this, he curled his fingers uncontrollably, stood still and let this person compose his own breath.

At the beginning of their relationship, the sense of distance between the two was too heavy. If it wasn’t for emotion, they would block Jiang Yun’s lips on purpose, and at the rest of the time, they would not kiss. Difficult to part, can feel each other’s changes at any time.

It was smooth and symmetrical at first, then it became unstable, a little rushed, and slowly, it would become very messy, very messy…

For the sake of the other party, it is no longer peaceful, self-sufficiency and restraint are lost, reason turns into nothingness… Love is overflowing, throbbing like a wave soaking the sand, beating again and again.

Lu Nianzhi has taken the initiative to kiss her more often recently. He comes here from time to time, in the old house, behind the corridor, under the old tree outside the bar, and this time, he can’t count how many times.

Jiang Yun didn’t get used to it at first, but gradually accepted it. Just like at this moment, he was urging this person to go down quickly, but the next moment he didn’t push the other person away, but accepted the kiss.

The air is filled with the unique quiet smell of the evening, with a little anxiety and heat, melting those little stubborn things that are unclear.

Jiang Yun didn’t tell anyone that he was upstairs or that he was in this room, but Lu Nianzhi just came here. She knew that this person wasn’t here to get something, so she just came up with an excuse to have a look.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until there were light footsteps outside the door.

-Someone came up, I don’t know what to do, maybe they came up to find Lu Nianzhi.

Although the door had been locked, Jiang Yun was still nervous. She wanted to push the person in front of her away, but Lu Nianzhi first put his hand on the back of her head to prevent them from separating.

Jiang Yun murmured in a low voice, his wet red lips half-opened and half-closed, wanting to speak, but the other party swallowed all the words in one mouth.

She opened her eyes slightly, and involuntarily reached out and clenched the corner of the man’s clothes.

The footsteps were getting closer.

In fact, the sound insulation effect of the villa is good, but the sound of people walking in the aisle is really heavy, so even if the door is closed and separated by a certain distance, a slight sound can still be heard.

This room is on the far left, at the end of the aisle.

The people outside the door stopped at the end of the aisle, just a little past the door, and there seemed to be more than one person.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a conversation outside, saying something.

Jiang Yun couldn’t help feeling palpitations, his whole body was a little stagnant, not afraid, but a little uneasy, as if the thick walls and door panels suddenly became as thin as paper, and could be pierced at any time.

Hearing the occasional voices outside, she couldn’t help but get distracted. Lu Nianzhi was a little dissatisfied with this. He raised his hand and squeezed her chin lightly, then turned to the side of her face, and then slowly backed up to caress her behind her ear. touch.

At that time, the sky outside was completely dark, and the night was shrouded above, and the lights were lit downstairs at an unknown time.

The room was dark, but not completely invisible. The light from the backyard leaked in through the window. Although it was very faint, it could barely illuminate some of the outlines of the objects here.

Lu Nianzhi finally ended the kiss, but did not back away. She held Jiang Yun’s buttocks and carried him to the nearest high table to sit, ignoring the presence of acquaintances at the door.

Jiang Yun was not as calm as she was. When he was picked up, he instantly became unstable. He grabbed the man’s arm without even thinking about it. He didn’t dare to let go of her shoulders. Put it on the table to relax a bit.

She didn’t dare to speak, for fear of being discovered by outsiders, she only looked up at Lu Nianzhi.

“It’s okay…” Lu Nianzhi said in a very soft and slow voice when he came close to her ear.

The ears were a little itchy for a moment, and if there was a breath, Jiang Yun couldn’t help but leaned back slightly.

Lu Nianzhi took her reaction to the bottom of his eyes, not only did he not restrain himself, but he leaned over and gently touched the corner of her mouth.

Listening to the voices that were still continuing outside, Jiang Yun stepped back a little, not to let this person touch him. However, Lu Nianzhi didn’t realize it, so he went up to him again and kissed him directly.

At this moment, Jiang Yun clearly heard someone outside suddenly shout, “Azhao, here.”

The light in the aisle was suddenly turned on, and the light came in through the crack of the door, shining a line not far from the door.

Qin Zhao came up, drank a lot in the backyard, and came to the second floor to breathe.

Jiang Yun heard Qin Zhao’s voice, he should be saying hello to the person who came first, and then began to greet each other.

When these talents come up, they should wait for ten minutes or more before going down.

Jiang Yun’s back stiffened, his movements slowed down, and even Lu Nianzhi himself did not respond.

However, Lu Nianzhi became more arrogant, ended the kiss, and began to kiss her on the corners of her lips, the side of her face… and helped her to hook her falling hair behind her ears and pin it, then warmly touched her auricles. touch.

She didn’t hide, she didn’t resist, she just tightened her hand on the other person’s shoulder, and she couldn’t let it go after all, she was a little apprehensive.

Qin Zhao was talking, and Jiang Yun was too familiar with her voice. Even if she couldn’t hear what she was saying, she could identify it accurately.

Xu Shi’s hearing is very good. For a moment, Jiang Yun heard a man with a louder voice asking Qin Zhao about Xu Zhiyi. He couldn’t understand exactly what he was saying, but she was sure that he was talking about Xu Zhiyi.

Lu Nianzhi should have heard it, he touched her temple with his lips, and said, “Dou Ningcheng is coming to City C.”

Jiang Yun didn’t know Dou Ningcheng and was a little puzzled.

Lu Nianzhi explained: “Mr. Xu valued him very much, and asked him to come here to see Xu Zhiyi.”

So Jiang Yun understood. She remembered what she had heard from Zhang Yi and the others. Xu Zhiyi had a potential engagement partner. Strictly speaking, the two were not in a relationship, but the other was highly valued by the Xu family. He has always been regarded as the future son-in-law of the Xu family, and the two have plans to have a commercial marriage in the future.

However, Jiang Yun didn’t know that Qin Zhao could have a relationship with this Dou Ningcheng. Since everyone outside would ask about this, then Qin Zhao and Dou Ningcheng should have a good relationship. It was really messy.

Hearing this, Jiang Yun didn’t know how to react. After a long time, he hummed softly.

Lu Nianzhi watched every tiny movement of hers, but he didn’t say anything, just stroked her auricle with his fingertips.

After that, Jiang Yun couldn’t hear what was said outside. The night became more and more intense, and the light in the room became dim. She felt that she was hugged by Lu Nianzhi again, and she could only hug the other party. As for falling.

Lu Nianzhi always wanted to get in front of her, but he didn’t kiss her lips, endlessly.

Jiang Yun didn’t know when Qin Zhao and the others finished chatting about the world. Anyway, by the end of the day, she was pushed against the wall and could not stand still.

And that night, Lu Nianzhi couldn’t take her back to Anhe Lane. Later, someone really came up to look for this person. When those people were almost finished after the party, Jiang Yunwu drove back without saying a word to Lu Nianzhi.

That night, Jiang Yun lay in bed and couldn’t sleep, her thoughts were in a mess, she thought about a lot of things, and her worries were like a mess that couldn’t be solved, so she was able to fall asleep very late.

But after thinking about it so much at night, it was the same as usual when I woke up the next day, as if nothing had happened.

The next two days were sunny days. The temperature in City C always changed a lot. The temperature suddenly rose to about 30 degrees. The weather forecast indicated that the temperature would continue to rise.

Jiang Yun was afraid of the sun, and the two consecutive days of hot weather made her not go out much. Only this evening went to the university town to find He Yu, but she didn’t stay there for too long, and drove back at about 9:30. .

For some reason, Qin Zhao suddenly fell silent again. It wasn’t that Jiang Yun had to pay attention to an unimportant person, but it was strange that Qin Zhao was unwilling to look like that in Lu Nianzhi’s villa that day. He shouldn’t be so peaceful. right.

Jiang Yun was worried that this person would be too paranoid and would suddenly do something unexpected.

Fortunately, this was not the case, but something happened to the Qin family, and Qin Zhao rushed back that night.

Jiang Yun didn’t know all of this, but heard about it from others. The old lady Qin suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital. She seemed to be very ill and the situation was not very optimistic, so Qin Zhao hurried back. rush.

Knowing that the old lady Qin was ill, Jiang Yun was still a little bit sluggish. In her impression, the old lady was a very tough little old lady. She didn’t seem to get sick much in these years. .

Jiang Yun didn’t like the people of the Qin family, but when she knew that the old lady Qin was very ill, she was still a little complicated. Really not bad. Every time she went with Qin Zhao, although the old lady didn’t say anything, she still gave her two red envelopes or other things in the end, and occasionally said a few words euphemistically to show her concern.

But with emotion, Jiang Yun just thought about it in her heart and didn’t plan to visit, not to mention that she and Qin Zhao have nothing to do with it, even if they didn’t break up, if she went to visit, maybe there would be more people in the Qin family Not happy.

In the past, she would take Qin Zhao into consideration, and most of the time she would go after herself, but not now.

But if Jiang Yun didn’t go, someone would naturally go.

Xu Zhiyi went, and took two photos to send to the circle of friends.

Xu Zhiyi’s circle of friends has always blocked Jiang Yun, and I don’t know when it was unblocked again. Maybe it was after I was unhappy a few days ago, or maybe it was released for the purpose of posting this news, and it was deliberately sent to Jiang Yun to see.

Two photos, one in the hospital and one in the restaurant. The photo in the hospital is of course a photo of visiting old Mrs. Qin. There is a vague figure in the lower left corner. It looks like Qin Zhao who has rushed back overnight. There is no portrait in the other photo. A knife and fork, intended to reveal that he has eaten Western food alone with a certain person.

And the time of the photos is different, the former one is in the daytime and the latter one is at night, which has a deep meaning.

How Jiang Yun doesn’t understand, he understands when he sees it.

Xu Zhiyi just wanted to tell her that she was close to the Qin family and went out to dinner with Qin Zhao after visiting Mrs. Qin. Maybe she did something else later this evening.

Both of them went to eat western food together. After counting the time, Mrs. Qin must have escaped the danger and be fine, otherwise Qin Zhao would not have time to accompany Xu Zhiyi.

When Jiang Yun saw these two photos, his heart was calm, and he didn’t get the slightest bit of anger, but he had long expected it to be like this.

In the shopping mall that day, Jiang Yun said so directly, how could Xu Zhiyi bear it? This little girl is very clear, knowing that Qin Zhao treats her differently from Jiang Yun, and she still almost came, she remembered it in her heart, caught Opportunity to provoke back.

Since Xu Zhiyi would get involved in other people’s feelings, she must have understood everything in her heart. She knew exactly what Qin Zhao was thinking, but Jiang Yun pierced through her mind that day, and she lost face and didn’t know how to fight back. After holding back for several days, she finally wanted to. Demonstrated towards Jiang Yun.

She’s pretty smart, not stupid. She knows that she can’t take Qin Zhao in the photo, so she only shows off secretly.

Jiang Yun looked down on her.

The two of them should have many common friends. After all, they are all related to Qin Zhao’s circle of friends, but there are no likes and comments under this dynamic, it seems that it is only shown to Jiang Yun alone.

Thinking about it too, if it was made public, Qin Zhao and others would definitely see it, and it was impossible to find clues. Xu Zhiyi just wanted to demonstrate, so as not to be stupid enough to blow himself up.

She knew that Jiang Yun already knew about her relationship with Qin Zhao, so she no longer concealed it, but she wouldn’t go too far. She just posted a special message for Jiang Yun to see.

After all, she is the eldest lady of the rich family who has never been angry. She is too arrogant and can’t hold back.

Jiang Yun exited the photo and calmly entered Xu Zhiyi’s circle of friends. Everyone showed her the news alone. Naturally, there were other things waiting for Jiang Yun to find. Jiang Yun did what she wanted, just to see what she wanted to do.

Xu Zhiyi’s circle of friends is very dynamic, and she will post one in almost two or three days. Most of them are food punch cards. There are quite a few ladies and ladies with whom she interacts. A few Jiang Yun have seen it, but most of them don’t know each other. They are very rich, they are all well-dressed, and when they go in and out of high-end places, just carrying a bag can be worth half a year’s salary of ordinary people.

Jiang Yun scrolled down from the front, and read them one by one in a leisurely manner.

Xu Zhiyi is indeed proud of her capital, young, beautiful, and rich. Every photo reveals that she has a wealthy family, a wide circle of people, and that she can do whatever she wants. She lives a completely different life from ordinary people.

Earlier, Jiang Yun didn’t quite understand. For a girl like her, she couldn’t find what she wanted, so why did she have to hang herself three times on a tree, but she looked through more and more photos and saw After seeing what Xu Zhiyi’s real life was like, he actually understood a little bit.

For a rich lady like her who has never experienced society, she disdains everything about ordinary people at all. She has knowledge and money, and has enjoyed a prosperous life since she was a child. In fact, it can be more arbitrary than others.

She likes Qin Zhao, so what if Qin Zhao has a girlfriend? If someone else’s object is robbed, they will be robbed. As long as they don’t make a big fuss, it won’t have much impact at all.

Xu Zhiyi despised Jiang Yun, and in her heart Jiang Yun was not worthy of Qin Zhao either. Jiang Yun is very self-aware, and can guess what others think of her without guessing. She is from an ordinary family.

The threshold for rich people is high, ordinary people can’t get in, and others can’t see you.

Jiang Yun didn’t mind that the other party deliberately showed off his friends by opening his circle of friends, just to pass the time.

Aside from all kinds of extravagant enjoyments, Xu Zhiyi’s life is actually quite monotonous, all of them show off their wealth in the same way, so I scrolled down a dozen articles, the time was probably when Jiang Yun was about to propose a breakup, and finally began to be different. .

Jiang Yun turned to a blurred photo, the background was familiar, it was in a room, she identified it carefully for a while, and it seemed that it was in her house with Qin Zhao, in the left corner of the living room.

There is a small low table in the left corner of the house, and the plain vase on it is filled with handmade daisy flowers made by **** clouds, pale yellow.

This photo is a selfie, no face, only Xu Zhiyi’s **** collarbone in a nightgown. The lower right corner of the photo is a handmade daisy flower.

Jiang Yun looked at this photo quietly for a long time, the expression on his face was very light, and after a while, he continued to turn back.

Xu Zhiyi is more cautious. There are very few such photos in the circle of friends. She should have blocked Qin Zhao from some of the news, otherwise she would not dare to be so blatant.

She seemed to think that the relationship between herself and Qin Zhao was love, and she specially posted these specious photos, which no one else could see, except for the three parties in this game.

Further down, on March 12, Xu Zhiyi specially posted a circle of friends with two photos, a bouquet of flowers and the night view of the South Bridge in S City. This day is her birthday, and someone should accompany her to spend it together.

Jiang Yun remembered that Qin Zhao went on a business trip in March, but she forgot the exact day, but she went to S city anyway.

If it wasn’t a coincidence, the person who gave flowers and accompanied him on his birthday was Qin Zhao.

Of course, maybe Qin Zhao just sent his friend a bunch of flowers out of affection, and nothing really happened.

Nobody knows.

It will be gone in the future. It is similar to the previous ones. They are all pictures of eating, drinking, and having fun.

Jiang Yun was not interested in looking for clues any more. Seeing that it was almost eleven o’clock, he put down his phone and went to take a shower, counting the time to go to bed.

But after washing out, and just blow-drying his hair, he suddenly received a message on WeChat, which was sent by Lu Nianzhi.

At this time, the other party asked inexplicably, “At home?”

Jiang Yun was stunned for a while, standing by the window with his mobile phone in his hand, remembering that he hadn’t contacted this person since he left the villa, and it seemed like a long time had passed for two days.

She was about to reply to the news when she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the outside, when she suddenly saw a car parked outside her courtyard, and a tall and good-looking woman was standing beside the car.

—It was Lu Nianzhi.

The author has something to say: there is still three thousand, and it will be made up on Monday (updated on weekends).

This chapter draws a lottery, draw 2000jjb, 6 people points, try Ajin’s new function.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Mrs. Dong, acridine, you, abc, your tail catches an elephant, baa 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Zhushengcuo., kosoaa, Panglu, DetectiveLi, Liao Liao, hui, one by one;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Mu Chen 10; Mrs. Dong acridine 3; cool little yellow duck, born to be a human IE, marshmallow, cicc7, lesse, sleepwalking plan 1988, kosoaa, the universe is caught in the page, K Sang, idle potatoes, 25143304, do you eat sugar, Erwood Duck, see you if you come back, Emperor Ba’s little follower, rice Grid, La La La, Mei Chuan Kuzi, Jiang Linger, Ling Mio, Xi Ge, The World is Unparalleled, Jessie, Feng Xu in the Forest, Jacetsai, A Bao, Fat Road, Rich, Dummy, I Have a Book of Mountains and Seas, Zannier, Zi Yu, Shu Kuang Yi Drunk, 1 bottle of soy sauce;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Scadi’s little orange, DanErYo37 bottles; I wish people were in the wind 29 bottles; Teahuang 28 bottles; Xishen 24 bottles; Zhushengcuo., ROOT20 bottles; I was born for you ャ, Si Liang, md is it cold today, the fishing boat sings late al, Pansi, the three young masters, the emperor’s little follower, 10 bottles in the east; mountains and rivers, Jay, don’t talk about Fengyue, Xibao quack quack 9 bottles; (??_??) 8 bottles; a dean surnamed Wang, lx7 bottles; jacetsai 6 bottles; Ah Fan, 1113Irish, twinkle, Luoshuizhizhou, Shiba, Lu Xuanru, Yiyebianzhou, no Sugar, 41831803, 5 bottles of まこ; 3 bottles of Tomato Ginger Candy, Baiyu, Bai in the Dark Night, 25031332, Wang Eryou; 2 bottles of Lin Fengxu, Q, Lys, Xiaobaixiang, I want to eat pudding; Ale, koala cub, woc, Nanxun, Yuanyan lifetime push, left shoes and right wear, Qiqi, Wangli pocket 1 bottle.

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